2,908 research outputs found

    Clogging by sieving in microchannels: Application to the detection of contaminants in colloidal suspensions

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    We report on a microfluidic method that allows measurement of a small concentration of large contaminants in suspensions of solid micrometer-scale particles. To perform the measurement, we flow the colloidal suspension through a series of constrictions, i.e. a microchannel of varying cross-section. We show and quantify the role of large contaminants in the formation of clogs at a constriction and the growth of the resulting filter cake. By measuring the time interval between two clogging events in an array of parallel microchannels, we are able to estimate the concentration of contaminants whose size is selected by the geometry of the microfluidic device. This technique for characterizing colloidal suspensions offers a versatile and rapid tool to explore the role of contaminants on the properties of the suspensions

    The wall shear rate distribution for flow in random sphere packings

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    The wall shear rate distribution P(gamma) is investigated for pressure-driven Stokes flow through random arrangements of spheres at packing fractions 0.1 <= phi <= 0.64. For dense packings, P(gamma) is monotonic and approximately exponential. As phi --> 0.1, P(gamma) picks up additional structure which corresponds to the flow around isolated spheres, for which an exact result can be obtained. A simple expression for the mean wall shear rate is presented, based on a force-balance argument.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, RevTeX 4; significantly revised with significantly extended scop

    Risk of Depression in a Suburban Primary Care Setting Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    INTRODUCTION: Major depression is a common disorder affecting millions of adults each year. Many population-based surveys showed an increase in the number people with symptoms of depression at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim was to determine and compare the prevalence of depression risk in a primary care setting before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study based on retrospective review of medical records from a large suburban primary care clinic. Records of adults 18 years and older, seen between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020 and who had also been screened for depression using the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) were analyzed. RESULTS: Adults 18 years and older who completed the PHQ-9 assessment in 2019 and 2020 were 5078 and 4338, respectively. Risk of depression was 18.2% in 2019 and 14.8% in 2020 ( CONCLUSION: Although our results did not reflect the published literature reporting a higher prevalence of depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, they were consistent with reports of increased risk in females and younger adults

    Coherent control using adaptive learning algorithms

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    We have constructed an automated learning apparatus to control quantum systems. By directing intense shaped ultrafast laser pulses into a variety of samples and using a measurement of the system as a feedback signal, we are able to reshape the laser pulses to direct the system into a desired state. The feedback signal is the input to an adaptive learning algorithm. This algorithm programs a computer-controlled, acousto-optic modulator pulse shaper. The learning algorithm generates new shaped laser pulses based on the success of previous pulses in achieving a predetermined goal.Comment: 19 pages (including 14 figures), REVTeX 3.1, updated conten

    Generation of ultra-short light pulses by a rapidly ionizing thin foil

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    A thin and dense plasma layer is created when a sufficiently strong laser pulse impinges on a solid target. The nonlinearity introduced by the time-dependent electron density leads to the generation of harmonics. The pulse duration of the harmonic radiation is related to the risetime of the electron density and thus can be affected by the shape of the incident pulse and its peak field strength. Results are presented from numerical particle-in-cell-simulations of an intense laser pulse interacting with a thin foil target. An analytical model which shows how the harmonics are created is introduced. The proposed scheme might be a promising way towards the generation of attosecond pulses. PACS number(s): 52.40.Nk, 52.50.Jm, 52.65.RrComment: Second Revised Version, 13 pages (REVTeX), 3 figures in ps-format, submitted for publication to Physical Review E, WWW: http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Age-specific vaccine effectiveness of seasonal 2010/2011 and pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009 vaccines in preventing influenza in the United Kingdom

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    An analysis was undertaken to measure age-specific vaccine effectiveness (VE) of 2010/11 trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) and monovalent 2009 pandemic influenza vaccine (PIV) administered in 2009/2010. The test-negative case-control study design was employed based on patients consulting primary care. Overall TIV effectiveness, adjusted for age and month, against confirmed influenza A(H1N1)pdm 2009 infection was 56% (95% CI 42–66); age-specific adjusted VE was 87% (95% CI 45–97) in <5-year-olds and 84% (95% CI 27–97) in 5- to 14-year-olds. Adjusted VE for PIV was only 28% (95% CI x6 to 51) overall and 72% (95% CI 15–91) in <5-year-olds. For confirmed influenza B infection, TIV effectiveness was 57% (95% CI 42–68) and in 5- to 14-year-olds 75% (95% CI 32–91). TIV provided moderate protection against the main circulating strains in 2010/2011, with higher protection in children. PIV administered during the previous season provided residual protection after 1 year, particularly in the <5 years age group

    Theory of Pump Depletion and Spike Formation in Stimulated Raman Scattering

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    By using the inverse spectral transform, the SRS equations are solved and the explicit output data is given for arbitrary laser pump and Stokes seed profiles injected on a vacuum of optical phonons. For long duration laser pulses, this solution is modified such as to take into account the damping rate of the optical phonon wave. This model is used to interprete the experiments of Druhl, Wenzel and Carlsten (Phys. Rev. Lett., (1983) vol. 51, p. 1171), in particular the creation of a spike of (anomalous) pump radiation. The related nonlinear Fourier spectrum does not contain discrete eigenvalue, hence this Raman spike is not a soliton.Comment: LaTex file, includes two figures in LaTex format, 9 page

    Heidegger’s Underdeveloped Conception of the Undistinguishedness (Indifferenz) of Everyday Human Existence

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    This chapter provides an interpretation of the early Heidegger’s underdeveloped conception of the undistinguishedness of everyday human existence in Being and Time. After explaining why certain translation choices of some key terms in this text are interpretively and philosophically important, I first provide a concise argument for why the social constitution interpretation of the relation between ownedness and unownedness makes better overall sense of Heidegger’s ambivalent attitude toward the social constitution of the human being than the standard existentialist interpretation of this relation. I then proceed to the heart of this chapter, which develops his inchoate conception of the undistinguishedness of everydayness by arguing that it specifies the third distinctive mode of concrete human existence in addition to ownedness and unownedness. Accordingly, I show how unownedness is actually a generic phenomenon with two distinct species, namely, undistinguishedness and disownedness, which are at once closely related to, but also differ in significant respects from, each other. Consequently, instead of taking for granted a one-dimensional and mutually exclusive opposition between ‘authenticity’ and ‘inauthenticity’, I argue that we should adopt a two-dimensional and more nuanced understanding of the relations among undistinguishedness, disownedness, and ownedness that intersects with Heidegger’s underappreciated distinction between genuineness and ungenuineness. After raising and replying to some objections to this interpretation of undistinguishedness, I conclude this chapter by briefly sketching three of its philosophical consequences and pointing out its potential as an important resource for contemporary social theories

    The Effect of Air on Granular Size Separation in a Vibrated Granular Bed

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    Using high-speed video and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) we study the motion of a large sphere in a vertically vibrated bed of smaller grains. As previously reported we find a non-monotonic density dependence of the rise and sink time of the large sphere. We find that this density dependence is solely due to air drag. We investigate in detail how the motion of the intruder sphere is influenced by size of the background particles, initial vertical position in the bed, ambient pressure and convection. We explain our results in the framework of a simple model and find quantitative agreement in key aspects with numerical simulations to the model equations.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PRE, corrected typos, slight change