2,336 research outputs found

    Fiscal redistribution and income inequality in Latin America

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    Income inequality in Latin America ranks among the highest in the world. It can be traced back to the unequal distribution of assets (especially land and education) in the region. But the extent to which asset inequality translates into income inequality depends on the redistributive capacity of the state. This paper documents the performance of Latin American fiscal systems from the perspective of income redistribution using newly-available information on the incidence of taxes and transfers across the region. The findings indicate that: (i) the differences in income inequality before taxes and transfers between Latin America and Western Europe are much more modest than those after taxes and transfers; (ii) the key reason is that, in contrast with industrial countries, in most Latin American countries the fiscal system is of little help in reducing income inequality; and (iii) in countries where fiscal redistribution is significant, it is achieved mostly through transfers rather than taxes. These facts stress the need for fiscal reforms across the region to further the goal of social equity. However, different countries need to place different relative emphasis on raising tax collection, restructuring the tax system, and improving the targeting of expenditures.Taxation&Subsidies,Emerging Markets,Debt Markets,Economic Theory&Research,Poverty Impact Evaluation


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kekuasan pemerintah daerah menuurut Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang pemerintahan daerah. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Kewenangan Pemerintah pusat dilaksanakan pada lokasi lintas daerah provinsi atau lintas negara,  yang penggunaan sumber dayanya lebih efisien bagi kepentingan nasional apabila dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Pusat. Urusan Pemerintahan yang menjadi kewenangan daerah provinsi lokasinya lintas daerah kabupaten/kota dan penggunaan sumber dayanya lebih efisien apabila dilakukan oleh daerah provinsi. Urusan Pemerintahan yang menjadi kewenangan Daerah kabupaten/kota, lokasinya dalam Daerah kabupaten/kota yang manfaat atau dampak negatifnya hanya dalam Daerah kabupaten/kota; dan penggunaan sumber dayanya lebih efisien apabila dilakukan oleh daerah kabupaten/kota. 2. Klasifikasi urusan pemerintah perlu dilaksanakan sesuai pengaturan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, agar tidak terjadi tumpang tindih kewenangan berkaitan dengan merupakan urusan pemerintahan yang dibagi antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah provinsi dan Daerah kabupaten/kota. Kata kunci: Kekuasaan, Pemerintah, Pemerintahan Daera

    Implementasi Kebijakan Penempatan Pegawai Pada Kantor Bupati Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    The purpose of this study to uncover impelentasi staffing policy on North Bolaang Mongondow district office. The research methodology used is qualitative methods. Informants in this study were taken by 20 informants. Data were analyzed descriptively through the stages of research in the field edit data, perform data reduction, categorize units, interpretation of the data and test the validity of the data. From this study it can be concluded that the staffing policy implementation Regent Office North Bolaang Mongondow optimal enough. It is suggested in the staffing, Personnel Board area should always put the employee in accordance with education, because if an employee is not placed in accordance with the education, the employee will be difficult to achieve maximum employment. In the staffing, should be held before a test to see how much knowledge an employee of the office that will be occupied. Regional Employment Board as the party who has the authority to regulate the placement of employees required to be keen to see the skill level of employees in the work, so that later if the employee is placed in a position, an employee may be skilled in completing the work

    Respons Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Dalam Program Pensertipikatan Tanah Di Kelurahan Kombos Timur Manado

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    The purpose of the research was to find out and examine how the response of low-income communities in the land tiling program in th village East Kombos, Manado. The research method used was qualitative through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants totaled 24 people consisting of 17 heads of households who have received tthe program, village leader, a man of the district, one person from Manado City land office and four from North Sulawesi Provincial BPN Regional office. The result showed that response of land certification program for low income people was good enough because in terms of requirement to reach the communiy with the help of a certificate from the village office. In terms of time did not require to wait too long at a cost that was relaively affordable and straightforward procedure. The impact of this program,after obataining a certificate of land they have, their access to funders such as banks were very easily obtained and the funds received were used as their capital. It Could be concluded that the public response was quite good. The community were enthusiastically received in the execution of the program, because in terms of requirements it could be reached, in terms of time not too long with a relatively affordable cost and the procedure was not straightforward. The impact of this program, after obtaining the certificates on the land they had, their access to funders such as banks were very easily obtained and their welfare improve

    Kajian Kualitas Pelayanan Tera Ulang Meter Taksi Pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas Metrologi Dinas Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The aim of this study is to determine and describe the quality of service of taxi meter re-calibration in Metrology technical service unit North Sulawesi Province. So far, there is no success parameters that can be used as a reference service that the service has been provided by either or even vice-versa. Method used in this study was a qualitative method using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data was collected by observation, interviews and documentation obtained from the informants in this study, namely the five informants as a taxi driver and data was synchronized with the chief executive office of metrology unit, taxi manager, and executive officers re- calibration. Results and discussion showed total of armada taxi meter re- calibration in UPTD Metrologi as much as 315 unist. Total re-calibration in 2011 that qualified for the test on re-calibration statue valid and legal based UU No. 2 tahun 1981 about metrologi legal as much as 268 units, and not qualified as much as 47 units, among 20 armadas deviate from the technical provision, ie mileage shown over allowed toleranted is 4 % of mileage that had been tested so that could harm the consumen taxi users. 17 armadas damaged and in garage. Conclusions in this research is taxi meter company that operating in North Sulawesi Province not obey yet the rule that on law\u27s requirement except the Blue Bird company as national company that had been applied trade and nexus law. Otherwise the company not applied a tight rules against taxi meter USAge so that transaction the drivers between the pasengers use agreement (mouth argo). There are unformity tariff between one company and the other company. So that make the consumen taxi services users confused. This case not justified on UU No. 2 tahun 1981 about Metrology legal

    Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Penanggulangan Penyakit Rabies Di Desa Kalasey Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This study aimed to determine and assess the behavior of society in the prevention of rabies in the village District Kalasey Pineleng. The research method used was qualitative research by collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. Informants of 20 people selected by the owner (12 people who have pet dogs), 3 person ever bitten by dogs and 5 people who do not have a dog. The results showed that the public knew about rabies and disease characteristics and clinical symptoms, and they knew that rabies was dangerous disease. The ways of prevention of rabies disease was known by the informants only on conventional, such as feeding up, full, taking good care of, tied, bathed, and so forth. Medically the most they knew about the vaccine, and extension of the rabies vaccination was very rarely implemented, so they just waited for the officer to come. There were dog owners who deliberately did want to be vaccinated the dog their assumption that the dogs became weak and not grumpy anymore. Based on this research it could be concluded that the behavior of society in the prevention of rabies in the village District Kalasey Pineleng relatively well, especially in terms of knowledge about ways to prevent and control of this disease. Although the extension of the rabies disease and mass vaccination, it is rarely carried out but the knowledge of high society people behave so well. To reduce the incidence of rabies, effective ways to avoid dog bites and personal approach to implementing the program to the community. Government carries out mass vaccinations, routine and periodic free of charge so that people do not consider that it is a burden on dog owners

    Efektivitas Kinerja Pelayanan Surat Ijin Mengemudi Pada Satuan Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Resor Kota Manado

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    . This study aimed to assess the performance of a driver\u27s license services at the Office of the City Police Force Traffic Resort Manado (Manado Police Satlantas). The focus of research regarding police professionalism, work ethic and leadership. The research method used is qualitative, so it does not use statistical data analysis. Data collection was obtained through in-depth interviews of informants to 15 people consisting of 10 applicants driving license and 5 police officers in the service of a driver\u27s license. The results showed that the performance of the service has been excellent driving license that the applicant satisfied. This is because of the behavior of a professional working of police officers and supported the spirit of the work or the work ethic of the maximum. In addition, the lack of leadership that is conducive to making police officers performing services effective driving license. However, there are still complaints of the applicant\u27s driver\u27s license on time and queue length as the number of police on duty are lacking. Need additional officers, when recess was a replacement officer to prevent the happening of a long queue. Also need to limit the number of driver\u27s license applicants every day, as well as more advanced for the time of registration of the applicant does not have to wait too long to get a driver\u27s license
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