7,263 research outputs found

    Women's position and attitudes towards female genital mutilation in Egypt : a secondary analysis of the Egypt demographic and health surveys, 1995-2014

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    Background: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still widespread in Egyptian society. It is strongly entrenched in local tradition and culture and has a strong link to the position of women. To eradicate the practice a major attitudinal change is a required for which an improvement in the social position of women is a prerequisite. This study examines the relationship between Egyptian women's social positions and their attitudes towards FGM, and investigates whether the spread of anti-FGM attitudes is related to the observed improvements in the position of women over time. Methods: Changes in attitudes towards FGM are tracked using data from the Egypt Demographic and Health Surveys from 1995 to 2014. Multilevel logistic regressions are used to estimate 1) the effects of indicators of a woman's social position on her attitude towards FGM, and 2) whether these effects change over time. Results: Literate, better educated and employed women are more likely to oppose FGM. Initially growing opposition to FGM was related to the expansion of women's education, but lately opposition to FGM also seems to have spread to other segments of Egyptian society. Conclusions: The improvement of women's social position has certainly contributed to the spread of anti-FGM attitudes in Egyptian society. Better educated and less traditional women were at the heart of this change, and formed the basis from where anti-FGM sentiment has spread over wider segments of Egyptian society

    Cereal Leaf Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Influence of Seeding Rate of Oats on Populations

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    In field and greenhouse studies, more cereal leaf beetle [Oulema melanopus (Lin- naeus)] eggs and larvae were found per unit area on spring oats, Avena sativa L., planted either at intermediate (54 kg/ha) or high (136 kg/ha) seeding rates, than when planted at a lower seeding rate (14 kg/ha). However, there were fewer eggs and larvae per stem in plantings of the high or intermediate rates than in those of the lower rate. Oats should not be planted at less than the recommended rates in beetle-infested areas

    Laparoscopic versus open colorectal resection for cancer and polyps: A cost-effectiveness study

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    Methods: Participants were recruited in 2006-2007 in a district general hospital in the south of England; those with a diagnosis of cancer or polyps were included in the analysis. Quality of life data were collected using EQ-5D, on alternate days after surgery for 4 weeks. Costs per patient, from a National Health Service perspective (in British pounds, 2006) comprised the sum of operative, hospital, and community costs. Missing data were filled using multiple imputation methods. The difference in mean quality adjusted life years and costs between surgery groups were estimated simultaneously using a multivariate regression model applied to 20 imputed datasets. The probability that laparoscopic surgery is cost-effective compared to open surgery for a given societal willingness-to-pay threshold is illustrated using a cost-effectiveness acceptability curve

    R&D Funding in the Midwest: Are We Stuck in the Backseat?

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    Observations of First Occurrence and Severity of Potato Leafhopper, \u3ci\u3eEmpoasca Fabae\u3c/i\u3e (Harris), (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) in the North Central and Eastern United States.

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    This paper presents available data on the first occurrence dates and the damage severity of the potato leafhopper in the north central and north eastern United States collected during the past 47 years (1951-1997). The data were collected from a variety of sources including: potato leafhopper literature review; published reports; pest alerts; pest surveys; and delphi surveys. First occurrence and severity data show that the arrival time of potato leafhopper and subsequent damage severity varies substantially from year to year. A correlation analysis between date of first occurrence and severity of damage for Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the north central region and the northeastern region indicated no significant relationship between first arrival dates and damage severity. The lack of a relationship between the time of arrival of the migrant leafhopper and severity indicate that other factors, including frequency and magnitude of arrivals, weather conditions during the growing season and crop management contribute to the eventual severity of damage caused to crops by this migratory pest. The analysis of potato leafhopper severity data showed significant differences between years. There were no significant differences in severity among states within the north central region, indicating that potato leafhopper severity is a regional phenomenon

    The proposed flatland radar

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    A flexible very high frequency (VHF) stratosphere-troposphere (ST) radar configured for meteorological research is to be constructed near Urbana, Illinois. Measurement of small vertical velocities associated with synoptic-scale meteorology can be performed. A large Doppler microwave radar (CHILL) is located a few km from the site of the proposed ST radar. Since the microwave radar can measure the location and velocity of hydrometeors and the VHF ST radar can measure clear (or cloudy) air velocities, simultaneous observations by these two radars of stratiform or convective weather systems would provide valuable meteorological information

    Modifying a Commercial Centrifuge to Reduce Electromagnetic Interference and Evaluating Functionality of Ultrasound Equipment

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    The Project Management and Engineering Branch (SF4) supports the Human Health and Performance Directorate (HH&P) and is responsible for developing and supporting human systems hardware for the International Space Station (ISS). When a principal investigator's (PI) medical research project on the ISS is accepted, SF4 develops the necessary hardware and software to transport to the ISS. The two projects I primarily worked on were the centrifuge and ultrasound projects. Centrifuge: One concern with spacecraft such as the ISS is electromagnetic interference (EMI) from onboard equipment, typically from radio waves (frequencies of ~3 kHz to ~300 GHz), which can negatively affect nearby circuitry. Standard commercial centrifuges produce EMI above safety limits, so my task was to help reduce EMI production from this equipment. Two centrifuges were tested: one unmodified as a control and one modified. To reduce EMI below safety limits, one centrifuge was modified to become a Faraday shield, in which significant electrical contact was made between all regions of the centrifuge housing. This included removing non-conductive paint, applying conductive fabric to the lid and foam sealer, adding a 10,000 F decoupling capacitor across the power supply, and adding copper adhesive-mount gaskets to the housing interior. EMI testing of both centrifuges was performed in the EMI/EMC Control Test and Measurement Facility. EMI for both centrifuges was below safety limits for frequencies between 10 MHz and 15 GHz (pass); however, between 14 kHz and 10 MHz, EMI for the unmodified centrifuge exceeded safety limits (fail) as expected. Alternatively, for the modified centrifuge with the Faraday shield, EMI was below the safely limit of 55 dBV/m for electromagnetic frequencies between 14 kHz and 10 MHz. This result indicates our modifications were successful. The successful EMI test allowed us to communicate with the vendor what modifications they needed to make to their commercial unit to meet our specifications and to understand what needs to be done in lab to the new centrifuge. Our modifications will provide a standard for readying centrifuges for future missions. Once the new modified centrifuge arrives by the vendor, it will need to undergo EMI testing again for validation. The centrifuge is also in the process of compatibility testing with a custom stowage drawer, which is an ongoing project in SF4. Both of these items will be payloads on future missions to the ISS for various research purposes. Ultrasound: ISS currently has an onboard ultrasound (Ultrasound 2 system) for research and medical purposes. Every piece of medical flight hardware has an equivalent ground-unit so instrumentation can be routinely evaluated and transported to the ISS if necessary. The ground-unit ultrasound equipment must be evaluated every six months using a task performance sheet (TPS). A TPS is a document, written by the appropriate scientists and engineers, which describes how to run equipment and is written in such a way that astronauts with unspecialized training can follow the tasks. I was responsible for performing six TPSs on a combination of three ultrasounds and two video power converters (VPCs). Performing a TPS involves checking out and computationally documenting each piece of equipment removed from storage locations, setting up hardware and software, performing tasks to verify functionality, returning equipment, and logging items back into the computerized system. My work revealed all ground-unit ultrasounds were functioning properly. Because of proper function, a discrepancy report (DR) did not have to be opened. The TPS was then passed along to the Quality Engineering (QE) for review and ultimately given to Quality Assurance (QA). Other projects: In addition to my main projects, I participated in other tasks including troubleshooting an EEG headband, volunteering for an ultrasound training research study, and conformal coating printed circuit boards. My internship at SF4 has helped me understand how space systems hardware development for the ISS fits into NASA's mission and vision

    Application of Risk Informed Decision Making to Highly Reliable Three Dimensionally Woven Thermal Protection System for Mars Sample Return

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    The NASA Risk Informed Decision Making process is used to assess a trade space of three dimensionally woven thermal protection systems for application to the Mars Sample Return Earth Entry Vehicle. Candidate architectures are assessed based on mission assurance, technical development, cost, and schedule risk. Assessment methodology differed between the architectures, utilizing a four-point quantitative scale for mission assurance and technical development and highly tailored PERT techniques for cost and schedule. Risk results are presented, in addition to a review of RIDM effectiveness for this application