4,893 research outputs found

    Surface Divergences and Boundary Energies in the Casimir Effect

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    Although Casimir, or quantum vacuum, forces between distinct bodies, or self-stresses of individual bodies, have been calculated by a variety of different methods since 1948, they have always been plagued by divergences. Some of these divergences are associated with the volume, and so may be more or less unambiguously removed, while other divergences are associated with the surface. The interpretation of these has been quite controversial. Particularly mysterious is the contradiction between finite total self-energies and surface divergences in the local energy density. In this paper we clarify the role of surface divergences.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, submitted to proceedings of QFEXT0

    On the Bergman-Milton bounds for the homogenization of dielectric composite materials

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    The Bergman-Milton bounds provide limits on the effective permittivity of a composite material comprising two isotropic dielectric materials. These provide tight bounds for composites arising from many conventional materials. We reconsider the Bergman-Milton bounds in light of the recent emergence of metamaterials, in which unconventional parameter ranges for relative permittivities are encountered. Specifically, it is demonstrated that: (a) for nondissipative materials the bounds may be unlimited if the constituent materials have relative permittivities of opposite signs; (b) for weakly dissipative materials characterized by relative permittivities with real parts of opposite signs, the bounds may be exceedingly large

    Green's Dyadic Approach of the Self-Stress on a Dielectric-Diamagnetic Cylinder with Non-Uniform Speed of Light

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    We present a Green's dyadic formulation to calculate the Casimir energy for a dielectric-diamagnetic cylinder with the speed of light differing on the inside and outside. Although the result is in general divergent, special cases are meaningful. It is pointed out how the self-stress on a purely dielectric cylinder vanishes through second order in the deviation of the permittivity from its vacuum value, in agreement with the result calculated from the sum of van der Waals forces.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to proceedings of QFEXT0

    Casimir Energies and Pressures for ÎŽ\delta-function Potentials

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    The Casimir energies and pressures for a massless scalar field associated with ÎŽ\delta-function potentials in 1+1 and 3+1 dimensions are calculated. For parallel plane surfaces, the results are finite, coincide with the pressures associated with Dirichlet planes in the limit of strong coupling, and for weak coupling do not possess a power-series expansion in 1+1 dimension. The relation between Casimir energies and Casimir pressures is clarified,and the former are shown to involve surface terms. The Casimir energy for a ÎŽ\delta-function spherical shell in 3+1 dimensions has an expression that reduces to the familiar result for a Dirichlet shell in the strong-coupling limit. However, the Casimir energy for finite coupling possesses a logarithmic divergence first appearing in third order in the weak-coupling expansion, which seems unremovable. The corresponding energies and pressures for a derivative of a ÎŽ\delta-function potential for the same spherical geometry generalizes the TM contributions of electrodynamics. Cancellation of divergences can occur between the TE (ÎŽ\delta-function) and TM (derivative of ÎŽ\delta-function) Casimir energies. These results clarify recent discussions in the literature.Comment: 16 pages, 1 eps figure, uses REVTeX

    Spectral representation of the effective dielectric constant of graded composites

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    We generalize the Bergman-Milton spectral representation, originally derived for a two-component composite, to extract the spectral density function for the effective dielectric constant of a graded composite. This work has been motivated by a recent study of the optical absorption spectrum of a graded metallic film [Applied Physics Letters, 85, 94 (2004)] in which a broad surface-plasmon absorption band has been shown to be responsible for enhanced nonlinear optical response as well as an attractive figure of merit. It turns out that, unlike in the case of homogeneous constituent components, the characteristic function of a graded composite is a continuous function because of the continuous variation of the dielectric function within the constituent components. Analytic generalization to three dimensional graded composites is discussed, and numerical calculations of multilayered composites are given as a simple application.Comment: Physical Review E, submitted for publication

    Statistical-mechanical theory of the overall magnetic properties of mesocrystals

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    The mesocrystal showing both electrorheological and magnetorheological effects is called electro-magnetorheological (EMR) solids. Prediction of the overall magnetic properties of the EMR solids is a challenging task due to the coexistence of the uniaxially anisotropic behavior and structural transition as well as long-range interaction between the suspended particles. To consider the uniaxial anisotropy effect, we present an anisotropic Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation for calculating the effective permeabilities by adopting an explicit characteristic spheroid rather than a characteristic sphere used in the derivation of the usual Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation. Further, by applying an Ewald-Kornfeld formulation we are able to investigate the effective permeability by including the structural transition and long-range interaction explicitly. Our theory can reduce to the usual Kirkwood-Fr\"{o}hlich equation and Onsager equation naturally. To this end, the numerical simulation shows the validity of monitoring the structure of EMR solids by detecting their effective permeabilities.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Realizability of metamaterials with prescribed electric permittivity and magnetic permeability tensors

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    We show that any pair of real symmetric tensors \BGve and \BGm can be realized as the effective electric permittivity and effective magnetic permeability of a metamaterial at a given fixed frequency. The construction starts with two extremely low loss metamaterials, with arbitrarily small microstructure, whose existence is ensured by the work of Bouchitt{\'e} and Bourel and Bouchitt\'e and Schweizer, one having at the given frequency a permittivity tensor with exactly one negative eigenvalue, and a positive permeability tensor, and the other having a positive permittivity tensor, and a permeability tensor having exactly one negative eigenvalue. To achieve the desired effective properties these materials are laminated together in a hierarchical multiple rank laminate structure, with widely separated length scales, and varying directions of lamination, but with the largest length scale still much shorter than the wavelengths and attenuation lengths in the macroscopic effective medium.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Scalar Casimir Energies of Tetrahedra

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    New results for scalar Casimir self-energies arising from interior modes are presented for the three integrable tetrahedral cavities. Since the eigenmodes are all known, the energies can be directly evaluated by mode summation, with a point-splitting regulator, which amounts to evaluation of the cylinder kernel. The correct Weyl divergences, depending on the volume, surface area, and the corners, are obtained, which is strong evidence that the counting of modes is correct. Because there is no curvature, the finite part of the quantum energy may be unambiguously extracted. Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are considered and systematic behavior of the energy in terms of geometric invariants is explored.Comment: Talk given at QFEXT 1

    Dirac and Klein-Gordon particles in one-dimensional periodic potentials

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    We evaluate the dispersion relation for massless fermions, described by the Dirac equation, and for zero-spin bosons, described by the Klein-Gordon equation, moving in two dimensions and in the presence of a one-dimensional periodic potential. For massless fermions the dispersion relation shows a zero gap for carriers with zero momentum in the direction parallel to the barriers in agreement with the well-known "Klein paradox". Numerical results for the energy spectrum and the density of states are presented. Those for fermions are appropriate to graphene in which carriers behave relativistically with the "light speed" replaced by the Fermi velocity. In addition, we evaluate the transmission through a finite number of barriers for fermions and zero-spin bosons and relate it with that through a superlattice.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Direct mode summation for the Casimir energy of a solid ball

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    The Casimir energy of a solid ball placed in an infinite medium is calculated by a direct frequency summation using the contour integration. It is assumed that the permittivity and permeability of the ball and medium satisfy the condition Ï”1ÎŒ1=Ï”2ÎŒ2\epsilon_1 \mu_1=\epsilon_2\mu_2. Upon deriving the general expression for the Casimir energy, a dilute compact ball is considered (Ï”1−ϔ2)2/(Ï”1+Ï”2)2â‰Ș1(\epsilon_1 -\epsilon_2)^2/(\epsilon_1+\epsilon_2)^2\ll 1. In this case the calculations are carried out which are of the first order in Ο2\xi ^2 and take account of the five terms in the Debye expansion of the Bessel functions involved. The implication of the obtained results to the attempts of explaining the sonoluminescence via the Casimir effect is shortly discussed.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pages, no figures and tables, treatment of a dilute dielectric ball is revised, new references are adde
