7,758 research outputs found

    Erosion, corrosion and erosion-corrosion of EB PVD thermal barrier coatings

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    Electron beam (EB) physical vapour deposited (PVD) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have been used in gas turbine engines for a number of years. The primary mode of failure is attributed to oxidation of the bond coat and growth of the thermally grown oxide (TGO), the alumina scale that forms on the bond coat and to which the ceramic top coat adheres. Once the TGO reaches a critical thickness, the TBC tends to spall and expose the underlying substrate to the hot gases. Erosion is commonly accepted as a secondary failure mechanism, which thins the TBC thus reducing its insulation capability and increasing the TGO growth rate. In severe conditions, erosion can completely remove the TBC over time, again resulting in the exposure of the substrate, typically Ni-based superalloys. Since engine efficiency is related to turbine entry temperature (TET), there is a constant driving force to increase this temperature. With this drive for higher TETs comes corrosion problems for the yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ) ceramic topcoat. YSZ is susceptible to attack from molten calciumâ  magnesiumâ  aluminaâ  silicates (CMAS) which degrades the YSZ both chemically and micro-structurally. CMAS has a melting point of around 1240 à °C and since it is common in atmospheric dust it is easily deposited onto gas turbine blades. If the CMAS then melts and penetrates into the ceramic, the life of the TBC can be significantly reduced. This paper discusses the various failure mechanisms associated with the erosion, corrosion and erosionâ  corrosion of EB PVD TBCs. The concept of a dimensionless ratio D/d, where D is the contact footprint diameter and d is the column diameter, as a means of determining the erosion mechanism is introduced and discussed for E

    Nano and Micro indentation studies of bulk zirconia and EB PVD TBCs

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    In order to model the erosion of a material it is necessary to know the material properties of both the impacting particles as well as the target. In the case of electron beam (EB) physical vapour deposited(PVD) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) the properties of the columns as opposed to the coating as a whole are important. This is due to the fact that discrete erosion events are on a similar scale as the size of the individual columns. Thus nano* and micro* indentation were used to determine the hardness and the Young"s modulus of the columns. However, care had to be taken to ensure that it was the hardness of the columns that was being measured and not the coating as a whole. This paper discusses the differences in the results obtained when using the two different tests and relates them to the interactions between the indent and the columns of the EB PVD TBC microstructure. It was found that individual columns had a hardness of 14 GPa measured using nano indentation, while the hardness of the coating, using micro indentation decreased from 13 to 2.4 GPa as the indentation load increased from 0.1 to 3N. This decrease in hardness was attributed to the interaction between the indenter and a number of adjacent columns and the ability of the columns to move laterally under indentation

    Erosion of gadolinia doped EB-PVD TBCs

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    Gadolinia additions have been shown to significantly reduce the thermal conductivity of EB-PVD TBCs. The aim of this paper is to further the understanding on the effects of dopants on the erosion resistance of EB-PVD TBCs by studying the effects of 2 mol% Gd2O3 additions on the room and high temperature erosion resistance of as received and aged EB-PVD TBCs. Previously it has been reported that gadolinia additions increased the erosion rate of EB- PVD TBCs, this is indeed the case for room temperature erosion, however under high temperature (825 à °C) erosion conditions this is not the case and the doped TBCs have a slightly lower erosion rate than the standard YSZ EB-PVD TBCs. This has been attributed to a change in the erosion mechanisms that operate at the different temperatures. This change in mechanism was not expected under the impact conditions used and has been attributed to a change in the column diameter, and how this influences the dynamics of particle impactio

    Effect of microstructure and temperature on the erosion rates and mechanisms of modified EB PVD TBCs

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    Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) have now been used in gas turbine engines for a number of decades and are now considered to be an accepted technology. As there is a constant drive to increase the turbine entry temperature, in order to increase engine efficiency, the coatings operate in increasingly hostile environments. Thus there is a constant drive to both increase the temperature capabilities of TBCs while at the same time reducing their thermal conductivities. The thermal conductivity of standard 7 wt% yttria stabilized zirconia (7YSZ) electron beam (EB) physical vapour deposited (PVD) TBCs can be reduced in two ways: the first by modification of the microstructure of the TBC and the second by addition of ternary oxides. By modifying the microstructure of the TBC such that there are more fine pores, more photon scattering centres are introduced into the coatings, which reduce the heat transfer by radiation. While ternary oxides will introduce lattice defects into the coating, which increases the phonon scattering, thus reducing the thermal conductivity via lattice vibrations. Unfortunately, both of these methods can have a negative effect on the erosion resistance of EB PVD TBCs. This paper compares the relative erosion rates of ten different EB PVD TBCs tested at 90à ° impact at room temperature and at high temperature and discusses the results in term of microstructural and temperature effects. It was found that by modifying the coating deposition, such that a low density coating with a highly â  featheredâ  microstructure formed, generally resulted in an increase in the erosion rate at room temperature. When there was a significant change between the room temperature and the high temperature erosion mechanism it was accompanied by a significant decrease in the erosion rate, while additions of dopents was found to significantly increase the erosion rate at room and high temperature. However, all the modified coatings still had a lower erosion rate than a plasma sprayed coatings. So, although, relative to a standard 7YSZ coating, the modified coatings have a lower erosion resistance, they still perform better than PS TBCs and their lower thermal conductivities could make them viable alternatives to 7YSZ for use in gas turbine en

    Plausible responses to the threat of rapid sea-level rise for the Thames Estuary

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    This paper considers the perceptions and responses of selected stakeholders to a scenarion of rapid rise in sea-level due to the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which could produce a global rise in sea-level of 5 to 6 metres. Through a process of dialogue involving one-to one interviews and a one-day policy exercise, we addressed influences on decision-making when information is uncertain and our ability to plan, prepare for and implement effective ways of coping with this extreme scenario. Through these interactions we hoped to uncover plausible responses to the scenario and identify potential weaknesses in our current flood management approaches to dealing with such an occurrence. By undertaking this exploratory exercise we hoped to find out whether this was a feasible way to deal with such a low probability but high consequence scenario. It was the process of finding a solution that interested us rather than the technical merits of one solution over another. We were not intending to produce definitive set of recommendations on how to respond but to gain insights into the process of making a decision, specifically what influences it and what assumptions are made.Sea level rise, London

    Developmental Contexts and Features of Elite Academy Footoall Players: Coach and Player Perspectives

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    Player profiling can reap many benefits; through reflective coach-athlete dialogue that produces a profile the athlete has a raised awareness of their own development, while the coach has an opportunity to understand the athlete's viewpoint. In this study, we explored how coaches and players perceived the development features of an elite academy footballer and the contexts in which these features are revealed, in order to develop a player profile to be used for mentoring players. Using a Delphi polling technique, coaches and players experienced a number of ‘rounds’ of expressing their opinions regarding player development contexts and features, ultimately reduced into a consensus. Players and coaches had differing priorities on the key contexts of player development. These contexts, when they reflect the consensus between players and coaches were heavily dominated by ability within the game and training. Personal, social, school, and lifestyle contexts featured less prominently. Although ‘discipline’ was frequently mentioned as an important player development feature, coaches and players disagreed on the importance of ‘training’

    Conceptualising and mapping coupled estuary, coast and inner shelf sediment systems

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    Whilst understanding and predicting the effects of coastal change are primarily modelling problems, it is essential that we have appropriate conceptual frameworks for (1) the formalisation of existing knowledge; (2) the formulation of relevant scientific questions and management issues; (3) the implementation and deployment of predictive models; and (4) meaningful engagement involvement of stakeholders. Important progress continues to be made on the modelling front, but our conceptual frameworks have not evolved at a similar pace. Accordingly, this paper presents a new approach that re-engages with formal systems analysis and provides a mesoscale geomorphological context within which the coastal management challenges of the 21st century can be more effectively addressed. Coastal and Estuarine System Mapping (CESM) is founded on an ontology of landforms and human interventions that is partly inspired by the coastal tract concept and its temporal hierarchy of sediment sharing systems, but places greater emphasis on a hierarchy of spatial scales. This extends from coastal regions, through landform complexes, to landforms, the morphological adjustment of which is constrained by diverse forms of human intervention. Crucially, CESM integrates open coastal environments with estuaries and relevant portions of the inner shelf that have previously been treated separately. In contrast to the nesting of littoral cells that has hitherto framed shoreline management planning, CESM charts a complex web of interactions, of which a sub-set of mass transfer pathways defines the sediment budget, and a multitude of human interventions constrains natural landform behaviour. Conducted within a geospatial framework, CESM constitutes a form of knowledge formalisation in which disparate sources of information (published research, imagery, mapping, raw data etc.) are generalised into usable knowledge. The resulting system maps provide a framework for the development and application of predictive models and a repository for the outputs they generate (not least, flux estimates for the major sediment system pathways). They also permit comparative analyses of the relative abundance of landforms and the multi-scale interactions between them. Finally, they articulate scientific understanding of the structure and function of complex geomorphological systems in a way that is transparent and accessible to diverse stakeholder audiences. As our models of mesoscale landform evolution increase in sophistication, CESM provides a platform for a more participatory approach to their application to coastal and estuarine management

    Optical recording from respiratory pattern generator of foetal mouse brainstem reveals a distributed network

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    Author Posting. Š The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B. V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Neuroscience 137 (2006): 1221-1227, doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.10.053.Unfailing respiration depends on neural mechanisms already present in mammals before birth. Experiments were made to determine how inspiratory and expiratory neurons are grouped in the brainstem of fetal mice. A further aim was to assess whether rhythmicity arises from a single pacemaker or is generated by multiple sites in the brainstem. To measure neuronal firing, a fluorescent calcium indicator dye was applied to embryonic central nervous systems isolated from mice. While respiratory commands were monitored electrically from third to fifth cervical ventral roots, activity was measured optically over areas containing groups of respiratory neurones, or single neurones, along the medulla from the facial nucleus to the pre-BÜtzinger complex. Large optical signals allowed recordings to be made during individual respiratory cycles. Inspiratory and expiratory neurones were intermingled. A novel finding was that bursts of activity arose in a discrete area intermittently, occurring during some breaths, but failing in others. Raised CO2 partial pressure or lowered pH increased the frequency of respiration; neurons then fired reliably with every cycle. Movies of activity revealed patterns of activation of inspiratory and expiratory neurones during successive respiratory cycles; there was no evidence for waves spreading systematically from region to region. Our results suggest that firing of neurons in immature respiratory circuits is a stochastic process, and that the rhythm does not depend on a single pacemaker. Respiratory circuits in fetal mouse brainstem appear to possess a high safety factor for generating rhythmicity, which may or may not persist as development proceeds.Supported by grants from FONDECYT #1010242 and #7010242 to J.E., NIH DC05259 to L.C., the state of FL to K.M., and an Evelyn and Melvin Spiegel Foundation Award for a summer research fellowship at the MBL to J.E
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