756 research outputs found

    Bipartite partial duals and circuits in medial graphs

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    It is well known that a plane graph is Eulerian if and only if its geometric dual is bipartite. We extend this result to partial duals of plane graphs. We then characterize all bipartite partial duals of a plane graph in terms of oriented circuits in its medial graph.Comment: v2: minor changes. To appear in Combinatoric

    A chemical and biological survey of the lower Potomac River in the vicinity of Piney Point, Maryland

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    This report presents the results of a survey of benthic organisms in the lower Potomac River estuary in the vicinity of Steuart Petroleum Company\u27s facilities at Piney Point, Maryland (Fig. 1). This survey was conducted to provide baseline data for the assessment of impact of the expansion of pier facilities at Steuart Petroleum. The environmental impact assessment is being made by Enviro Plan, Inc

    Distribution of copper and zinc in oysters and sediments from three coastal-plain estuaries.

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    Copper and zinc were analyzed in oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from the Newport River estuary, North Carolina, and the Rappahannock River estuary, Virginia. Results indicated that a concentration gradient existed, higher concentrations of metals being found in animals living in fresher waters as was shown previously for oysters in the James, York, and Rappahannock estuaries in Virginia. Absorbed, precipitatcd-coprecipitated, and organic fractions of copper and zinc in the \u3c63-ÎŒm portion of the sediments from the Rappahannock and York rivers and estuaries were estimated from collections made in January 1972 and June 1973. These sediment data are discussed for both estuarine systems and are compared with metal concentrations in oysters. These comparisons indicated that the concentration gradient found in oysters does not appear to be related to the distribution of copper and zinc in the sediments. Alternative explanations for the inverse relationships between concentrations of copper and zinc in oysters and salinity arc given.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsbooks/1146/thumbnail.jp

    Considerations for accurate gene expression measurement by reverse transcription quantitative PCR when analysing clinical samples

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    Reverse transcription quantitative PCR is an established, simple and effective method for RNA measurement. However, technical standardisation challenges combined with frequent insufficient experimental detail render replication of many published findings challenging. Consequently, without adequate consideration of experimental standardisation, such findings may be sufficient for a given publication but cannot be translated to wider clinical application. This article builds on earlier standardisation work and the MIQE guidelines, discussing processes that need consideration for accurate, reproducible analysis when dealing with patient samples. By applying considerations common to the science of measurement (metrology), one can maximise the impact of gene expression studies, increasing the likelihood of their translation to clinical tools

    Spatial patterns in host-associated and free-living bacterial communities across six temperate estuaries

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    A major goal of microbial ecology is to establish the importance of spatial and environmental factors in driving community variation. Their relative importance likely varies across spatial scales, but focus has primarily been on free-living communities within well-connected aquatic environments rather than less connected island-like habitats such as estuaries, and key host-associated communities within these systems. Here we sampled both free-living (seawater and sediment) and host-associated (estuarine fish hindgut microbiome, Pelates sexlineatus) communities across six temperate Australian estuaries spanning ∌500 km. We find that spatial and environmental factors have different influences on these communities, with seawater demonstrating strong distance-decay relationships (R = -0.69) and significant associations with a range of environmental variables. Distance-decay relationships were weak for sediment communities but became stronger over smaller spatial scales (within estuaries, R = -0.5), potentially reflecting environmental filtering across biogeochemical gradients or stochastic processes within estuary sediments. Finally, P. sexlineatus hindgut microbiome communities displayed weak distance-decay relationships (R = -0.36), and limited variation explained by environmental variables, indicating the significance of host-related factors in driving community variation. Our findings provide important ecological insights into the spatial distributions and driving forces of both free-living and host-associated bacterial patterns across temperate estuarine systems

    Making standards for quantitative real-time pneumococcal PCR.

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    Quantitative lytA PCR is often performed using in-house standards. We hypothesised equivalence when measuring a standard suspension of Streptococcus pneumoniae by colony-forming-units (CFU) or genome-copies. Median (IQR) ratio of CFU/genome-copies was 0.19 (0.1-1.2). Genome-copies were less variable than CFU, but the discrepancy between the methods highlights challenges with absolute quantification

    Helicity, polarization, and Riemann-Silberstein vortices

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    Riemann-Silberstein (RS) vortices have been defined as surfaces in spacetime where the complex form of a free electromagnetic field given by F=E+iB is null (F.F=0), and they can indeed be interpreted as the collective history swept out by moving vortex lines of the field. Formally, the nullity condition is similar to the definition of "C-lines" associated with a monochromatic electric or magnetic field, which are curves in space where the polarization ellipses degenerate to circles. However, it was noted that RS vortices of monochromatic fields generally oscillate at optical frequencies and are therefore unobservable while electric and magnetic C-lines are steady. Here I show that under the additional assumption of having definite helicity, RS vortices are not only steady but they coincide with both sets of C-lines, electric and magnetic. The two concepts therefore become one for waves of definite frequency and helicity. Since the definition of RS vortices is relativistically invariant while that of C-lines is not, it may be useful to regard the vortices as a wideband generalization of C-lines for waves of definite helicity.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Submitted to J of Optics A, special issue on Singular Optics; minor changes from v.

    Transport behavior of holes in boron delta-doped diamond structures

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    Boron delta-doped diamond structures have been synthesized using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition and fabricated into FET and gated Hall bar devices for assessment of the electrical characteristics. A detailed study of variable temperature Hall, conductivity, and field-effect mobility measurements was completed. This was supported by Schr€dinger-Poisson and relaxation time o calculations based upon application of Fermi’s golden rule. A two carrier-type model was developed with an activation energy of 0.2eVbetweenthedeltalayerlowestsubbandwithmobility0.2 eV between the delta layer lowest subband with mobility 1 cm2/Vs and the bulk valence band with high mobility. This new understanding of the transport of holes in such boron delta-doped structures has shown that although Hall mobility as high as 900 cm2/Vs was measured at room temperature, this dramatically overstates the actual useful performance of the device

    From Spinor Geometry to Complex General Relativity

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    An attempt is made of giving a self-contained (although incomplete) introduction to holomorphic ideas in general relativity, following work over the last thirty years by several authors. The main topics are complex manifolds, two-component spinor calculus, conformal gravity, alpha-planes in Minkowski space-time, alpha-surfaces and twistor geometry, anti-self-dual space-times and Penrose transform, spin-3/2 potentials, heaven spaces and heavenly equations.Comment: With kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media to use material in the first 5 sections taken from the 1995 Kluwer book "Complex General Relativity" by G. Esposito. In the revised version, 11 References have been adde

    Elevated estuary water temperature drives fish gut dysbiosis and increased loads of pathogenic vibrionaceae

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    Marine water temperatures are increasing globally, with eastern Australian estuaries warming faster than predicted. There is growing evidence that this rapid warming of coastal waters is increasing the abundance and virulence of pathogenic members of the Vibrionaceae, posing a significant health risk to both humans and aquatic organisms. Fish disease, notably outbreaks of emerging pathogens in response to environmental perturbations such as heatwaves, have been recognised in aquaculture settings. Considerably less is known about how rising sea surface temperatures will impact the microbiology of wild fish populations, particularly those within estuarine systems that are more vulnerable to warming. We used a combination of Vibrio-specific quantitative PCR and amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA and hsp60 genes to examine seawater and fish (Pelates sexlineatus) gut microbial communities across a quasi-natural experimental system, where thermal pollution from coal-fired power stations creates a temperature gradient of up to 6 °C, compatible with future predicted temperature increases. At the warmest site, fish hindgut microbial communities were in a state of dysbiosis characterised by shifts in beta diversity and a proliferation (71.5% relative abundance) of the potential fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae. Comparable patterns were not identified in the surrounding seawater, indicating opportunistic proliferation within estuarine fish guts under thermal stress. A subsequent evaluation of predicted future warming-related risk due to pathogenic Vibrionaceae in temperate estuarine fish demonstrated that warming is likely to drive opportunistic pathogen increases in the upper latitudinal range of this estuarine fish, potentially impacting adaptations to future warming. These findings represent a breakthrough in our understanding of the dynamics of emerging pathogens in populations of wild aquatic organisms within environments likely to experience rapid warming under future climate change
