19 research outputs found

    The decisions of Spanish youth : a cross-section study

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis paper presents a simultaneous model for the joint decisions of working, studying and leaving the parental household by young people in Spain. Using cross-section data from the 1990–1991 Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares, the model is estimated by a two stage estimation method. Endogeneity of the three decisions proves to be important in order to understand the dynamics of household formation. Our results also confirm a number of plausible intuitions about the effect of individual characteristics and economic variables on these decisions, and provide some new insights into the reasons for young people in Spain remaining in large numbers in the parental home. Most of the results are gender independent.Publicad

    Emancipation under the great recession in Spain.

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    ABSTRACT: In this paper we document the behavior of emancipation over one of the biggest boom–bust cycles experienced by the Spanish economy. In principle, the economic difficulties faced by the Spanish youth during the last recession would have hampered a normal emancipation pace. However, we find that the proportion living away from parents among those aged 18–40 has not decreased but increased from 44 % during the boom (2005–2008) to 46 % during the bust (2009–2013). A simple decomposition reveals that this is mainly driven by the substantial rise in the emancipation rate among the full-time employed workers during the bust. To explain this change we discuss several factors such as macroeconomic conditions, rental subsidy policy, higher labor mobility, selection bias, reverse causation, timelag in adjustment and secular trend.MEC(IP: María Paz Espinosa Alejos, UPV

    How are time-dependent childbearing intentions realized? Realization, postponement, abandonment, bringing forward

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    Our study aims to identify factors that facilitate or inhibit the realization of fertility intentions. The analysis uses data collected in the first two waves of a Hungarian longitudinal survey. Fertility intentions recorded at the first wave pertain to the subsequent 3-year period, just similar to the behavior variable measuring the realization of intentions, i.e., a birth within the 3-year period in question. For this analysis, we used the respondents’ demographic, socio-structural, and orientational traits recorded at the first interview. Our findings show that age, parity, and partnership play a determining role in the realization of fertility intentions, but employment status, religious affiliation, and overall life satisfaction all exhibit significant effects. A marked gender difference was detected not only with regard to employment status but in the area of values and orientations as well.L’objectif de notre étude est d’identifier les facteurs qui facilitent ou inhibent la réalisation des intentions de fécondité. L’analyse s’appuie sur les deux premières vagues d’une enquête longitudinale menée en Hongrie. Les intentions de fécondité recueillies dans le cadre de la première vague concernent la période des trois années à venir, de la même façon que la variable de comportement mesurant la réalisation des intentions, à savoir, une naissance survenue au cours de cette même période. Les caractéristiques démographiques et socio-structurelles, de même que certaines dispositions personnelles recueillies lors du premier entretien ont été utilisées dans l’analyse. Nos résultats indiquent qu’à la fois l’âge, la parité, et la situation de couple jouent un rôle capital dans la réalisation des intentions et aussi que la situation d’emploi, l’appartenance religieuse et le niveau de satisfaction par rapport à la vie exercent une influence significative. Une différence prononcée entre hommes et femmes est mise en évidence en matière de situation d’emploi et également dans le domaine des valeurs et des dispositions personnelles

    Differential Cross Section of DP-Elastic Scattering at Intermediate Energies

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    The deuteron-proton elastic scattering is studied in the multiple scattering expansion formalism. The contributions of the one-nucleon-exchange, single- and double scattering are taken into account. The Love and Franey parameterization of the nucleon-nucleon tt-matrix is used, that gives an opportunity to include the off-energy-shell effects into calculations. Differential cross sections are considered at four energies, Td=390,500,880,1200T_d=390, 500, 880, 1200 MeV. The obtained results are compared with the experimental data

    Accommodation Downsizing

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    OverviewAging in place policies are a common response of governments to population aging (See “Aging in Place”). Typically, this involves increasing aged care services delivered to the home and home modifications to improve accessibility, thereby reducing (or postponing) transitions to more costly institutional aged care (See “Home Modifications”). This aligns with the desire of many older people to remain in their family homes for as long as possible (Venti and Wise 1990; Olsberg and Winters 2005; Croucher 2008; Judd et al. 2010; Porteus 2011; Fernald 2014; James 2016a). However, contradictory factors to “staying put” include the unsuitability/inaccessibility of the design of conventional housing stock; the increasing maintenance burden accompanying declining ability or sudden shocks of illness, disability, relationship breakdown, and partner’s death; claims of underutilization of housing by older people; and potential for reducing housing equity to support nonhousing consumption due to reduced post retirement income (See “Home Equity Conversions”). These constitute the main arguments for older people downsizing their accommodation to continue aging in place. However, downsizing among older people is not as prevalent or straightforward as this implies