13,188 research outputs found

    Teleprinter uses thermal printing technique

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    Alphameric/facsimile printer receives serial digital data in the form of a specified number of bits per group and prints it on thermally sensitive paper. A solid state shift-register memorizes the incoming serial digital data

    Scaling Properties of Paths on Graphs

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    Let GG be a directed graph on finitely many vertices and edges, and assign a positive weight to each edge on GG. Fix vertices uu and vv and consider the set of paths that start at uu and end at vv, self-intersecting in any number of places along the way. For each path, sum the weights of its edges, and then list the path weights in increasing order. The asymptotic behaviour of this sequence is described, in terms of the structure and type of strongly connected components on the graph. As a special case, for a Markov chain the asymptotic probability of paths obeys either a power law scaling or a weaker type of scaling, depending on the structure of the transition matrix. This generalizes previous work by Mandelbrot and others, who established asymptotic power law scaling for special classes of Markov chains.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    How will disenfranchised Peoples adapt to Climate Change? Strengthening the Ecojustice Movement

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    The Fourth assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) acknowledged That millions of people are currently, and will increasingly be, affected by the impacts of climate change, in the form of floods, droughts and other extreme events, as well as related threats to food security. In response to these global environmental changes, the international community, including civil society, is acting on the need for immediate adaptation measures and is developing strategies for future adaptation. However, the impacts of climate change are unevenly distributed, with many of the poorest, most vulnerable peoples experiencing the immediate effects of climate change, in the here and now. As the IPCC noted, developing countries are disproportionately affected by climate change and often, the least able to adapt due to lack of infrastructure and resources

    Identification and nucleotide sequences of mxaA, mxaC, mxaK, mxaL, and mxaD genes from Methylobacterium extorquens AM1

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    The DNA sequence for a 4.4-kb HindIII-XhoI Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 DNA fragment that is known to contain three genes (mxaAKL) involved in incorporation of calcium into methanol dehydrogenase (I. W. Richardson and C. Anthony, Biochem. J. 287:709-7115, 1992) was determined. Five complete open reading frames and two partial open reading frames were found, suggesting that this region contains previously unidentified genes. A combination of sequence analysis, mutant complementation data, and gene expression studies showed that these genes correspond to mxaSACKLDorf1. Of the three previously unidentified genes (mxaC, mxaD, and orf1), mutant complementation studies showed that mxaC is required for methanol oxidation, while the function of the other two genes is still unknown

    Chemistry vs. Physics: A Comparison of How Biology Majors View Each Discipline

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    A student's beliefs about science and learning science may be more or less sophisticated depending on the specific science discipline. In this study, we used the physics and chemistry versions of the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) to measure student beliefs in the large, introductory physics and chemistry courses, respectively. We compare how biology majors -- generally required to take both of the courses -- view these two disciplines. We find that these students' beliefs are more sophisticated about physics (more like the experts in that discipline) than they are about chemistry. At the start of the term, the average % Overall Favorable score on the CLASS is 59% in physics and 53% in chemistry. The students' responses are statistically more expert-like in physics than in chemistry on 10 statements (P lesser-than-or-equal-to 0.01), indicating that these students think chemistry is more about memorizing disconnected pieces of information and sample problems, and has less to do with the real world. In addition, these students' view of chemistry degraded over the course of the term. Their favorable scores shifted -5.7% and -13.5% in 'Overall' and the 'Real World Connection' category, respectively; in the physics course, which used a variety of research-based teaching practices, these scores shifted 0.0% and +0.3%, respectively. The chemistry shifts are comparable to those previously observed in traditional introductory physics courses

    Global atmospheric sampling program

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    Automated instruments were installed on a commercial B-747 aircraft, during the program, to obtain baseline data and to monitor key atmospheric constituents associated with emissions of aircraft engines in order to determine if aircraft are contributing to pollution of the upper atmosphere. Data thus acquired on a global basis over the commercial air routes for 5 to 10 years will be analyzed. Ozone measurements in the 29,000 to 45,000 foot altitude were expanded over what has been available from ozonesondes. Limited aerosol composition measurements from filter samples show low levels of sulfates and nitrates in the upper troposphere. Recently installed instruments for measurement of carbon monoxide and condensation nuclei are beginning to return data

    Lightweight, self-evacuated insulation panels

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    Multilayer insulation of prefabricated panels is developed for cryogenic storage tanks. System utilizes panels of aluminized Mylar separated by sheets of low conductivity polyurethane foam. Panels are self-evacuated by cryopumping of gaseous carbon dioxide at time of use

    Rigid open-cell polyurethane foam for cryogenic insulation

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    Lightweight polyurethane foam assembled in panels is effective spacer material for construction of self-evacuating multilayer insulation panels for cryogenic liquid tanks. Spacer material separates radiation shields with barrier that minimizes conductive and convective heat transfer between shields

    STM and ab initio study of holmium nanowires on a Ge(111) Surface

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    A nanorod structure has been observed on the Ho/Ge(111) surface using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The rods do not require patterning of the surface or defects such as step edges in order to grow as is the case for nanorods on Si(111). At low holmium coverage the nanorods exist as isolated nanostructures while at high coverage they form a periodic 5x1 structure. We propose a structural model for the 5x1 unit cell and show using an ab initio calculation that the STM profile of our model structure compares favorably to that obtained experimentally for both filled and empty states sampling. The calculated local density of states shows that the nanorod is metallic in character.Comment: 4 pages, 12 figures (inc. subfigures). Presented at the the APS March meeting, Baltimore MD, 200

    Correlating Student Beliefs With Student Learning Using The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey

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    A number of instruments have been designed to probe the variety of attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and epistemological frames taught in our introductory physics courses. Using a newly developed instrument -- the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS)[1] -- we examine the relationship between students' beliefs about physics and other educational outcomes, such as conceptual learning and student retention. We report results from surveys of over 750 students in a variety of courses, including several courses modified to promote favorable beliefs about physics. We find positive correlations between particular student beliefs and conceptual learning gains, and between student retention and favorable beliefs in select categories. We also note the influence of teaching practices on student beliefs
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