159 research outputs found

    NUV/Blue spectral observations of sprites in the 320-460 nm region: N2{\mathrm N_2} (2PG) Emissions

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    A near-ultraviolet (NUV) spectrograph (320-460 nm) was flown on the EXL98 aircraft sprite observation campaign during July 1998. In this wavelength range video rate (60 fields/sec) spectrographic observations found the NUV/blue emissions to be predominantly N2 (2PG). The negligible level of N2+ (1NG) present in the spectrum is confirmed by observations of a co-aligned, narrowly filtered 427.8 nm imager and is in agreement with previous ground-based filtered photometer observations. The synthetic spectral fit to the observations indicates a characteristic energy of ~1.8 eV, in agreement with our other NUV observations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, JGR Space Physics "Effects of Thunderstorms and Lightning in the Upper Atmosphere" Special Sectio

    Frequency evaluation of the doubly forbidden 1S03P0^1S_0\to ^3P_0 transition in bosonic 174^{174}Yb

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    We report an uncertainty evaluation of an optical lattice clock based on the 1S03P0^1S_0\leftrightarrow^3P_0 transition in the bosonic isotope 174^{174}Yb by use of magnetically induced spectroscopy. The absolute frequency of the 1S03P0^1S_0\leftrightarrow^3P_0 transition has been determined through comparisons with optical and microwave standards at NIST. The weighted mean of the evaluations is ν\nu(174^{174}Yb)=518 294 025 309 217.8(0.9) Hz. The uncertainty due to systematic effects has been reduced to less than 0.8 Hz, which represents 1.5×10151.5\times10^{-15} in fractional frequency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure -Submitted to PRA Rapid Communication

    Mapping auroral activity with Twitter

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    Twitter is a popular, publicly-accessible, social media service that has proven useful in mapping large-scale events in real-time. In this study, for the first time, the use of Twitter as a measure of auroral activity is investigated. Peaks in the number of aurora-related tweets are found to frequently coincide with geomagnetic disturbances (detection rate of 91%). Additionally, the number of daily aurora-related tweets is found to strongly correlate with several auroral strength proxies (ravg ≈ 0.7). An examination is made of the bias for location and time of day within Twitter data, and a first order correction of these effects is presented. Overall, the results suggest that Twitter can provide both specific details about an individual aurora and accurate real-time indication of when, and even from where, an aurora is visible

    Testing the stability of fundamental constants with the 199Hg+ single-ion optical clock

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    Over a two-year duration, we have compared the frequency of the 199Hg+ 5d106s 2S 1/2 (F=0) 5d9 6s2 2D 5/2 (F=2) electric-quadrupole transition at 282 nm with the frequency of the ground-state hyperfine splitting in neutral 133Cs. These measurements show that any fractional time variation of the ratio nu(Cs)/nu(Hg) between the two frequencies is smaller than +/- 7 10^-15 / yr (1 sigma uncertainty). According to recent atomic structure calculations, this sets an upper limit to a possible fractional time variation of g(Cs) m_e / m_p alpha^6.0 at the same level.Comment: 4 pages with 3 figures. RevTeX 4, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Zitterbewegung in External Magnetic Field: Classic versus Quantum Approach

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    We investigate variations of the Zitterbewegung frequency of electron due to an external static and uniform magnetic field employing the expectation value quantum approach, and compare our results with the classical model of spinning particles. We demonstrate that these two so far compatible approaches are not in agreement in the presence of an external uniform static magnetic field, in which the classical approach breaks the usual symmetry of free particles and antiparticles states, i.e. it leads to CP violation. Hence, regarding the Zitterbewegung frequency of electron, the classical approach in the presence of an external magnetic field is unlikely to correctly describe the spin of electron, while the quantum approach does, as expected. We also show that the results obtained via the expectation value are in close agreement with the quantum approach of the Heisenberg picture derived in the literature. However, the method we use is capable of being compared with the classical approach regarding the spin aspects. The classical interpretation of spin produced by the altered Zitterbewegung frequency, in the presence of an external magnetic field, are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Simultaneous observation of mesospheric gravity waves and sprites generated by a Midwestern thunderstorm

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    Abstract The present report investigates using simultaneous observations of coincident gravity waves and sprites to establish an upper limit on sprite-associated thermal energy deposition in the mesosphere. The University of Alaska operated a variety of optical imagers and photometers at two ground sites in support of the NASA Sprites99 balloon campaign. One site was atop a US Forest Service lookout tower on Bear Mt. in the Black Hills, in western South Dakota. On the night of 18 August 1999 we obtained from this site simultaneous images of sprites and OH airglow modulated by gravity waves emanating from a very active sprite producing thunderstorm over Nebraska, to the Southeast of Bear Mt. Using 25 s exposures with a bare CCD camera equipped with a red ÿlter, we were able to coincidentally record both short duration (¡10 ms) but bright (¿3 MR) N2 1PG red emissions from sprites and much weaker (∼1 kR), but persistent, OH Meinel nightglow emissions. A time lapse movie created from images revealed short period, complete 360 • concentric wave structures emanating radially outward from a central excitation region directly above the storm. During the initial stages of the storm outwardly expanding waves possessed a period of ≈10 min and wavelength ≈50 km. Over a 1 h interval the waves gradually changed to longer period ≈11 min and shorter wavelength ≈40 km. Over the full 2 h observation time, about two dozen bright sprites generated by the underlying thunderstorm were recorded near the center of the outwardly radiating gravity wave pattern. No distinctive OH brightness signatures uniquely associated with the sprites were detected at the level of 2% of the ambient background brightness, establishing an associated upper limit of approximately T . 0:5 K for a neutral temperature perturbation over the volume of the sprites. The corresponding total thermal energy deposited by the sprite is bounded by these measurements to be less than ∼1 GJ. This value is well above the total energy deposited into the medium by the sprite, estimated by several independent methods to be on the order of ∼1-10 MJ

    New Science in Plain Sight : Citizen Scientists Lead to Discovery of Optical Structure in the Upper Atmosphere

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    A glowing ribbon of purple light running east-west in the night sky has recently been observed by citizen scientists. This narrow, subauroral, visible structure, distinct from the traditional auroral oval, was largely undocumented in the scientific literature and little was known about its formation. Amateur photo sequences showed colors distinctly different from common types of aurora and occasionally indicated magnetic field–aligned substructures. Observations from the Swarm satellite as it crossed the arc have revealed an unusual level of electron temperature enhancement and density depletion, along with a strong westward ion flow, indicating that a pronounced subauroral ion drift (SAID) is associated with this structure. These early results suggest the arc is an optical manifestation of SAID, presenting new opportunities for investigation of the dynamic SAID signatures from the ground. On the basis of the measured ion properties and original citizen science name, we propose to identify this arc as a Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE)

    Evaluating and Minimizing Distributed Cavity Phase Errors in Atomic Clocks

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    We perform 3D finite element calculations of the fields in microwave cavities and analyze the distributed cavity phase errors of atomic clocks that they produce. The fields of cylindrical cavities are treated as an azimuthal Fourier series. Each of the lowest components produces clock errors with unique characteristics that must be assessed to establish a clock's accuracy. We describe the errors and how to evaluate them. We prove that sharp structures in the cavity do not produce large frequency errors, even at moderately high powers, provided the atomic density varies slowly. We model the amplitude and phase imbalances of the feeds. For larger couplings, these can lead to increased phase errors. We show that phase imbalances produce a novel distributed cavity phase error that depends on the cavity detuning. We also design improved cavities by optimizing the geometry and tuning the mode spectrum so that there are negligible phase variations, allowing this source of systematic error to be dramatically reduced.Comment: To appear in Metrologi