3,288 research outputs found

    The decays h+- -> W-+ h0(a0) within an extension of the MSSM with one complex Higgs triplet

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    The vertex H+-W-+h0, involving the gauge bosons W-+, the charged (H+-) and the lightest neutral (h0) Higgs bosons, arises within the context of many extensions of the SM, and it can be used to probe the Higgs sector of such extensions via the decay H+- -> W+- h0. We discuss the strength of this vertex for an extension of the MSSM with an additional complex Higgs triplet. By using this model, we find regions of the parameter space where the decay H+- -> W+- h0 is not only kinematically allowed, but it also becomes an important decay mode and in some cases the dominant one.Comment: 10 figure

    Charged Lepton Masses as a Possible CPV Source

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    We realize a model-independent study of the so-called Tri-Bi-Maximal pattern of leptonic flavor mixing. Different charged lepton mass matrix textures are studied. In particular, we are interested in those textures with a minimum number of parameters and that are able to reproduce the current experimental data on neutrino oscillation. The textures studied here form an equivalent class with two texture zeros. We obtain a Tri-Bi-Maximal pattern deviation in terms of the charged leptons masses, leading to a reactor angle and three CP violation phases non-zero. These lastest are one CP violation phase Dirac-like and two phases Majorana-like. Also, we can test the phenomenological implications of the numerical values obtained for the mixing angles and CP violation phases, on the neutrinoless double beta decay, and in the present and upcoming experiments on long-base neutrino oscillation, such as T2K, NOvA, and DUNE

    Neuromarketing: Deep Motivations of the Consumer in Premium Range Cars in the City of Riobamba

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    In a society where information and knowledge have become essential cornerstones of economic development, it is important that companies allocate the necessary resources to evaluate studies based on consumer behavior and the psychological aspects that influence purchasing decisions. For this reason, this research aimed to understand the motivations of consumers, and the symbolic emotional relationship between the consumer and the brand and model of Premium Range cars in the city of Riobamba. With the advancement of marketing and its link with the study of neuroscience, efficient tools have been developed that allow us to better understand the reasons why people acquire a vehicle. This research had a quasi-experimental design and employed qualitative and quantitative approaches through using biometric equipment including eye tracking. It was determined that there were conscious and unconscious factors that influenced consumers when deciding between makes and models in acquiring a Premium Range vehicle. Personality was key in defining the brand preferred and the model chosen. Keywords: neoroscience, neuromarketing, consumer behavior, insights, eye tracking. Resumen En una sociedad en donde la información y el conocimiento se han convertido en vértices esenciales para el desarrollo económico, resulta importante que las empresas realicen o asignen los recursos necesarios para efectuar estudios en base al comportamiento del consumidor, así como, los aspectos psicológicos que influyen en su decisión de compra. Por eso, esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer el análisis de las motivaciones profundas y verdaderas, y la relación simbólica emocional entre el cliente o consumidor con la marca y el modelo de automóviles de Gama Premium en la ciudad de Riobamba. Es claro que, con el avance del marketing y su vinculación con el estudio de la neurociencia, se han desarrollado herramientas eficientes que permiten conocer de mejor manera las razones del por qué y para qué las personas adquieren un vehículo. Por tanto, esta investigación tiene un diseño cuasi experimental, por la utilización de un equipo biométrico como lo es el eye tracking, el cual es eficiente para este tipo de investigaciones que permite establecer un enfoque de investigación cualitativo y cuantitativo con un nivel exploratorio y descriptivo. En este caso, la utilidad de la investigación radica en que existen factores motivacionales conscientes e inconscientes que influyen en el momento de adquirir un vehículo de la Gama Premium en la ciudad de Riobamba, siendo estos la marca y el modelo, los mismos que vinculan un efecto de ostentación en las personas, donde se define que la marca que prefieres y el modelo que eliges define una personalidad, brindando a la empresa una idea creativa de marketing. Palabras clave: neurociencia, neuromarketing, comportamiento del consumidor, motivaciones profundas, eye tracking

    Higgs Sector with Spontaneous CP Violation in S(3) Standard Model

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    Conditions for spontaneous Charge-Parity (CP) violation in the scalar potential sector of general S(3) Higgs-doublet model (3HDM) are analyzed. An analysis of the Higgs sector of the minimal S(3)-invariant extension of the Standard Model including CP violation arising from the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry is presented. This extended Higgs sector with three SU(2) doublets Higgs fields with complex vev’s provides an interesting scenario to analyze the Higgs masses spectrum, trilinear self-couplings and CP violation. We present how the spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking, coming from three S(3) Higgs fields, gives an interesting scenario with nine physical Higgs and three Goldstone bosons, when spontaneous CP violation arises from the Higgs field S(3) singlet Hs

    Spontaneous CP Violation Jarlskog Invariant in SM ⊗ S3

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    In our days, CP (Charge Parity) violation in the Standar Model of fundamental interactions still remains as an open problem. It is well known that explicit CP violation may be included by impossing complex Yukawa couplings in the Yukawa sector or complex Higgs couplings in exttended Higgs sectors with more than one Higgs field. It is desirable to have a fundamental CP violation theory, in that sence, we analyse the diferent secenarios for Spontaneous CP violation in an exteded Higgs model with three Higgs fields and a discrete flavour permutational symmetry S3. Spontaneous CP violation effects contribute to the Higgs mass matrix, as well as, up and down quark mass matrices. This complex quark mass matrices allow us to study the conditions for a non-vanishing Jarlskog invariant J which provides a necessary and sufficient contribution for a spontaneous CPV coming from SM ⊗ S

    Evolution of an elliptical bubble in an accelerating extensional flow

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    Mathematical models that describe the dynamical behavior of a thin gas bubble embedded in a glass fiber during a fiber drawing process have been discussed and analyzed. The starting point for the mathematical modeling was the equations presented in [1] for a glass fiber with a hole undergoing extensional flow. These equations were reconsidered here with the additional reduction that the hole, i.e. the gas bubble, was thin as compared to the radius of the fiber and of finite extent. The primary model considered was one in which the mass of the gas inside the bubble was fixed. This fixed-mass model involved equations for the axial velocity and fiber radius, and equations for the radius of the bubble and the gas pressure inside the bubble. The model equations assumed that the temperature of the furnace of the drawing tower was known. The governing equations of the bubble are hyperbolic and predict that the bubble cannot extend beyond the limiting characteristics specified by the ends of the initial bubble shape. An analysis of pinch-off was performed, and it was found that pinch-off can occur, depending on the parameters of the model, due to surface tension when the bubble radius is small. In order to determine the evolution of a bubble, a numerical method of solution was presented. The method was used to study the evolution of two different initial bubble shapes, one convex and the other non-convex. Both initial bubble shapes had fore-aft symmetry, and it was found that the bubbles stretched and elongated severely during the drawing process. For the convex shape, fore-aft symmetry was lost in the middle of the drawing process, but the symmetry was re-gained by the end of the drawing tower. A small amount of pinch-off was observed at each end for this case, so that the final bubble length was slightly shorter than its theoretical maximum length. For the non-convex initial shape, pinch-off occurred in the middle of the bubble resulting in two bubbles by the end of the fiber draw. The two bubbles had different final pressures and did not have fore-aft symmetry. An extension of the fixed-mass model was considered in which the gas in the bubble was allowed to diffuse into the surrounding glass. The governing equations for this leaky-mass model were developed and manipulated into a form suitable for a numerical treatment

    Growth Trait Heredity in Two Cavy Sublines Native to the Ecuadoran Mountain Range

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    Background: No studies have been published on South American cavy preservation and breeding programs; therefore, the aim of this article was to analyze the genotypic and environmental factors that act upon the growth traits of a South American native cavy line found in the Ecuadoran Mountain Range. Methods: The study took place on Irquis experimental farm, from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca, using two native cavy sublines from rural breeders in provinces Azuay and Cañar. Weight per age and daily weight gain (g) were analyzed by a mixed variance analysis of litter size (5), season (semester), sex, and parturition number of the mother as fixed effects, using software R 3.4.4. The random effects were made by sub-lines Azuay (1) and Cañar (2), and their male parents. The basic statistical values were determined. Results: Birth weight, weaning weight, and weight at 90 days in grams, were 110.2 ± 1.81, 117.0 ± 1.44; 212.2 ± 4.30 and 221.13 ± 3.38; 540.7 ± 12.01, and 659.1 ± 9.44, respectively. The heredity values for these traits were 0.09 ± 0.101, 0.34 ± 0.201, and 0.11 ± 0.111. Besides, weight was analyzed at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after birth, which included gains at every age. The BLUP predictors for the parents of the two sub-lines were determined. Variation and heritability allowed for selection of weight at weaning and at 90 days. Conclusions: This line showed low growth levels, though the variations observed were adequate. Their heredity might lead to the expected favorable results, provided a selection program is implemented in the mid-term.Background: No studies have been published on South American cavy preservation and breeding programs; therefore, the aim of this article was to analyze the genotypic and environmental factors that act upon the growth traits of a South American native cavy line found in the Ecuadoran Mountain Range. Methods: The study took place on Irquis experimental farm, from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cuenca, using two native cavy sublines from rural breeders in provinces Azuay and Cañar. Weight per age and daily weight gain (g) were analyzed by a mixed variance analysis of litter size (5), season (semester), sex, and parturition number of the mother as fixed effects, using software R 3.4.4. The random effects were made by sub-lines Azuay (1) and Cañar (2), and their male parents. The basic statistical values were determined. Results: Birth weight, weaning weight, and weight at 90 days in grams, were 110.2 ± 1.81, 117.0 ± 1.44; 212.2 ± 4.30 and 221.13 ± 3.38; 540.7 ± 12.01, and 659.1 ± 9.44, respectively. The heredity values for these traits were 0.09 ± 0.101, 0.34 ± 0.201, and 0.11 ± 0.111. Besides, weight was analyzed at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days after birth, which included gains at every age. The BLUP predictors for the parents of the two sub-lines were determined. Variation and heritability allowed for selection of weight at weaning and at 90 days. Conclusions: This line showed low growth levels, though the variations observed were adequate. Their heredity might lead to the expected favorable results, provided a selection program is implemented in the mid-term