9,544 research outputs found

    Digital simulation of chronopotentiometric and steady-state voltammetric curves at microelectrodes in the presence of a low concentration of supporting electrolyte

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    A simulation scheme for the calculation of theoretical chronopotentiograms at microelectrodes in solutions containing low amounts of supporting electrolyte is presented. The scheme allows computation of the changes in the concentration profiles of the substrates, products and the supporting electrolyte ions with time. The electrode potentials that are established after reaching the steady-state, together with the appropriate current intensities, can be used for constructing the steady-state voltammograms. The simulation of the mixed diffusional and migrational transport is based on the Crank-Nicolson method with an exponentially expanding time and space grids. The scheme does not impose any limitations on diffusion coefficients and it can be applied both to simple electrode reactions (one reactant-one product) and more complicated reactions under the assumption that the double-layer thickness is small in comparison to the diffusion layer. Five simple types of electrode reactions and an example of a more complicated scheme were considered. The results obtained demonstrate that the dependence of the steady-state limiting current on the support ratio (csupp.el./csubst) depends not only on the charge of the reactant and the product, but also on the diffusion coefficient ratio of the substrate and product. If the difference between diffusion coefficients is large, the predictions based on simpler theories available in literature can become invalid

    Spectral imbalance and the normalized dissipation rate of turbulence

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    The normalized turbulent dissipation rate CϵC_\epsilon is studied in decaying and forced turbulence by direct numerical simulations, large-eddy simulations, and closure calculations. A large difference in the values of CϵC_\epsilon is observed for the two types of turbulence. This difference is found at moderate Reynolds number, and it is shown that it persists at high Reynolds number, where the value of CϵC_\epsilon becomes independent of the Reynolds number, but is still not unique. This difference can be explained by the influence of the nonlinear cascade time that introduces a spectral disequilibrium for statistically nonstationary turbulence. Phenomenological analysis yields simple analytical models that satisfactorily reproduce the numerical results. These simple spectral models also reproduce and explain the increase of CϵC_\epsilon at low Reynolds number that is observed in the simulations

    Decuplet baryon magnetic moments in a QCD-based quark model beyond quenched approximation

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    We study the decuplet baryon magnetic moments in a QCD-based quark model beyond quenched approximation. Our approach for unquenching the theory is based on the heavy baryon perturbation theory in which the axial couplings for baryon - meson and the meson-meson-photon couplings from the chiral perturbation theory are used together with the QM moment couplings. It also involves the introduction of a form factor characterizing the structure of baryons considered as composite particles. Using the parameters obtained from fitting the octet baryon magnetic moments, we predict the decuplet baryon magnetic moments. The Ω\Omega^- magnetic moment is found to be in good agreement with experiment: μΩ\mu_{\Omega^-} is predicted to be 1.97μN-1.97 \mu_N compared to the experimental result of (-2.02 ±\pm 0.05) μN\mu_N.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Broilers with Taste - Sustainable chicken takes flight

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    Engelse versie van de brochure 'Pluimvee met smaak : duurzame kip krijgt vleugels', die laat zien waar kansen liggen voor de Nederlandse pluimveesector om te verduurzamen. Twee uiteenlopende concepten, de Som der Delen en de Windstreek, geven ieder op eigen wijze invulling aan duurzaamheid op het primaire bedrijf. Ze bevatten belangrijke elementen voor verduurzaming, die als geheel of in onderdelen, nu of later, in de praktijk gebracht kunnen worden. Duurzaamheid kent immers niet één, maar vele vormen, afhankelijk van de ondernemers, de markt en de omgeving

    Ferromagnetism below 10 K in Mn doped BiTe

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    Ferromagnetism is observed below 10 K in [Bi0.75Te0.125Mn0.125]Te. This material has the BiTe structure, which is made from the stacking of two Te-Bi-Te-Bi-Te blocks and one Bi-Bi block per unit cell. Crystal structure analysis shows that Mn is localized in the Bi2 blocks, and is accompanied by an equal amount of TeBi anti-site occupancy in the Bi2Te3 blocks. These TeBi anti-site defects greatly enhance the Mn solubility. This is demonstrated by comparison of the [Bi1-xMnx]Te and [Bi1-2xTexMnx]Te series; in the former, the solubility is limited to x = 0.067, while the latter has xmax = 0.125. The magnetism in [Bi1-xMnx]Te changes little with x, while that for [Bi1-2xTexMnx]Te shows a clear variation, leading to ferromagnetism for x > 0.067. Magnetic hysteresis and the anomalous Hall Effect are observed for the ferromagnetic samples.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Equivariant differential characters and symplectic reduction

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    We describe equivariant differential characters (classifying equivariant circle bundles with connections), their prequantization, and reduction

    Comparing phenomenological recipes with a microscopic model for the electric amplitude in strangeness photoproduction

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    Corrections to the Born approximation in photo-induced strangeness production off a proton are calculated in a semi-realistic microscopic model. The vertex corrections and internal contributions to the amplitude of the γpK+Λ\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda reaction are included on the one-loop level. Different gauge-invariant phenomenological prescriptions for the modification of the Born contribution via the introduction of form factors and contact terms are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the popular minimal-substitution method of Ohta corresponds to a special limit of the more realistic approach.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures in the tex

    Regionale input-outputanalyse. In welke regio's en sectoren heeft een vraagimpuls het hoogste rendement?

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    Regionaal-economisch stimuleringsbeleid is gebaat bij kennis over de te verwachten effecten van een vraagimpuls. Deze studie laat zien dat het effect van een economische impuls duidelijk verschilt per regio en per sector. Relatief grote verschillen tussen regio's bestaan met name voor de landbouw en visserij en de industrie en delfstoffenwinning. Investeren in de Randstad heeft gemiddeld gezien minder effect dan in een andere regio van Nederland, vooral vanwege de relatief kleine spin-off. Op grond van deze effectenanalyse kunnen vraagtekens gezet worden bij het huidige regionaal-economische beleid dat met name gericht is op stimulering van sectoren als transport en communicatie (in de Randstad) en de tertiaire en quartaire sector in het algemeen (dienstverlening). Stimulering van sectoren die sterk(er) gericht zijn op de binnenlandse markt en die onderdeel uitmaken of sterk verbonden zijn aan de traditionele primaire en secundaire bedrijfstakken dan op de eerder genoemde sectoren levert meer op