355 research outputs found

    Customer Profitability Analysis

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    Gemini spectroscopy of the outer disk star cluster BH176

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    BH176 is an old metal-rich star cluster. It is spatially and kinematically consistent with belonging to the Monoceros Ring. It is larger in size and more distant from the Galactic plane than typical open clusters, and it does not belong to the Galactic bulge. Our aim is to determine the origin of this unique object by accurately determining its distance, metallicity, and age. The best way to reach this goal is to combine spectroscopic and photometric methods. We present medium-resolution observations of red clump and red giant branch stars in BH176 obtained with the Gemini South Multi-Object Spectrograph.We derive radial velocities, metallicities, effective temperatures, and surface gravities of the observed stars and use these parameters to distinguish member stars from field objects. We determine the following parameters for BH176: Vh=0±15V_h= 0\pm 15 km/s, [Fe/H]=0.1±0.1[Fe/H]=-0.1\pm 0.1, age 7±0.57\pm 0.5 Gyr, E(VI)=0.79±0.03E(V-I)=0.79\pm 0.03, distance 15.2±0.2 15.2\pm 0.2 kpc, α\alpha-element abundance [α/Fe]0.25[\alpha/Fe] \sim 0.25 dex (the mean of [Mg/Fe], and [Ca/Fe]). BH176 is a member of old Galactic open clusters that presumably belong to the thick disk. It may have originated as a massive star cluster after the encounter of the forming thin disk with a high-velocity gas cloud or as a satellite dwarf galaxy.Comment: 15 pages, 7 fufures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A G1-like globular cluster in NGC 1023

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    The structure of a very bright (MV = -10.9) globular cluster in NGC 1023 is analyzed on two sets of images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. From careful modeling of King profile fits to the cluster image, a core radius of 0.55+/-0.1 pc, effective radius 3.7+/-0.3 pc and a central V-band surface brightness of 12.9+/-0.5 mag / square arcsec are derived. This makes the cluster much more compact than Omega Cen, but very similar to the brightest globular cluster in M31, G1 = Mayall II. The cluster in NGC 1023 appears to be very highly flattened with an ellipticity of about 0.37, even higher than for Omega Cen and G1, and similar to the most flattened clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for AJ, Oct 200

    Survey of Canine Dirofilaria immitis Infection in New Caledonia

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    Canine dirofilariosis is a frequent parasitic disease in New-Caledonia. A survey of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infection among dogs from the cities of Tontouta, Nandaï and Nouméa, was performed in March 2009 using two antigen test kits; the microwell ELISA test: DiroCHE (Synbiotics Europe) and the Rapid Immuno Migration (RIM) test: WITNESS DIROFILARIA (Synbiotics Europe). Blood samples were collected from 64 dogs: 49 strays and 15 military working dogs. The military dogs received a permanent chemoprophylaxis (moxidectin). In 11 stray dogs, both tests were positive (22.4%). All the military dogs were negative, showing efficiency of chemoprophaxis. Results were discrepant in 6 dogs, negative with one test and doubtful with the other. Antigen heartworm test kits are available and reliable diagnostic tools. They are useful to evaluate the efficiency of chemoprophylaxis and to detect infected animals in order to treat them and to prevent the spreading of the disease

    Morphological classification and structural parameters for early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster

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    We present the results of an isophotal shape analysis of three samples of galaxies in the Coma cluster. Quantitative morphology, together with structural and photometric parameters, is given for each galaxy. Special emphasis has been placed on the detailed classification of early-type galaxies. The three samples are: i) a sample of 97 early-type galaxies brighter than mB_B = 17.00 falling within one degree from the center of the Coma cluster; these galaxies were observed with CCD cameras, mostly in good to excellent resolution conditions; ii) a magnitude complete sample of 107 galaxies of all morphological types down to mB_B = 17.00 falling in a circular region of 50 arcmin diameter, slightly offcentered to the North-West of the cluster center; the images for this and the next sample come from digitized photographic plates; iii) a complete comparison sample of 26 galaxies of all morphological types down to mR_R = 16.05 (or mB_B \simeq 17.5), also in a region of 50 arcmin diameter, but centered 2.6 degrees West of the cluster center. The reliability of our morphological classifications and structural parameters of galaxies, down to the adopted magnitude limits, is assessed by comparing the results on those galaxies for which we had images taken with different instrumentation and/or seeing conditions, and by comparing our results with similar data from other observers.Comment: 22 pages, including 4 figures and 4 tables, uuencoded, gzipped postscrip

    A CH star in the globular cluster NGC 6426

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    We report on the serendipitous discovery of a carbon star near the centre of the low-metallicity globular cluster NGC 6426. We determined its membership and chemical properties using medium-resolution spectra. The radial velocity of -159 km/s makes it a member of the cluster. We used photometric data from the literature and the COMARCS stellar atmospheric models to derive its luminosity, effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, and approximate C, N, and O abundance ratios. According to these properties, we suggest that this star is a genuine carbon rich low-metallicity AGB star.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The construction of non-spherical models of quasi-relaxed stellar systems

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    Spherical models of collisionless but quasi-relaxed stellar systems have long been studied as a natural framework for the description of globular clusters. Here we consider the construction of self-consistent models under the same physical conditions, but including explicitly the ingredients that lead to departures from spherical symmetry. In particular, we focus on the effects of the tidal field associated with the hosting galaxy. We then take a stellar system on a circular orbit inside a galaxy represented as a "frozen" external field. The equilibrium distribution function is obtained from the one describing the spherical case by replacing the energy integral with the relevant Jacobi integral in the presence of the external tidal field. Then the construction of the model requires the investigation of a singular perturbation problem for an elliptic partial differential equation with a free boundary, for which we provide a method of solution to any desired order, with explicit solutions to two orders. We outline the relevant parameter space, thus opening the way to a systematic study of the properties of a two-parameter family of physically justified non-spherical models of quasi-relaxed stellar systems. The general method developed here can also be used to construct models for which the non-spherical shape is due to internal rotation. Eventually, the models will be a useful tool to investigate whether the shapes of globular clusters are primarily determined by internal rotation, by external tides, or by pressure anisotropy.Comment: AASTeX v5.2, 37 pages with 2 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Epidemiological study of canine trypanosomosis in an urban area of Ivory Coast

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    Following confirmed cases of trypanosomosis in military working dogs, c cross-sectional study was undertaken to evaluate the source of infection and determine the prevalence of canine infection with Trypanosoma congolense in the urban focus of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Blood from 123 dogs were collected and subjected to PCR using specific primers for Trypanosoma congolense "forest type". In addition, an entomological study was conducted in an urban area near the forest surronding the military camp. The observed prevalence was 30.1% end PCR positivity to Trypanosoma congolense was not significantly associated with sex or age of animals. This study demonstrates the high contamination rate of dogs in enzootic zones, the potential risk of introduction of the disease in free animal populations and the ability of Glossina palpalis to adopt to urban areas and to transmit trypanosomosis in such areas. The factors leading to a possible emergence of canine trypanosomiasis in enzootic zones need further investigations

    Accumulation of Immature Langerhans Cells in Human Lymph Nodes Draining Chronically Inflamed Skin

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    The coordinated migration and maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) such as intraepithelial Langerhans cells (LCs) is considered critical for T cell priming in response to inflammation in the periphery. However, little is known about the role of inflammatory mediators for LC maturation and recruitment to lymph nodes in vivo. Here we show in human dermatopathic lymphadenitis (DL), which features an expanded population of LCs in one draining lymph node associated with inflammatory lesions in its tributary skin area, that the Langerin/CD207+ LCs constitute a predominant population of immature DCs, which express CD1a, and CD68, but not CD83, CD86, and DC–lysosomal-associated membrane protein (LAMP)/CD208. Using LC-type cells generated in vitro in the presence of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, we further found that tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, as a prototype proinflammatory factor, and a variety of inflammatory stimuli and bacterial products, increase Langerin expression and Langerin dependent Birbeck granules formation in cell which nevertheless lack costimulatory molecules, DC–LAMP/CD208 and potent T cell stimulatory activity but express CCR7 and respond to the lymph node homing chemokines CCL19 and CCL21. This indicates that LC migration and maturation can be independently regulated events. We suggest that during DL, inflammatory stimuli in the skin increase the migration of LCs to the lymph node but without associated maturation. Immature LCs might regulate immune responses during chronic inflammation