2,248 research outputs found

    Energy-Momentum Complex in M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation

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    M\o ller's Tetrad Theory of Gravitation is examined with regard to the energy-momentum complex. The energy-momentum complex as well as the superpotential associated with M\o ller's theory are derived. M\o ller's field equations are solved in the case of spherical symmetry. Two different solutions, giving rise to the same metric, are obtained. The energy associated with one solution is found to be twice the energy associated with the other. Some suggestions to get out of this inconsistency are discussed at the end of the paper.Comment: LaTeX2e with AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 13 page

    A relativistic parton cascade with radiation

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    We consider the evolution of a parton system which is formed at the central rapidity region just after an ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision. The evolution of the system, which is composed of gluons, quarks and antiquarks, is described by a relativistic Boltzmann equations with collision terms including radiation and retardation effects. The equations are solved by the test particle method using Monte-Carlo sampling. Our simulations do not show any evidence of kinetic equilibration, unless the cross sections are artificially increased to unrealistically large values.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    General relations of heavy quark-antiquark potentials induced by reparameterization invariance

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    A set of general relations between the spin-independent and spin-dependent potentials of heavy quark and anti-quark interactions are derived from reparameterization invariance in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. It covers the Gromes relation and includes some new interesting relations which are useful in understanding the spin-independent and spin-dependent relativistic corrections to the leading order nonrelativistic potential.Comment: 11 pages, TUIMP-TH-93/54, CCAST-93-3

    Profile and width of rough interfaces

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    In the context of Landau theory and its field theoretical refinements, interfaces between coexisting phases are described by intrinsic profiles. These intrinsic interface profiles, however, are neither directly accessible by experiment nor by computer simulation as they are broadened by long-wavelength capillary waves. In this paper we study the separation of the small scale intrinsic structure from the large scale capillary wave fluctuations in the Monte Carlo simulated three-dimensional Ising model. To this purpose, a blocking procedure is applied, using the block size as a variable cutoff, and a translationally invariant method to determine the interface position of strongly fluctuating profiles on small length scales is introduced. While the capillary wave picture is confirmed on large length scales and its limit of validity is estimated, an intrinsic regime is, contrary to expectations, not observed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 Postscript figures, LaTeX2e, formulation of sec.3.2 improved, 1 reference adde

    Quantum Walk in Position Space with Single Optically Trapped Atoms

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    The quantum walk is the quantum analogue of the well-known random walk, which forms the basis for models and applications in many realms of science. Its properties are markedly different from the classical counterpart and might lead to extensive applications in quantum information science. In our experiment, we implemented a quantum walk on the line with single neutral atoms by deterministically delocalizing them over the sites of a one-dimensional spin-dependent optical lattice. With the use of site-resolved fluorescence imaging, the final wave function is characterized by local quantum state tomography, and its spatial coherence is demonstrated. Our system allows the observation of the quantum-to-classical transition and paves the way for applications, such as quantum cellular automata.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Czech Social Reform/Non-reform: Routes, Actors and Problems

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    In this contribution, the author first considers the characteristics of the Czechoslovak communist welfare state and its theoretical alternatives. Throughout the reform process, dependency on both corporatist and socialist regimes won out, while residualist efforts were promoted in the beginning, but were later held back. The author then considers the possible actors involved in social reforms. In this respect, when proceeding from a general to a more concrete level, thought should first be devoted to the social classes and their ideologies, and second to political parties and their leaders. The author goes on to summarise the particular problems and traps in individual sections of the Czech social system. While no objection to decent standards of social protection and health care could be raised, the poor efficiency of their achievement should evoke concern. The author concludes by reflecting on the possible specificities of Czech social reform in comparison with the other countries undergoing reform and the EU. The current lethargy of the Czech welfare system corresponds to a “frozen edifice”, just as in most Western countries. However, such stagnation is apparently acceptable to both the politicians (who mask it in reformist rhetoric) and the population (which learned to master taking advantage of the generous welfare state) and thus is basically sustainable in the long run.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40037/3/wp651.pd

    Finite-size behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat

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    For models which exhibit a continuous phase transition in the thermodynamic limit a numerical study of small systems reveals a non-monotonic behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat as a function of the system size. This is in contrast to a treatment in the canonical ensemble where the maximum of the specific heat increases monotonically with the size of the system. A phenomenological theory is developed which permits to describe this peculiar behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat and allows in principle the determination of microcanonical critical exponents.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Chromosome assignment of two cloned DNA probes hybridizing predominantly to human sex chromosomes

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    In situ hybridization experiments were carried out with two clones, YACG 35 and 2.8, which had been selected from two genomic libraries strongly enriched for the human Y chromosome. Besides the human Y chromosome, both sequences strongly hybridized to the human X chromosome, with few minor binding sites on autosomes. In particular, on the X chromosome DNA from clone YACG 35 hybridized to the centromeric region and the distal part of the short arm (Xp2.2). On the Y chromosome, the sequence was assigned to one site situated in the border region between Yq1.1 and Yq1.2. DNA from clone 2.8 also hybridized to the centromeric region of the X and the distal part of the short arm (Xq2.2). On the Y, however, two binding sites were observed (Yp1.1 and Yq1.2). The findings indicate that sex chromosomal sequences may be localized in homologous regions (as suggested from meiotic pairing) but also at ectopic sites

    Bailouts in a common market: a strategic approach

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    Governments in the EU grant Rescue and Restructure Subsidies to bail out ailing firms. In an international asymmetric Cournot duopoly we study effects of such subsidies on market structure and welfare. We adopt a common market setting, where consumers from the two countries form one market. We show that the subsidy is positive also when it fails to prevent the exit. The reason is a strategic effect, which forces the more efficient firm to make additional cost-reducing effort. When the exit is prevented, allocative and productive efficiencies are lower and the only gaining player is the rescued firm

    Localization Properties of Two Interacting Electrons in a Disordered Quasi One-Dimensional Potential

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    We study the transport properties of two electrons in a quasi one-dimensional disordered wire. The electrons are subject to both, a disorder potential and a short range two-body interaction. Using the approach developed by Iida et al. [ Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 200 (1990) 219 ], the supersymmetry technique, and a suitable truncation of Hilbert space, we work out the two-point correlation function in the framework of a non-linear sigma model. We study the loop corrections to arbitrary order. We obtain a remarkably simple and physically transparent expression for the change of the localization length caused by the two-body interaction.Comment: 10 page