8,061 research outputs found

    Benchmarking GEANT4 nuclear models for hadron therapy with 95 MeV/nucleon carbon ions

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    In carbon-therapy, the interaction of the incoming beam with human tissues may lead to the production of a large amount of nuclear fragments and secondary light particles. An accurate estimation of the biological dose deposited into the tumor and the surrounding healthy tissues thus requires sophisticated simulation tools based on nuclear reaction models. The validity of such models requires intensive comparisons with as many sets of experimental data as possible. Up to now, a rather limited set of double di erential carbon fragmentation cross sections have been measured in the energy range used in hadrontherapy (up to 400 MeV/A). However, new data have been recently obtained at intermediate energy (95 MeV/A). The aim of this work is to compare the reaction models embedded in the GEANT4 Monte Carlo toolkit with these new data. The strengths and weaknesses of each tested model, i.e. G4BinaryLightIonReaction, G4QMDReaction and INCL++, coupled to two di fferent de-excitation models, i.e. the generalized evaporation model and the Fermi break-up are discussed

    Agro-environmental evaluation of vineyard management using organic farming and integrated plant production systems

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    Organic farming is often considered to be the most environmentally-friendly crop management system, even if integrated production also aims at decreasing the impact of agriculture on the natural environment. In order to establish references for the agro-environmental evaluation of these two production systems in relation to grape growing, INRA carried out an initial study from 2001 to 2004 at the plot scale. This study focused on two grape varieties (Merlot N and Cabernet Sauvignon) in its Couhins vineyard (Graves cru classé), located on two organically-farmed plots and two plots using integrated production, a system based on the implementation of decision rules aimed at limiting the number of pest control treatments. Production means only differed in terms of pest control management (choice of products and application strategy). Each of the parcels covered approximately 0.30 ha. An agro-environmental evaluation of these two systems was made for 2003, using the INDIGO Vigne method at the plot level. Because of their nature, the choice of parameters for the indicators used determines the interpretation of the results. Nevertheless, it appears that the environmental impact of integrated production is more favourable in this case than that of organic farming, particularly in terms of pest control and energy indicators. One of the reasons for this is the high number of applications of pest control treatments in organic farming and, as a result, higher energy consumption, as well as the use of copper that has a major impact on deep waters, the ground and the air. The two systems can decrease their environmental impact by limiting the number of tractor runs for soil maintenance. Flexibility appears to be greater in the case of integrated production since, contrary to organic farming, it can use herbicides under the row. The calculation of the agro-environmental evaluation on the parcel using integrated protection with chemical weeding under the row leads to a clear improvement of the energy indicator, without significantly decreasing the value of the pest control indicator. Natural sodding of the inter-row, when the vigour of the vineyard allows it, provides an effective solution since the decrease in the number of tractor runs leads to an improvement of erosion and organic matter indicators. This type of evaluation should be carried out at the scale of a group of plots or of an entire wine-farm. Ground maintenance is an important factor in decreasing the impact of grape growing on the environment. In this respect, organic farming offers some promising prospects

    QSO hosts and environments at z=0.9 to 4.2: JHK images with adaptive optics

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    We have observed nine QSOs with redshifts 0.85 to 4.16 at near-IR wavelengths with the adaptive optics bonnette of the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. Exposure times ranged from 1500 to 24000s (mostly near 7000s) in J, H, or K bands, with pixels 0.035 arcsec on the sky. The FWHM of the co-added images at the location of the quasars are typically 0.16 arcsec. Including another QSO published previously, we find associated QSO structure in at least eight of ten objects, including the QSO at z = 4.16. The structures seen in all cases include long faint features which appear to be tidal tails. In four cases we have also resolved the QSO host galaxy, but find them to be smooth and symmetrical: future PSF removal may expand this result. Including one object previously reported, of the nine objects with more extended structure, five are radio-loud, and all but one of these appear to be in a dense small group of compact galaxy companions. The radio-quiet objects do not occupy the same dense environments, as seen in the NIR. In this small sample we do not find any apparent trends of these properties with redshift, over the range 0.8 < z < 2.4. The colors of the host galaxies and companions are consistent with young stellar populations at the QSO redshift. Our observations suggest that adaptive optic observations in the visible region will exhibit luminous signatures of the substantial star-formation activity that must be occurring.Comment: 22 pages including 10 tables, plus 11 figures. To appear in A

    Impaired Hyperemic Response to Exercise Post Stroke

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    Individuals with chronic stroke have reduced perfusion of the paretic lower limb at rest; however, the hyperemic response to graded muscle contractions in this patient population has not been examined. This study quantified blood flow to the paretic and non-paretic lower limbs of subjects with chronic stroke after submaximal contractions of the knee extensor muscles and correlated those measures with limb function and activity. Ten subjects with chronic stroke and ten controls had blood flow through the superficial femoral artery quantified with ultrasonography before and immediately after 10 second contractions of the knee extensor muscles at 20, 40, 60, and 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the test limb. Blood flow to the paretic and non-paretic limb of stroke subjects was significantly reduced at all load levels compared to control subjects even after normalization to lean muscle mass. Of variables measured, increased blood flow after an 80% MVC was the single best predictor of paretic limb strength, the symmetry of strength between the paretic and non-paretic limbs, coordination of the paretic limb, and physical activity. The impaired hemodynamic response to high intensity contractions was a better predictor of lower limb function than resting perfusion measures. Stroke-dependent weakness and atrophy of the paretic limb do not explain the reduced hyperemic response to muscle contraction alone as the response is similarly reduced in the non-paretic limb when compared to controls. These data may suggest a role for perfusion therapies to optimize rehabilitation post stroke

    Analysis of dynamical corrections to baryon magnetic moments

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    We present and analyze QCD corrections to the baryon magnetic moments in terms of the one-, two-, and three-body operators which appear in the effective field theory developed in our recent papers. The main corrections are extended Thomas-type corrections associated with the confining interactions in the baryon. We investigate the contributions of low-lying angular excitations to the moments quantitatively and show that they are completely negligible. When the QCD corrections are combined with the non-quark model contributions of the meson loops, we obtain a model which describes the moments within a mean deviation of 0.04 ÎŒN\mu_N. The nontrivial interplay of the two types of corrections to the quark-model moments is analyzed in detail, and explains why the quark model is so successful. In the course of these calculations, we parametrize the general spin structure of the j=1/2+j={1/2}^+ baryon wave functions in a form which clearly displays the symmetry properties and the internal angular momentum content of the wave functions, and allows us to use spin-trace methods to calculate the many spin matrix elements which appear in the expressions for the moments. This representation may be useful elsewhere.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    New approach of fragment charge correlations in 129Xe+(nat)Sn central collisions

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    A previous analysis of the charge (Z) correlations in the ΔZ−\Delta Z- plane for Xe+Sn central collisions at 32 MeV/u has shown an enhancement in the production of equally sized fragments (low ΔZ\Delta Z) which was interpreted as an evidence for spinodal decomposition. However the signal is weak and rises the question of the estimation of the uncorrelated yield. After a critical analysis of its robustness, we propose in this paper a new technique to build the uncorrelated yield in the charge correlation function. The application of this method to Xe+Sn central collision data at 32, 39, 45 and 50 MeV/u does not show any particular enhancement of the correlation function in any ΔZ\Delta Z bin.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, revised version with an added figure and minor changes. To appear in Nuclear Physics

    Consequences of anisotropy in electrical charge storage: application to the characterization by the mirror method of TiO2 rutile

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    This article is devoted first to anisotropic distributions of stored electric charges in isotropic materials, second to charge trapping and induced electrostatic potential in anisotropic dielectrics. On the one hand, we examine the case of anisotropic trapped charge distributions in linear homogeneous isotropic (LHI) insulators, obtained after an electron irradiation in a scanning electron microscope. This injection leads to the formation of a mirror image
