31,468 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of the welfare magnet debate using the NLSY

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    This paper examines the extent to which differences in welfare generosity across states lead to interstate migration. Using microdata from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth between 1979 and 1992, we employ a quasi-experimental design that utilizes the categorical eligibility of the welfare system. The "treatment" group consists of all those in the survey who appear eligible to participate in Aid to Families with Dependent Children. The "control" group contains those who are poor but ineligible for other reasons. The pattern of cross-state moves among poor single women with children who are likely to be eligible for benefits (treatment-group members) is compared to the pattern among other poor households. We find little evidence indicating that welfare-induced migration is a widespread phenomenon.

    Real-space renormalization group study of the Hubbard model on a non-bipartite lattice

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    We present the real-space block renormalization group equations for fermion systems described by a Hubbard Hamiltonian on a triangular lattice with hexagonal blocks. The conditions that keep the equations from proliferation of the couplings are derived. Computational results are presented including the occurrence of a first-order metal-insulator transition at the critical value of U/t12.5U/t \approx 12.5

    The intergenerational correlation in AFDC participation: Welfare trap or poverty trap?

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    Several recent studies have shown that daughters whose mothers have participated in the welfare program Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), are themselves more likely to participate in AFDC when they head their own household. Other studies have shown that the earnings of parents and their children are highly correlated across generations. This suggests that any variable correlated with income such as AFDC participation will also be correlated across generations. This paper uses data from the original and youth cohorts of the National Longitudinal Surveys to investigate the question of whether the link in mother-daughter welfare participation is a causal relationship, or whether it can be explained by the expected intergenerational correlation in earnings. Several reduced-form probit equations are estimated, and attention is directed to the potential endogeneity of key explanatory variables. The empirical findings suggest that much of the observed correlation in AFDC participation across generations can be explained by the intergenerational correlation of income and other family characteristics.

    Aperture synthesis for microwave radiometers in space

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    A technique is described for obtaining passive microwave measurements from space with high spatial resolution for remote sensing applications. The technique involves measuring the product of the signal from pairs of antennas at many different antenna spacings, thereby mapping the correlation function of antenna voltage. The intensity of radiation at the source can be obtained from the Fourier transform of this correlation function. Theory is presented to show how the technique can be applied to large extended sources such as the Earth when observed from space. Details are presented for a system with uniformly spaced measurements

    Transonic flow in a converging-diverging nozzle Final report

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    Transonic equations of motion for convergent-divergent nozzl

    Force chain splitting in granular materials: a mechanism for large scale pseudo-elastic behaviour

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the effect of strong disorder on the large scale properties of the hyperbolic equations for stresses proposed in \protect\cite{bcc,wcc}. The physical mechanism that we model is the local splitting of the force chains (the characteristics of the hyperbolic equation) by packing defects. In analogy with the theory of light diffusion in a turbid medium, we propose a Boltzmann-like equation to describe these processes. We show that, for isotropic packings, the resulting large scale effective equations for the stresses have exactly the same structure as those of an elastic body, despite the fact that no displacement field needs to be introduced at all. Correspondingly, the response function evolves from a two peak structure at short scales to a broad hump at large scales. We find, however, that the Poisson ratio is anomalously large and incompatible with classical elasticity theory that requires the reference state to be thermodynamically stable.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, An incorrect definition of the Poisson ratio in dimensions not equal to 3 was amended. The conclusions are unchange

    Deformation of crosslinked semiflexible polymer networks

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    Networks of filamentous proteins play a crucial role in cell mechanics. These cytoskeletal networks, together with various crosslinking and other associated proteins largely determine the (visco)elastic response of cells. In this letter we study a model system of crosslinked, stiff filaments in order to explore the connection between the microstructure under strain and the macroscopic response of cytoskeletal networks. We find two distinct regimes as a function primarily of crosslink density and filament rigidity: one characterized by affine deformation and one by non-affine deformation. We characterize the crossover between these two.Comment: Typos fixed and some technical details clarified. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let