175 research outputs found

    Endogenous orienting modulates the Simon effect: critical factors in experimental design

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    Responses are faster when the side of stimulus and response correspond than when they do not correspond, even if stimulus location is irrelevant to the task at hand: the correspondence, spatial compatibility effect, or Simon effect. Generally, it is assumed that an automatically generated spatial code is responsible for this effect, but the precise mechanism underlying the formation of this code is still under dispute. Two major alternatives have been proposed: the referential-coding account, which can be subdivided into a static version and an attention-centered version, and the attention-shift account. These accounts hold clear-cut predictions for attentional cuing experiments. The former would assume a Simon effect irrespective of attentional cuing in its static version, whereas the attention-centered version of the referential-coding account and the attention-shift account would predict a decreased Simon effect on validly as opposed to invalidly cued trials. However, results from previous studies are equivocal to the effects of attentional cuing on the Simon effect. We argue here that attentional cueing reliably modulates the Simon effect if some crucial experimental conditions, mostly relevant for optimizing attentional allocation, are met. Furthermore, we propose that the Simon effect may be better understood within the perspective of supra-modal spatial attention, thereby providing an explanation for observed discrepancies in the literature

    Unlocking the Inaccessible Energy Density of Sodium Vanadium Fluorophosphate Electrode Materials by Transition Metal Mixing

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    Sodium (Na) vanadium (V) fluorophosphate NaxV2(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xV_2(PO_4)_2F_3} (NVPF) is a highly attractive intercalation electrode material due to its high operation voltage, large capacity, and long cycle life. However, several issues limit the full utilization of NVPF's energy density: 1) the high voltage plateau associated with extracting the "third" Na ion in the reaction N1_1VPF →\rightarrow VPF (~4.9 V vs Na/Na+^+) appears above the electrochemical stability window of most practical electrolytes (~4.5 V); 2) a sudden drop in Na-ion diffusivity is observed near composition Na1V2(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_1V_2(PO_4)_2F_3}. Therefore, it is important to investigate the potential substitution of V by other transition metals in NVPF derivatives, which can access the extraction of the third Na-ion. In this work, we investigate the partial substitution of V with molybdenum (Mo), niobium (Nb), or tungsten (W) in NVPF to improve its energy density. We examine the structural and electrochemical behaviors of NaxV2−yMoy(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xV_{2-y}Mo_y(PO_4)_2F_3}, NaxV2−yNby(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xV_{2-y}Nb_y(PO_4)_2F_3}, and NaxW2(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xW_{2}(PO_4)_2F_3} across the whole Na composition region of 0 ≤\leq x ≤\leq 4, and at various transition metal substitution levels, namely, y=0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 for Mo, and y=1.0, 2.0 for Nb. We find that partial substitution of 50% V by Mo in NVPF reduces the voltage plateau for extracting the third Na ion by 0.6 Volts, which enables further Na extraction from Na1Mo2(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_1Mo_{2}(PO_4)_2F_3} and increases the theoretical gravimetric capacity from ~128 to ~174 mAh/g. Analysis of the migration barriers for Na-ions in NaxVMo(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xVMo(PO_4)_2F_3} unveils improved kinetic properties over NVPF. The proposed NaxVMo(PO4)2F3\mathrm{Na_xVMo(PO_4)_2F_3} material provides an optimal gravimetric energy density of ~577.3 Wh/kg versus ~507 Wh/kg for the pristine NVPF, which amounts to an increase of ~13.9%

    Fractal Holography: a geometric re-interpretation of cosmological large scale structure

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    The fractal dimension of large-scale galaxy clustering has been demonstrated to be roughly DF∼2D_F \sim 2 from a wide range of redshift surveys. If correct, this statistic is of interest for two main reasons: fractal scaling is an implicit representation of information content, and also the value itself is a geometric signature of area. It is proposed that the fractal distribution of galaxies may thus be interpreted as a signature of holography (``fractal holography''), providing more support for current theories of holographic cosmologies. Implications for entropy bounds are addressed. In particular, because of spatial scale invariance in the matter distribution, it is shown that violations of the spherical entropy bound can be removed. This holographic condition instead becomes a rigid constraint on the nature of the matter density and distribution in the Universe. Inclusion of a dark matter distribution is also discussed, based on theoretical considerations of possible universal CDM density profiles.Comment: 13 pp, LaTeX. Revised version; to appear in JCA

    On Multifractal Structure in Non-Representational Art

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    Multifractal analysis techniques are applied to patterns in several abstract expressionist artworks, paintined by various artists. The analysis is carried out on two distinct types of structures: the physical patterns formed by a specific color (``blobs''), as well as patterns formed by the luminance gradient between adjacent colors (``edges''). It is found that the analysis method applied to ``blobs'' cannot distinguish between artists of the same movement, yielding a multifractal spectrum of dimensions between about 1.5-1.8. The method can distinguish between different types of images, however, as demonstrated by studying a radically different type of art. The data suggests that the ``edge'' method can distinguish between artists in the same movement, and is proposed to represent a toy model of visual discrimination. A ``fractal reconstruction'' analysis technique is also applied to the images, in order to determine whether or not a specific signature can be extracted which might serve as a type of fingerprint for the movement. However, these results are vague and no direct conclusions may be drawn.Comment: 53 pp LaTeX, 10 figures (ps/eps

    Statistical mechanics of image restoration and error-correcting codes

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    We develop a statistical-mechanical formulation for image restoration and error-correcting codes. These problems are shown to be equivalent to the Ising spin glass with ferromagnetic bias under random external fields. We prove that the quality of restoration/decoding is maximized at a specific set of parameter values determined by the source and channel properties. For image restoration in mean-field system a line of optimal performance is shown to exist in the parameter space. These results are illustrated by solving exactly the infinite-range model. The solutions enable us to determine how precisely one should estimate unknown parameters. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to see how far the conclusions from the infinite-range model are applicable to the more realistic two-dimensional case in image restoration.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, ReVTe

    Competition between auditory and visual spatial cues during visual task performance

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    There is debate in the crossmodal cueing literature as to whether capture of visual attention by means of sound is a fully automatic process. Recent studies show that when visual attention is endogenously focused sound still captures attention. The current study investigated whether there is interaction between exogenous auditory and visual capture. Participants preformed an orthogonal cueing task, in which, the visual target was preceded by both a peripheral visual and auditory cue. When both cues were presented at chance level, visual and auditory capture was observed. However, when the validity of the visual cue was increased to 80% only visual capture and no auditory capture was observed. Furthermore, a highly predictive (80% valid) auditory cue was not able to prevent visual capture. These results demonstrate that crossmodal auditory capture does not occur when a competing predictive visual event is presented and is therefore not a fully automatic process

    Early childhood adversities and trajectories of psychiatric problems in adoptees: Evidence for long lasting effects

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate whether early childhood adversities determine the longitudinal course of psychiatric problems from childhood to adulthood; in particular if the impact of early maltreatment on psychopathology decreases as time passes. A sample of 1,984 international adoptees was followed (955 males and 1029 females; adopted at the mean age of 29 months). Parents provided information about abuse, neglect and numbe

    Optimizing Dosing and Fixed-Dose Combinations of Rifampicin, Isoniazid, and Pyrazinamide in Pediatric Patients With Tuberculosis: A Prospective Population Pharmacokinetic Study

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    BackgroundIn 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) revised dosing guidelines for treatment of childhood tuberculosis. Our aim was to investigate first-line antituberculosis drug exposures under these guidelines, explore dose optimization using the current dispersible fixed-dose combination (FDC) tablet of rifampicin/isoniazid/pyrazinamide; 75/50/150 mg, and suggest a new FDC with revised weight bands.MethodsChildren with drug-susceptible tuberculosis in Malawi and South Africa underwent pharmacokinetic sampling while receiving first-line tuberculosis drugs as single formulations according the 2010 WHO recommended doses. Nonlinear mixed-effects modeling and simulation was used to design the optimal FDC and weight-band dosing strategy for achieving the pharmacokinetic targets based on literature-derived adult AUC0-24h for rifampicin (38.7-72.9), isoniazid (11.6-26.3), and pyrazinamide (233-429 mg ∙ h/L).ResultsIn total, 180 children (42% female; 13.9% living with human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]; median [range] age 1.9 [0.22-12] years; weight 10.7 [3.20-28.8] kg) were administered 1, 2, 3, or 4 FDC tablets (rifampicin/isoniazid/pyrazinamide 75/50/150 mg) daily for 4-8, 8-12, 12-16, and 16-25 kg weight bands, respectively. Rifampicin exposure (for weight and age) was up to 50% lower than in adults. Increasing the tablet number resulted in adequate rifampicin but relatively high isoniazid and pyrazinamide exposures. Administering 1, 2, 3, or 4 optimized FDC tablets (rifampicin/isoniazid/pyrazinamide 120/35/130 mg) to children ConclusionsCurrent pediatric FDC doses resulted in low rifampicin exposures. Optimal dosing of all drugs cannot be achieved with the current FDCs. We propose a new FDC formulation and revised weight bands
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