6,512 research outputs found

    Equivariant configuration spaces

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    The compression theorem is used to prove results for equivariant configuration spaces that are analogous to the well-known non-equivariant results of May, Milgram and Segal

    The effect of flight line spacing on radioactivity inventory and spatial feature characteristics of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data

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    Airborne Gamma Spectrometry (AGS) is well suited to the mapping of radioactivity in the environment. Flight parameters (e.g. speed and line spacing) directly affect the rate of area coverage, cost, and data quality of any survey. The influences of line spacing have been investigated for data from inter‐tidal, coastal and upland environments with a range of <sup>137</sup>Cs activity concentrations and depositional histories. Estimates of the integrated <sup>137</sup>Cs activity (‘inventory’) within specified areas and the shapes of depositional features were calculated for subsets of the data at different line spacings. Features with dimensions greater than the line spacing show variations in inventory and area of less than 3%, and features with dimensions less than the line spacing show larger variations and a decreased probability of detection. The choice of line spacing for a task is dependent on the dimensions of the features of interest and required edge definition. Options for line spacing for different tasks are suggested. It is noted that for regional mapping, even 5–10 km line spacing can produce useful data

    James bundles

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    We study cubical sets without degeneracies, which we call {square}-sets. These sets arise naturally in a number of settings and they have a beautiful intrinsic geometry; in particular a {square}-set C has an infinite family of associated {square}-sets Ji(C), for i = 1, 2, ..., which we call James complexes. There are mock bundle projections pi: |Ji(C)| -> |C| (which we call James bundles) defining classes in unstable cohomotopy which generalise the classical James–Hopf invariants of {Omega}(S2). The algebra of these classes mimics the algebra of the cohomotopy of {Omega}(S2) and the reduction to cohomology defines a sequence of natural characteristic classes for a {square}-set. An associated map to BO leads to a generalised cohomology theory with geometric interpretation similar to that for Mahowald orientation

    The impact of private sector provision on equitable provision of coronary revascularisation

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    Objective: To investigate the impact of including private sector data on assessments of equity of coronary revascularisation provision using NHS data only. Design: Analyses of Hospital Episodes Statistics and private sector data by age, sex, and PCT of residence. For each PCT, the share of London's total population and revascularisations (all admissions, NHS-funded, and privately-funded admissions) were calculated. GINI coefficients were derived to provide an index of inequality across sub-populations, with parametric bootstrapping to estimate confidence intervals. Setting: London Participants London residents undergoing coronary revascularisation April 2001 - December 2003. Intervention Coronary artery bypass graft or angioplasty Main outcome measures: Directly-standardised revascularisation rates, GINI coefficients. Results: NHS-funded age-standardised revascularisation rates varied from 95.2 to 193.9 per 100,000 and privately funded procedures from 7.6 to 57.6. Although the age distribution did not vary by funding, the proportion of revascularisations among women that were privately funded (11.0%) was lower than among men (17.0%). Privately funded rates were highest in PCTs with the lowest death rates (p=0.053). NHS-funded admission rates were not related to deprivation nor age-standardised deaths rates from coronary heart disease. Privately-funded admission rates were lower in more deprived PCTs. NHS provision was significantly more egalitarian (Gini coefficient 0.12) than the private sector (0.35). Including all procedures was significantly less equal (0.13) than NHS funded care alone. Conclusion: Private provision exacerbates geographical inequalities. Those responsible for commissioning care for defined populations must have access to consistent data on provision of treatment wherever it takes place

    Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda

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    Since its inception in the late 1950s, the field of Information Retrieval (IR) has developed tools that help people find, organize, and analyze information. The key early influences on the field are well-known. Among them are H. P. Luhn's pioneering work, the development of the vector space retrieval model by Salton and his students, Cleverdon's development of the Cranfield experimental methodology, SpÀrck Jones' development of idf, and a series of probabilistic retrieval models by Robertson and Croft. Until the development of the WorldWideWeb (Web), IR was of greatest interest to professional information analysts such as librarians, intelligence analysts, the legal community, and the pharmaceutical industry

    2MASS J06164006-6407194: The First Outer Halo L Subdwarf

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of an L subdwarf, 2MASS J06164006-6407194, in a search of the Two Micron All Sky Survey for T dwarfs. Its spectrum exhibits features indicative of both a cool and metal poor atmosphere including a heavily pressured-broadened K I resonant doublet, Cs I and Rb I lines, molecular bands of CaH, TiO, CrH, FeH, and H2O, and enhanced collision induced absorption of H2. We assign 2MASS 0616-6407 a spectral type of sdL5 based on a comparison of its red optical spectrum to that of near solar-metallicity L dwarfs. Its high proper motion (mu =1.405+-0.008 arcsec yr-1), large radial velocity (Vrad = 454+-15 km s-1), estimated uvw velocities (94, -573, 125) km s-1 and Galactic orbit with an apogalacticon at ~29 kpc are indicative of membership in the outer halo making 2MASS 0616-6407 the first ultracool member of this population.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The normalisation of 'excessive' workforce drug testing?

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    In 'The normalization of 'sensible' recreational drug use' Parker, Williams and Aldridge (2002) present data on illegal drug use by adolescents and young adults in the UK. They argue that it is both widespread and largely socially benign - ie, normal. We contrast this 'normalisation' thesis with evidence of an increase in the introduction of drug policies -- and drug testing -- in British organisations. Such policies construct employee drug use as excessive enough to necessitate heightened management vigilance over workers, in order to preserve corporate interests. These contrasting representations of drug use inspire our discussion. We deploy the normal/ excessive couplet to unpick drug taking, to examine organisational drug policies and to comment upon emerging and potential resistance to these policies. Our contribution is to suggest that each of these activities can be understood as simultaneously normal and excessive, in an area where orthodox and critical analyses alike tend to be far more dualistic

    Topologically guaranteed enhancement of nonlinear optical conductivity of graphene in the presence of spin-orbit coupling

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    We demonstrate that a topological invariant term in graphene (e.g., spin-orbit coupling or interlayer coupling induced trigonal warping) can lead to a strong nonlinear optical response. We present a full quantum-mechanical analysis of the third-order nonlinear optical conductivity of the monolayer graphene with a finite Rashba spin-orbit coupling. For energy of the incident photon below the maximum height of the trigonal warping and the Rashba coupling strength exceeding a critical value the nonlinear conductance is enhanced dramatically in comparison with that in the absence of the topological term. Due to the trigonal warping effect and the topologically inequivalent change of the geometry of the energy band, the strong nonlinear effect persists, as long as the incident photon energy is limited below the energy maximum defined by the spin-orbit coupling
