753 research outputs found

    Determination of Horizontal and Vertical Structure of a Novel Pattern of Short Period Gravity Waves Imaged During ALOHA-93

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    An all‐sky CCD imager has been used to measure the properties of short period gravity waves present over the Hawaiian Islands during the ALOHA‐93 campaign. Observations of emissions from four different altitudes provided a capability to describe the vertical as well as the horizontal structure of the wave field. On several occasions during this campaign an unusual morphology wave pattern was detected that consisted of a group of small‐scale waves oriented in the same direction. These were most noticeable in the OI (557.7 nm) emission, altitude ∼96 km, and were usually observed in association with a larger scale gravity wave. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of data recorded on the night of 22 October during which both types of waves were prominent. The small‐scale waves exhibited highly coherent phase structures at each emission altitude, consistent with a ducted wave motion. The spatial intensity and phase modulation of this display is indicative of interference between two waves with similar characteristics and slightly different propagation directions. The larger scale wave motion was observed to propagate perpendicular to the small‐scale waves, and showed evidence of phase progression with altitude, implying upward energy propagation. These data have been interpreted in the context of simultaneous wind measurements from an MF radar

    Physical-chemical factors that regulate spermatic motility in fish: basic and applied aspects. A review

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    El objetivo de esta revisión es analizar los factores que regulan o alteran la motilidad espermática en peces “de fecundación externa” antes y después del contacto con el agua para dar a conocer herramientas que optimicen las metodologías utilizadas en piscicultura y así mejorar la capacidad fecundante de los espermatozoides.In most teleost fish with external fertilization, the spermatozoids are immobile in the seminal fluid and they are activated only after making contact with an aqueous medium. The time of flagellar movement is short in most species. Furthermore, the factors that trigger this process are different for each one. However, almost for all species, factors such as osmolarity, temperature, pH and ionic composition have a key role in activating or modulating the flagellar activity. The present review examines the factors involved in the activation of sperm and its regulation in fish with external fertilization. Additionally, an analysis is conducted regarding the management of commercially farmed fish semen, with emphasis on salmonid species

    Nektar++: Development of the Compressible Flow Solver for Large Scale Aeroacoustic Applications

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    A recently developed computational framework for jet noise predictions is presented. The framework consists of two main components, focusing on source prediction and noise propagation. To compute the noise sources, the turbulent jet is simulated using the compressible flow solver implemented in the open-source spectral/hp element framework Nektar++, which solves the unfiltered Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids using the high- order discontinuous Galerkin method. This allows high-order accuracy to be achieved on unstructured grids, which in turn is important in order to accu- rately simulate industrially relevant geometries. For noise propagation, the Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings method is used to propagate the noise between the jet and the far-field. The paper provides a detailed description of the com- putational framework, including how the different components fit together and how to use them. To demonstrate the framework, two configurations of a single stream subsonic jet are considered. In the first configuration, the jet is treated in isolation, whereas in the second configuration, it is installed under a wing. The aerodynamic results for these two jets show strong agreement with experimental data, while some discrepancies are observed in the acous- tic results, which are discussed. In addition to this, we demonstrate close to linear scaling beyond 100, 000 processors on the ARCHER2 supercomputer

    Effects of seasonality on brain size evolution: evidence from strepsirrhine primates

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    Seasonal changes in energy supply impose energetic constraints that affect many physiological and behavioral characteristics of organisms. As brains are costly, we predict brain size to be relatively small in species that experience a higher degree of seasonality (expensive brain framework). Alternatively, it has been argued that larger brains give animals the behavioral flexibility to buffer the effects of habitat seasonality (cognitive buffer hypothesis). Here, we test these two hypotheses in a comparative study on strepsirrhine primates (African lorises and Malagasy lemurs) that experience widely varying degrees of seasonality. We found that experienced seasonality is negatively correlated with relative brain size in both groups, controlling for the effect of phylogenetic relationships and possible confounding variables such as the extent of folivory. However, relatively larger-brained lemur species tend to experience less variation in their dietary intake than indicated by the seasonality of their habitat. In conclusion, we found clear support for the hypothesis that seasonality restricts brain size in strepsirrhines as predicted by the expensive brain framework and weak support for the cognitive buffer hypothesis in lemurs

    Charge Exchange Processes between Excited Helium and Fully Stripped Ions

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    We made a classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) calculation of state selective cross sections for processes between some light ions and excited helium. The results, useful for analysis of spectroscopic data of fusion devices, are in good agreement with theoretical predictions of scaling laws.Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, 4 figures (available on request to the authors), DFPD/94/TH/57, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Exact solution of the Zeeman effect in single-electron systems

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    Contrary to popular belief, the Zeeman effect can be treated exactly in single-electron systems, for arbitrary magnetic field strengths, as long as the term quadratic in the magnetic field can be ignored. These formulas were actually derived already around 1927 by Darwin, using the classical picture of angular momentum, and presented in their proper quantum-mechanical form in 1933 by Bethe, although without any proof. The expressions have since been more or less lost from the literature; instead, the conventional treatment nowadays is to present only the approximations for weak and strong fields, respectively. However, in fusion research and other plasma physics applications, the magnetic fields applied to control the shape and position of the plasma span the entire region from weak to strong fields, and there is a need for a unified treatment. In this paper we present the detailed quantum-mechanical derivation of the exact eigenenergies and eigenstates of hydrogen-like atoms and ions in a static magnetic field. Notably, these formulas are not much more complicated than the better-known approximations. Moreover, the derivation allows the value of the electron spin gyromagnetic ratio gsg_s to be different from 2. For completeness, we then review the details of dipole transitions between two hydrogenic levels, and calculate the corresponding Zeeman spectrum. The various approximations made in the derivation are also discussed in details.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physica Script

    Stellar Kinematics in the Complicated Inner Spheroid of M31: Discovery of Substructure Along the Southeastern Minor Axis and its Relationship to the Giant Southern Stream

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    We present the discovery of a kinematically-cold stellar population along the SE minor axis of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) that is likely the forward continuation of M31's giant southern stream. This discovery was made in the course of an on-going spectroscopic survey of red giant branch (RGB) stars in M31 using the DEIMOS instrument on the Keck II 10-m telescope. Stellar kinematics are investigated in eight fields located 9-30 kpc from M31's center (in projection). A likelihood method based on photometric and spectroscopic diagnostics is used to isolate confirmed M31 RGB stars from foreground Milky Way dwarf stars: for the first time, this is done without using radial velocity as a selection criterion, allowing an unbiased study of M31's stellar kinematics. The radial velocity distribution of the 1013 M31 RGB stars shows evidence for the presence of two components. The broad (hot) component has a velocity dispersion of 129 km/s and presumably represents M31's virialized spheroid. A significant fraction (19%) of the population is in a narrow (cold) component centered near M31's systemic velocity with a velocity dispersion that decreases with increasing radial distance, from 55.5 km/s at R_proj=12 kpc to 10.6 km/s at R_proj=18 kpc. The spatial and velocity distribution of the cold component matches that of the "Southeast shelf" predicted by the Fardal et al. (2007) orbital model of the progenitor of the giant southern stream. The metallicity distribution of the cold component matches that of the giant southern stream, but is about 0.2 dex more metal rich on average than that of the hot spheroidal component. We discuss the implications of our discovery on the interpretation of the intermediate-age spheroid population found in this region in recent ultra-deep HST imaging studies.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Changes from previous version: expanded discussion in sections 4.2 and 7.2, removal of section 7.1.4 and associated figure (discussion moved to section 7.1.2

    Correlated variability in the blazar 3C 454.3

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    The blazar 3C 454.3 was revealed by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope to be in an exceptionally high flux state in July 2008. Accordingly, we performed a multi-wavelength monitoring campaign on this blazar using IR and optical observations from the SMARTS telescopes, optical, UV and X-ray data from the Swift satellite, and public-release gamma-ray data from Fermi. We find an excellent correlation between the IR, optical, UV and gamma-ray light curves, with a time lag of less than one day. The amplitude of the infrared variability is comparable to that in gamma-rays, and larger than at optical or UV wavelengths. The X-ray flux is not strongly correlated with either the gamma-rays or longer wavelength data. These variability characteristics find a natural explanation in the external Compton model, in which electrons with Lorentz factor gamma~10^(3-4) radiate synchrotron emission in the infrared-optical and also scatter accretion disk or emission line photons to gamma-ray energies, while much cooler electrons (gamma~10^(1-2)) produce X-rays by scattering synchrotron or other ambient photons.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter