3,676 research outputs found

    Magnetization of ferrofluids with dipolar interactions - a Born--Mayer expansion

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    For ferrofluids that are described by a system of hard spheres interacting via dipolar forces we evaluate the magnetization as a function of the internal magnetic field with a Born--Mayer technique and an expansion in the dipolar coupling strength. Two different approximations are presented for the magnetization considering different contributions to a series expansion in terms of the volume fraction of the particles and the dipolar coupling strength.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures submitted to PR

    Particle dynamics of a cartoon dune

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    The spatio-temporal evolution of a downsized model for a desert dune is observed experimentally in a narrow water flow channel. A particle tracking method reveals that the migration speed of the model dune is one order of magnitude smaller than that of individual grains. In particular, the erosion rate consists of comparable contributions from creeping (low energy) and saltating (high energy) particles. The saltation flow rate is slightly larger, whereas the number of saltating particles is one order of magnitude lower than that of the creeping ones. The velocity field of the saltating particles is comparable to the velocity field of the driving fluid. It can be observed that the spatial profile of the shear stress reaches its maximum value upstream of the crest, while its minimum lies at the downstream foot of the dune. The particle tracking method reveals that the deposition of entrained particles occurs primarily in the region between these two extrema of the shear stress. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the initial triangular heap evolves to a steady state with constant mass, shape, velocity, and packing fraction after one turnover time has elapsed. Within that time the mean distance between particles initially in contact reaches a value of approximately one quarter of the dune basis length

    Inhomogeneous magnetization in dipolar ferromagnetic liquids

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    At high densities fluids of strongly dipolar spherical particles exhibit spontaneous long-ranged orientational order. Typically, due to demagnetization effects induced by the long range of the dipolar interactions, the magnetization structure is spatially inhomogeneous and depends on the shape of the sample. We determine this structure for a cubic sample by the free minimization of an appropriate microscopic density functional using simulated annealing. We find a vortex structure resembling four domains separated by four domain walls whose thickness increases proportional to the system size L. There are indications that for large L the whole configuration scales with the system size. Near the axis of the mainly planar vortex structure the direction of the magnetization escapes into the third dimension or, at higher temperatures, the absolute value of the magnetization is strongly reduced. Thus the orientational order is characterized by two point defects at the top and the bottom of the sample, respectively. The equilibrium structure in an external field and the transition to a homogeneous magnetization for strong fields are analyzed, too.Comment: 17 postscript figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopic and photometric oscillatory envelope variability during the S Doradus outburst of the Luminous Blue Variable R71

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    To better understand the LBV phenomenon, we analyze multi-epoch and multi-wavelength spectra and photometry of R71. Pre-outburst spectra are analyzed with the radiative transfer code CMFGEN to determine the star's fundamental stellar parameters. During quiescence, R71 has an effective temperature of Teff=15500 KT_\mathrm{{eff}} = 15\,500~K and a luminosity of log(L/L)(L_*/L_{\odot}) = 5.78 and is thus a classical LBV, but at the lower luminosity end of this group. We determine its mass-loss rate to 4.0×106 M 4.0 \times 10^{-6}~M_{\odot}~yr1^{-1}. We present R71's spectral energy distribution from the near-ultraviolet to the mid-infrared during its present outburst. Mid-infrared observations suggest that we are witnessing dust formation and grain evolution. Semi-regular oscillatory variability in the star's light curve is observed during the current outburst. Absorption lines develop a second blue component on a timescale twice that length. The variability may consist of one (quasi-)periodic component with P ~ 425/850 d with additional variations superimposed. During its current S Doradus outburst, R71 occupies a region in the HR diagram at the high-luminosity extension of the Cepheid instability strip and exhibits similar irregular variations as RV Tau variables. LBVs do not pass the Cepheid instability strip because of core evolution, but they develop comparable cool, low-mass, extended atmospheres in which convective instabilities may occur. As in the case of RV Tau variables, the occurrence of double absorption lines with an apparent regular cycle may be due to shocks within the atmosphere and period doubling may explain the factor of two in the lengths of the photometric and spectroscopic cycles.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&

    The impact of mass-loss on the evolution and pre-supernova properties of red supergiants

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    The post main-sequence evolution of massive stars is very sensitive to many parameters of the stellar models. Key parameters are the mixing processes, the metallicity, the mass-loss rate and the effect of a close companion. We study how the red supergiant lifetimes, the tracks in the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (HRD), the positions in this diagram of the pre-supernova progenitor as well as the structure of the stars at that time change for various mass-loss rates during the red supergiant phase (RSG), and for two different initial rotation velocities. The surface abundances of RSGs are much more sensitive to rotation than to the mass-loss rates during that phase. A change of the RSG mass-loss rate has a strong impact on the RSG lifetimes and therefore on the luminosity function of RSGs. At solar metallicity, the enhanced mass-loss rate models do produce significant changes on the populations of blue, yellow and red supergiants. When extended blue loops or blue ward excursions are produced by enhanced mass-loss, the models predict that a majority of blue (yellow) supergiants are post RSG objects. These post RSG stars are predicted to show much smaller surface rotational velocities than similar blue supergiants on their first crossing of the HR gap. The position in the HRD of the end point of the evolution depends on the mass of the hydrogen envelope. More precisely, whenever, at the pre-supernova stage, the H-rich envelope contains more than about 5\% of the initial mass, the star is a red supergiant, and whenever the H-rich envelope contains less than 1\% of the total mass the star is a blue supergiant. For intermediate situations, intermediate colors/effective temperatures are obtained. Yellow progenitors for core collapse supernovae can be explained by the enhanced mass-loss rate models, while the red progenitors are better fitted by the standard mass-loss rate models.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Orientational order in dipolar fluids consisting of nonspherical hard particles

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    We investigate fluids of dipolar hard particles by a certain variant of density-functional theory. The proper treatment of the long range of the dipolar interactions yields a contribution to the free energy which favors ferromagnetic order. This corrects previous theoretical analyses. We determine phase diagrams for dipolar ellipsoids and spherocylinders as a function of the aspect ratio of the particles and their dipole moment. In the nonpolar limit the results for the phase boundary between the isotropic and nematic phase agree well with simulation data. Adding a longitudinal dipole moment favors the nematic phase. For oblate or slightly elongated particles we find a ferromagnetic liquid phase, which has also been detected in computer simulations of fluids consisting of spherical dipolar particles. The detailed structure of the phase diagram and its evolution upon changing the aspect ratio are discussed in detail.Comment: 35 pages LaTeX with epsf style, 11 figures in eps format, submitted to Phys. Rev.