18,798 research outputs found

    Heifer rearing within a sustainable dairy industry

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    The prevalence, influential factors and mechanisms of relative age effects in UK Rugby League.

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    Relative age effects (RAEs), reflecting observed inequalities in participation and attainment as a result of annual age-grouping policies in youth sport, are common in most team sports. The aims of this study were to determine if and when RAEs become apparent in Rugby League, determine how influential variables (e.g., gender) lead and clarify whether player retention at junior representative levels can explain persistent RAEs. Player data were collected for the male and female community games ranging from Under 7s to Senior (N=15,060) levels, junior representative selections (i.e., Regional) and professional players (N=298). Chi-square analyses found significant (P<0.05) uneven birth date distributions beginning at the earliest stages of the game and throughout into senior professionals. In junior representative selections, 47.0% of Regional and 55.7% of National representative players were born in Quartile 1, with RAE risk increasing with performance level. Gender and nationality were also found to moderate RAE risk. When tracking representative juniors, over 50% were retained for similar competition the following season. Findings clearly demonstrate that RAEs exist throughout Rugby League with early selection, performance level and retention processes, appearing to be key contributing factors responsible for RAE persistence

    Ionizing radiation fluctuations and large-scale structure in the Lyman-alpha forest

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    We investigate the large-scale inhomogeneities of the hydrogen ionizing radiation field in the Universe at redshift z=3. Using a raytracing algorithm, we simulate a model in which quasars are the dominant sources of radiation. We make use of large scale N-body simulations of a LambdaCDM universe, and include such effects as finite quasar lifetimes and output on the lightcone, which affects the shape of quasar light echoes. We create Lya forest spectra that would be generated in the presence of such a fluctuating radiation field, finding that the power spectrum of the Lya forest can be suppressed by as much as 15 % for modes with k=0.05-1 Mpc/h. This relatively small effect may have consequences for high precision measurements of the Lya power spectrum on larger scales than have yet been published. We also investigate another radiation field probe, the cross-correlation of quasar positions and the Lya forest. For both quasar lifetimes which we simulate (10^7 yr and 10^8 yr), we expect to see a strong decrease in the Lya absorption close to other quasars (the ``foreground'' proximity effect). We then use data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey First Data Release to make an observational determination of this statistic. We find no sign of our predicted lack of absorption, but instead increased absorption close to quasars. If the bursts of radiation from quasars last on average < 10^6 yr, then we would not expect to be able to see the foreground effect. However, the strength of the absorption itself seems to be indicative of rare objects, and hence much longer total times of emission per quasar. Variability of quasars in bursts with timescales > 10^4yr and < 10^6 yr could reconcile these two facts.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 21 pages, 17 postscript figures, emulateapj.st

    Spin-one ferromagnets with single-ion anisotropy in a perpendicular external field

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    In this paper, the conventional Holstein-Primakoff method is generalized with the help of the characteristic angle transformation [Lei Zhou and Ruibao Tao, J. Phys. A {\bf 27} 5599 (1994)] for the spin-one magnetic systems with single-ion anisotropies. We find that the weakness of the conventional method for such systems can be overcome by the new approach. Two models will be discussed to illuminate the main idea, which are the ``easy-plane" and the ``easy-axis" spin-one ferromagnet, respectively. Comparisons show that the current approach can give reasonable ground state properties for the magnetic system with ``easy-plane" anisotropy though the conventional method never can, and can give a better representation than the conventional one for the magnetic system with ``easy-axis" anisotropy though the latter is usually believed to be a good approximation in such case. Study of the easy-plane model shows that there is a phase transition induced by the external field, and the low-temperature specific heat may have a peak as the field reaches the critical value.Comment: Using LaTex. To be published in the September 1 issue of Physical Review B (1996). Email address: [email protected]

    Hepatosplenic Gamma/Delta T-Cell Lymphoma Masquerading as Alcoholic Hepatitis and Methadone Withdrawal

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    Hepatosplenic gamma/delta T-cell lymphoma is a rare neoplasm of mature gamma/delta T-cells with sinusoidal infiltration of spleen, liver, and bone marrow. Patients are predominantly adolescent and young adult males and usually present with marked hepatosplenomegaly. Pancytopenia is another common finding. Despite an initial response to treatment, patients have a median survival of one to two years. In this report, we document a case of alcoholic hepatitis and methadone withdrawal masquerading unsuspected, hepatosplenic gamma/delta T-cell lymphoma with unusual CD20 positivity

    Current International Policies on Plant Breeders’ Rights

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    Established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centre Progra

    Ras/Raf-1/MAPK pathway mediates response to tamoxifen but not chemotherapy in breast cancer patients

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    &lt;b&gt;Purpose&lt;/b&gt;: The expression and activation of the Ras/Raf-1/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway plays an important role in the development and progression of cancer, and may influence response to treatments such as tamoxifen and chemotherapy. In this study we investigated whether the expression and activation of the key components of this pathway influenced clinical outcome, to test the hypothesis that activation of the MAPK pathway drives resistance to tamoxifen and chemotherapy in women with breast cancer. &lt;b&gt;Experimental Design&lt;/b&gt;: Breast tumors from patients at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and others treated within the BR9601 trial were analyzed for expression of the three Ras isoforms, total Raf-1, active and inactive forms of Raf-1 [pRaf(ser338) and pRaf(ser259), respectively], MAPK, and phospho-MAPK using an immunohistochemical approach. Analyses were done with respect to disease free-survival and overall survival. &lt;b&gt;Results&lt;/b&gt;: Expression and activation of the Ras pathway was associated with loss of benefit from treatment with tamoxifen but not chemotherapy. Overexpression of pRaf(ser338) was associated with shortened disease-free and overall survival time in univariate analyses. Multivariate analysis suggested pRaf(ser338) was independent of known prognostic markers in predicting outcome following tamoxifen treatment (&lt;i&gt;P&lt;/i&gt;=0.03). &lt;b&gt;Conclusion&lt;/b&gt;: This study suggests that activation of the Ras pathway predicts for poor outcome on tamoxifen but not chemotherapy, and identifies pRaf(ser338) as a potential marker of resistance to estrogen receptor–targeted therapy. In addition, it suggests that expression of pRaf(ser338) could identify patients for whom tamoxifen alone is insufficient adjuvant systemic therapy, but for whom the addition of chemotherapy may be of benefit

    Long-term microparticle flux variability indicated by comparison of Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) timed impacts for LDEF's first year in orbit with impact data for the entire 5.77-year orbital lifetime

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    The electronic sensors of the Interplanetary Dust Experiment (IDE) recorded precise impact times and approximate directions for submicron to approximately 100 micron size particles on all six primary sides of the spacecraft for the first 346 days of the LDEF orbital mission. Previously-reported analyses of the timed impact data have established their spatio-temporal features, including the demonstration that a preponderance of the particles in this regime are orbital debris and that a large fraction of the debris particles are encountered in megameter-size clouds. Short-term fluxes within such clouds can rise several orders of magnitude above the long-term average. These unexpectedly large short-term variations in debris flux raise the question of how representative an indication of the multi-year average flux is given by the nearly one year of timed data. One of the goals of the IDE was to conduct an optical survey of impact sites on detectors that remained active during the entire LDEF mission, to obtain full-mission fluxes. We present here the comparisons and contrasts among the new IDE optical survey impact data, the IDE first-year timed impact data, and impact data from other LDEF micrometeoroid and debris experiments. The following observations are reported: (1) the 5.77 year long-term integrated microparticle impact fluxes recorded by IDE detectors matched the integrated impact fluxes measured by other LDEF investigators for the same period; (2) IDE integrated microparticle impact fluxes varied by factors from 0.5 to 8.3 for LDEF days 1-346, 347-2106 and 1-2106 (5.77 years) on rows 3 (trailing edge, or West), 6 (South side), 12 (North side), and the Earth and Space ends; and (3) IDE integrated microparticle impact fluxes varied less than 3 percent for LDEF days 1-346, 347-2106 and 1-2106 (5.77 years) on row 9 (leading edge, or East). These results give further evidence of the accuracy and internal consistency of the recorded IDE impact data. This leads to the further conclusion that the utility of long-term ratios for impacts on various sides of a stabilized satellite in low Earth orbit (LEO) is extremely limited. These observations and their consequences highlight the need for continuous, real time monitoring of the dynamic microparticle environment in LEO
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