7,594 research outputs found

    Unification of SU(2)xU(1) Using a Generalized Covariant Derivative and U(3)

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    A generalization of the Yang-Mills covariant derivative, that uses both vector and scalar fields and transforms as a 4-vector contracted with Dirac matrices, is used to simplify and unify the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model. Since SU(3) assigns the wrong hypercharge to the Higgs boson, it is necessary to use a special representation of U(3) to obtain all the correct quantum numbers. A surplus gauge scalar boson emerges in the process, but it uncouples from all other particles.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Pseudogap and the specific heat of high TcT_c superconductors

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    The specific heat of a two dimensional repulsive Hubbard model with local interaction is investigated. We use the two-pole approximation which exhibits explicitly important correlations that are sources of the pseudogap anomaly. The interplay between the specific heat and the pseudogap is the main focus of the present work. Our self consistent numerical results show that above the occupation nT0.85n_T\approx 0.85, the specific heat starts to decrease due to the presence of a pseudogap in the density of states. We have also observed a two peak structure in the specific heat. Such structure is robust with respect to the Coulomb interaction UU but it is significantly affected by the occupation nTn_T. A detailed study of the two peak structure is carried out in terms of the renormalized quasi-particle bands. The role of the second nearest neighbor hopping on the specific heat behavior and on the pseudogap, is extensively discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Solid State Communication

    Specific heat of a non-local attractive Hubbard model

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    The specific heat of an attractive (interaction G<0G<0) non-local Hubbard model is investigated. We use a two-pole approximation which leads to a set of correlation functions. In particular, the correlation function $\ playsanimportantroleasasourceofanomaliesinthenormalstateofthemodel.Ourresultsshowthatforagivingrangeof plays an important role as a source of anomalies in the normal state of the model. Our results show that for a giving range of Gand and \deltawhere where \delta=1-n_T( (n_T=n_{\uparrow}+n_{\downarrow}),thespecificheatasafunctionofthetemperaturepresentsatwopeakstructure.Nevertehelesss,thepresenceofapseudogapontheantinodalpoints), the specific heat as a function of the temperature presents a two peak structure. Nevertehelesss, the presence of a pseudogap on the anti-nodal points (0,\pm\pi)and and (\pm\pi,0)$ eliminates the two peak structure, the low temperature peak remaining. The effects of the second nearest neighbor hopping on the specific heat are also investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Teor e rendimento de extrato das folhas de três morfotipos de Arrabidaea chica (Bonpl.) B. Verl. em função de adubação orgânica em Manaus, AM.

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    A espécie Arrabidaea chica (Bonpl.) B. Verl., também conhecida como crajiru, pariri, chica, cipó-cruz, dentre outros nomes, pertence à família Bignoniaceae. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o teor e rendimento de extrato de crajiru em função de diferentes fontes de adubo orgânico em Manaus, AM. As mudas foram obtidas por estaquia e plantadas em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (72 células) contendo substrato comercial, as quais permaneceram em viveiro durante 60 dias até serem plantadas em campo, no espaçamento de 1,0 m x 1,0 m. O experimento foi conduzido em esquema fatorial 5x3 com delineamento em blocos casualizados onde os níveis dos fatores foram as diferentes fontes de adubo orgânico: composto ? 5,0 kg m-2, esterco de aves ? 3,0 kg m-2, casca de guaraná ? 4,0 kg m-2, esterco de gado ? 4,0 kg m-2 e controle (ausência), e os três morfotipos de crajiru. Após 240 dias foram avaliadas a produção de folhas, teor e rendimento de extratos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias ao Teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. Observou-se que as fontes de adubo orgânico promoveram melhor produção de folhas para as plantas de A. chica, exceto para o morfotipo 1 que não apresentou diferenças significativas em relação às fontes utilizadas, sendo que o esterco de aves foi o adubo que proporcionou maior biomassa foliar, teor e rendimento de extratos

    Produção de mudas de cajueiro.

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    Viveiro; Producao de mudas; Postura do enxertador; Doencas e pragas em mudas de cajueiro.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/6605/1/Dc-042.pd

    Heterosis in crosses among white grain maize populations with high quality protein.

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    The objective of this work was to investigate heterosis and its components in 16 white grain maize populations presenting high quality protein. These populations were divided according to grain type in order to establish different heterosis groups. The crosses were carried out according to a partial diallel cross design among flint and dent populations. Seven agronomic traits were evaluated in three environments while four leaf diseases and incidence of corn stunt were evaluated in one. Least square procedure was applied to the normal equation X'Xb = X'Y, to estimate the model effects and their respective sum of squares. Among the heterosis components, in diallel analysis, significance for average heterosis in grain yield, number of days to female flowering and to all evaluated diseases was detected. Specific heterosis was significant for days to female flowering and resistance to Puccinia polysora. Results concerned to grain yield trait indicate that populations with superior performance in dent group, no matter what flint population group is used in crosses, tend to generate superior intervarietal hybrids. In decreasing order of preference, the dent type populations CMS 476, ZQP/B 103 and ZQP/B 101 and the flint type CMS 461, CMS 460, ZQP/B 104 and ZQP/B 102 are recommended to form composites

    Caracterização de sementes de Piper hispidum e Eugenia punicifolia.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a caracterização das sementes de Piper hispidum (Piperaceae) e Eugenia punicifolia (Myrtaceae), espécies de Piperaceae da Coleção de Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental (Manaus/AM)