11 research outputs found
Submitted work is focused to appraisal and breed characteristics of gene reserves of horses in the Slovak Republic. From available data number of animals of the breeds, bred in the Slovak Republic as well as their comparison to neighbouring European countries were found out. Based on the categorisation of risk populations according to number and structure of breeds is possible to measure the level of their endangering. In complicated situation of past few years the Slovak Republic almost lost historically important breeds Furioso and Nonius, which were connected to our history as a part of cultural heritage. According to breeding documentation 8 endangered breeds are bred in the Slovak Republic, for which it non-recurring financial subsidies are available (namely Lipizzaner, Shagya Arabian, Slovak Warm Blooded horse, Furioso, Nonius, Slovak Sport Pony, Hucul and Muráň Plain type of Norik breed). Critically endangered breeds, which number is less than 100 breeding mares and maximum of 5 breeding stallions could be designed as extreme case of population loss risk (Nonius and Lipizzaner breeds). On behalf of rare gene pool protection it is important to use all the possibilities to increase the population number.Ovaj je rad usredotočen na procjenu i pasminske značajke rezerva gena konja u Slovačkoj Republici. Iz dostupnih podataka otkriven je broj životinja pasmina uzgajanih u Slovačkoj Republici kao i njihova usporedba sa susjednim europskim zemljama. Na temelju kategorizacije rizičnih populacija prema broju i strukturi pasmina moguće je izmjeriti razinu njihovog ugrožavanja. U složenoj situaciji zadnjih nekoliko godina Slovačka Republika je skoro izgubila povijesno važne pasmine Furioso i Nonius koje su povezane s našom poviješću kao dio kulturnog nasljeđa. Prema uzgojnoj dokumentaciji 8 ugroženih pasmina se uzgaja u Slovačkoj Republici za koje je dostupna bespovratna financijska pomoć (to su Lipicanac, Arapski Shagya, Slovački toplokrvni konj, Furioso, Nonius, Slovački športski poni, Hucul i Murian, nizinski tip pasmine Norik). Kritično ugrožene pasmine, čiji je broj manji od 100 rasplodnih kobila i najviše pet rasplodnih pastuha može se smatrati na ekstremnom slučaju gubitak rizičnih populacija (Nonius i Lipicanska pasmina). U ime rijetkih zaštita genofonda važno je koristiti sve mogućnosti povećanja broja populacija
In our work selected parameters of energetic metabolism in blood serum of pigs of Mangalica breed in two age categories: piglets (28–30 days old) and mature sows (14–18 months old) were evaluated. Based on the considering of the results of biochemical examinations different values in sucklings in comparison to mature sows were found, namely the total lipids (5,01 and 5,50 g/l), total cholesterol (1,64 and 1,42 mmol/l), HDL-cholesterol (0,92 and 1,00 mmol/l), triglycerids (0,71 and 0,42 mmol/l), and glucose levels (7,63 and 6,33 mmol/l). Our results corresponds with the values mentioned by other authors in mature sows. Provided examinations will help for identification of blood serum metabolites in pigs of different age categories and for specification of reference interval.U našem su radu ocijenjeni odabrani parametri energetskog metabolizma u serumu krvi svinja pasmine Mangalica u dvije dobne kategorije: praščići (28-30 dana starosti) i odrasle krmače (stare 14-18 mjeseci). Na temelju rezultata biokemijskih ispitivanja nađene su različite vrijednosti u sisajućim praščićima u usporedbi s odraslim krmačama, naime ukupni lipidi 5,01 i 5,50 g/l,u ukupnom kolesterolu (1,64 i 1,42 mol/l), HDL-kolesterolu (0,92 i 1,00mmol/l), trigliceridima (0,71 i 0,42 mmol/l) i razinama glukoze (7,63 i 6,33 mmol/l). Naši rezultati odgovaraju vrijednostima drugih autora u odraslih krmača. Ta će ispitivanja pomoći u identificiranju metabolita u krvnom serumu svinja različitih dobnih kategorija i u specifikaciji referentnog intervala
Monoamine oxidase activity in some brain areas of sheep after hormonal stimulation
The influence of hormonal superovulatory preparations Folistiman (450 IU FSH, Spofa, Prague) and serum gonadotropin (1500 IU PMSG, Spofa, Prague) on monoamine oxidase (MAO), the degradative enzyme of catecholamines, was investigated in some areas of the brain regulating reproductive functions (area preoptica of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and pineal gland) in ewes with synchronized oestrus (20 mg chlorsuperlutin) during the oestrous period using a radiochemical method. After intramuscular administration of 1500 IU PMSG, marked increase of MAO activity was found in the area preoptica (p < 0.05) and in the pituitary gland (p < 0.01) in comparison with the control group. No change occurred in MAO activity after ovarian stimulation with FSH. Administration of the above superovulatory preparations failed to induce MAO activity in the pineal gland of sheep
A part of the interior characteristics of domestic animal appear to be determinition of basic physilogical parameters in blood. The functional status of phagocyting cells in blood is one of the basic parameters of cellular immunity. In our work we aimed at the evaluation of the given parameters in various types of sheep- dogs. The analyses can gave a preliminary picture on the scale of reference values in various types of dogs. A part of the interior characteristics of domestic animal breeds appear to be determination of basic physiological parameters in blood. From the veterinary view, the parameters of cellular immunity are of great importance. In our work we aimed at the evaluation of the given parameters in various types of sheep dogs. The literary data concerning the parameters of protein metabolism are given by Konrad et al. /1 990/. The values of protein fractions are compared with those given by Kudrjavceva /1974/, Sova et al. /1978/ and others. Vetvička et al./1982/. Mareček-Prochazkova /1986/, Vrtiak-Svrček /1981/, Hipikova et al. /1993./ and others reported the evaluation of cell-mediated immunity parameters including methodological data
Categorization of the EU Countries in the Context of Agricultural Production
Paper provides synthesis of knowledge and empirical research on selected determinants of agricultural production and verifies the applicability of the methods of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering in the agricultural sector. It identifies and categorizes the EU Member States in order to their clustering based on the similarity of common features in the context of direct (gross value added, support for agriculture, agriculturally utilized land) and indirect factors (employment, gross fixed capital) affecting the total agricultural production. The aim of the paper is creation of the economically meaningful groups of the EU countries that would confirm or reject the classification of old and new member states. The results of cluster analysis divided countries into three clusters, and confirmed that second cluster was represented by the new member states, and third by the old member states. Clusters were mutually different in the indicators of labour force in agriculture, support for agriculture, and agriculturally utilized land
Categorization of the EU Countries in the Context of Agricultural Production
Paper provides synthesis of knowledge and empirical research on selected determinants of agricultural production and verifies the applicability of the methods of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering in the agricultural sector. It identifies and categorizes the EU Member States in order to their clustering based on the similarity of common features in the context of direct (gross value added, support for agriculture, agriculturally utilized land) and indirect factors (employment, gross fixed capital) affecting the total agricultural production. The aim of the paper is creation of the economically meaningful groups of the EU countries that would confirm or reject the classification of old and new member states. The results of cluster analysis divided countries into three clusters, and confirmed that second cluster was represented by the new member states, and third by the old member states. Clusters were mutually different in the indicators of labour force in agriculture, support for agriculture, and agriculturally utilized land
Monitoring the occurrence of patens foramen ovale in fattening swine breeds continuation
The occurrence of foramen ovale patens (FOP) was investigated in 96 hearts taken from the Slovak meat-type (SM), 38 hearts from Yorkshire (YO), 51 hearts from Slovak meat-type x Yorkshire (SM x YO), 43 hearts from Pietrain x Yorkshire (PN x YO) and 45 hearts from Pietrain x Slovak meat-type (PN x SM) breeds. The investigation was done at the Station for Research and Meat Quality Evaluation. We determined the presence of FOP only in the hearts collected from SM in 7 cases, which is 13.7% of the occurrence, and in the PN x SM in 4 cases (11.2%). We did not observe any occurrence of FOP in the other investigated breeds. All of the investigated positive cases of FOP were in the male breeds of the SM. In the cross breeds of PN x SM two positive cases of FOP were found in both sexes. As far as the size of the FOP is concerned, there have been documented 2mmdiameter in four cases and 3mmin three cases in the SM breeds. On the other hand, in the PN x SM cross breeds neither case had more than 2 mm in size. After camparing these results with our previous work, we decided further to investigate the occurrence of these heart defects at the line level of each meat breed
Genetic variation within and relationships among five subpopulations of Slovak Thoroughbred
Genetic variation at six microsatellite loci was analysed for five Thoroughbred subpopulations to determine the magnitude of genetic differentiation and the genetic relationships among the subpopulations. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were shown for a number of locus-population combinations, with all subpopulations. The genetic diversities and relationships of five Thoroughbred subpopulations were evaluated using six microsatellites recommended by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG). The allele frequencies, the effective numbers of alleles, and the observed and expected heterozygosities were calculated. POPGENE v. 1.31 (Yeh et al., 1997) was used to test for deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equilibrium and to assign FIS estimates (Weir, 1990). The utility of microsatellites for evaluating genetic diversity of horses is discussed