42 research outputs found

    An iterative ICA-based reconstruction method to produce consistent time-variable total water storage fields using GRACE and swarm satellite data

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    Observing global terrestrial water storage changes (TWSCs) from (inter-)seasonal to (multi-)decade time-scales is very important to understand the Earth as a system under natural and anthropogenic climate change. The primary goal of the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission (2002–2017) and its follow-on mission (GRACE-FO, 2018–onward) is to provide time-variable gravity fields, which can be converted to TWSCs with ∼300 km spatial resolution; however, the one year data gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO represents a critical discontinuity, which cannot be replaced by alternative data or model with the same quality. To fill this gap, we applied time-variable gravity fields (2013–onward) from the Swarm Earth explorer mission with low spatial resolution of ∼1500 km. A novel iterative reconstruction approach was formulated based on the independent component analysis (ICA) that combines the GRACE and Swarm fields. The reconstructed TWSC fields of 2003–2018 were compared with a commonly applied reconstruction technique and GRACE-FO TWSC fields, whose results indicate a considerable noise reduction and long-term consistency improvement of the iterative ICA reconstruction technique. They were applied to evaluate trends and seasonal mass changes (of 2003–2018) within the world’s 33 largest river basin

    Taxonomical changes, comments and new country records of West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) with special regards to Mediterranean species

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    Based on the study of primary type material, the following taxonomic changes in West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae are proposed: Chilotomina moroderi moroderi (Escalera, 1928) = Gynandrophthalma moroderi Cobos, 1969, syn. n.; Cryptocephalus (Burlinius) macellus Suffrian, 1860 = C. zantensis Pic, 1953, syn. n.; Chrysolina (Bittotaenia) salviae (Sahlberg, 1823) = Chrysomela salviae Germar, 1823,  syn.  n.; Timarcha geniculata (Sahlberg, 1823)  = Chrysomela geniculata Germar, 1823,  syn.  n.; Calomicrus lividus (Joannis, 1865) = Calomicrus trabzonus Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013,  syn.  n.; Euluperus azureus (Fairmaire, 1884), comb. n. (from Calomicrus) = Euluperus hermonensis Lopatin, 1997,  syn.  n.; Euluperus nairicus (Lopatin, 1990),  comb.  n. (from Calomicrus); Exosoma gaudionis (Reiche, 1862)  = Exosoma thoracica var. grossepunctata Roubal, 1931, syn. n.; Exosoma lusitanicum (Linnaeus, 1767)  = Malacosoma theryi Guillebeau, 1897, syn. n.; Monolepta syriaca (Weise, 1924), comb. n. (from Calomicrus)  = Calomicrus volkovitshi Lopatin et Nesterova, 2013,  syn.  n.; Theone silphoides silphoides (Sahlberg, 1823) = Galleruca silphoides Dalman, 1823, syn. n.; Derocrepis rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) = Chrysomela caeruleostriata DeGeer, 1775,  syn.  n. Moreover, Gynandrophthalma transsylvanica Frivaldszky, 1883 is confirmed as synonym of Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) and Chrysomela plantaginis DeGeer, 1775 is confirmed as synonym of Phaedon armoraciae (Linnaeus, 1758). It is shown that Carolus Reginald Sahlberg published the oldest descriptions of Chrysolina salviae (Germar, 1823), Timarcha geniculata (Germar, 1823) and Theone silphoides silphoides (Dalman, 1823) and the authorship of these species is changed. Lectotypes are designated for Luperus azureus Fairmaire, 1884 and Luperus brevicollis Weise, 1898. New country records for West Palaearctic Chrysomelidae (with special regards to Mediterranean fauna) are presented

    Oxydative Extraktionsseparation von Ruthenium aus den Lösungen seiner Verbindungen

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    Taxonomical changes and comments on Palaearctic and Oriental Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera)

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    Based on the study of primary type material, the following taxonomic changes in Palaearctic and Oriental Galerucinae and Cryptocephalinae (Clytrini) are proposed: Apophylia Thomson, 1858 = Apophylana Medvedev, 2019, syn. n.; Galeruca subgenus Rhabdotilla Jacobson, 1911, stat. n. = Galemira Beenen, 2003, syn. n.; Aulacophora coffeae (Hornstedt, 1788) = Hoplasoma kelantana Medvedev, 2019, syn. n.; Cassena collaris collaris (Baly, 1879) = Cneorane malayana Medvedev, 2019, syn. n.; Coeligetes submetallica Jacoby, 1884 = Doryidella marginata Medvedev, 2015, syn. n.; Dercetina bicolora (Medvedev, 2018), comb. n. (from Doryidella); Dercetina bisbipunctata (Medvedev, 2018), comb. n. (from Doryidella); Galeruca (Rhabdotilla) sexcostata Jacoby, 1904 = Rhabdotilla rosti Jacobson, 1911, syn. n.; Menippus beeneni Lee, Bezděk et Suenaga, 2012 = Pyrrhalta shaanxiana Medvedev, 2019, syn. n.; Pseudocneorane apicalis (Jacoby, 1884), comb. n. (from Metrioidea) = P. fulvicornis Medvedev et Romantsov, 2012, syn. n.; Pseudocneorane grandis (Allard, 1889), comb. n. (from Metrioidea); Pseudocneorane molek (Mohamedsaid, 1994), comb. n. (from Metrioidea); Radymna rickmersi (Weise, 1900) = Galeruca (Haptoscelis) reitteri Havelka, 1958, syn. n. Galerucella flavidula Reitter, 1913, syn. n. is removed from the synonymy with G. tenella (Linnaeus, 1760) and newly synonymized with G. pusilla (Duftschmid, 1825). Following new names are proposed due to homonymy: Smaragdina vitalisi nom. n. for S. divisoides Medvedev, 1988, nec Gynandrophthalma divisoides Chûjô, 1952 (now junior synonym of Smaragdina fulveola (Jacoby, 1890)); Smaragdina gerhardi nom. n. for S. schereri Lopatin, 2006, nec S. schereri Medvedev, 1970 (now Afrophthalma schereri); Apophylia skalei nom. n. for A. thoracica (Medvedev, 2019), nec A. thoracica Gressitt et Kimoto, 1963 (junior synonym of A. flavovirens (Fairmaire, 1878)); Monolepta hagiangana nom. n. for M. bacboensis Medvedev, 2015, nec M. bacboensis Medvedev, 2012. The spelling of Smaragdina cribripennis Tan, 1988 is fixed in accordance with the principle of the First Reviser

    Time-variable gravity fields derived from GPS tracking of Swarm

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    Since 2002 Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) provides monthly gravity fields from K-band ranging (KBR) between two GRACE satellites. These KBR gravity monthlies have enabled the global observation of time-varying Earth mass signal at a regional scale (about 400 km resolution). Apart from KBR, monthly gravity solutions can be computed from onboard GPS data. The newly reprocessed GPS monthlies from 13 yr of GRACE data are shown to yield correct time-variable gravity signal (seasonality, trends, interannual variations) at a spatial resolution of 1300 km (harmonic degree 15). We show that GPS fields from new Swarm mission are of similar quality as GRACE GPS monthlies. Thus, Swarm GPS monthlies represent new and independent source of information on time-variable gravity, and, although with lower resolution and accuracy, they can be used for its monitoring, particularly if GRACE KBR/GPS data become unavailable before GRACE Follow-On is launched (2017 August).Astrodynamics & Space Mission

    Komplexní geochemický výzkum interakcí a migrací organických a anorganických látek v horninovém prostředí:Sorpce organických polutantů přírodními sorbenty

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    Zpráva se zabývá problematikou charakterizace organické hmoty hornin, sedimentů a půd jako přírodních sorbentů a interakcemi těchto materiálů s organickými polutanty v modelových systémech hornina - voda. Výsledky analýz byly podrobeny auditu jakosti a spolehlivosti statistickým hodnocením údajů včetně vyšetření korelací mezi definitivně příbuznými analytickými veličinami. Byly validovány metody stanovení triazinových herbicidů ve vodách a zeminách pomocí HPLC. Výsledky jsou uvedeny v přílohách

    Radiochemical determination of ruthenium-106 in urine

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