543 research outputs found

    High Spin Gauge Fields and Two-Time Physics

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    All possible interactions of a point particle with background electromagnetic, gravitational and higher-spin fields is considered in the two-time physics worldline formalism in (d,2) dimensions. This system has a counterpart in a recent formulation of two-time physics in non-commutative field theory with local Sp(2) symmetry. In either the worldline or field theory formulation, a general Sp(2) algebraic constraint governs the interactions, and determines equations that the background fields of any spin must obey. The constraints are solved in the classical worldline formalism (h-bar=0 limit) as well as in the field theory formalism (all powers of h-bar). The solution in both cases coincide for a certain 2T to 1T holographic image which describes a relativistic particle interacting with background fields of any spin in (d-1,1) dimensions. Two disconnected branches of solutions exist, which seem to have a correspondence as massless states in string theory, one containing low spins in the zero Regge slope limit, and the other containing high spins in the infinite Regge slope limit.Comment: LaTeX 22 pages. Typos corrected in version

    New Spin-Two Gauged Sigma Models and General Conformal Field Theory

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    Recently, we have studied the general Virasoro construction at one loop in the background of the general non-linear sigma model. Here, we find the action formulation of these new conformal field theories when the background sigma model is itself conformal. In this case, the new conformal field theories are described by a large class of new spin-two gauged sigma models. As examples of the new actions, we discuss the spin-two gauged WZW actions, which describe the conformal field theories of the generic affine-Virasoro construction, and the spin-two gauged g/h coset constructions. We are able to identify the latter as the actions of the local Lie h-invariant conformal field theories, a large class of generically irrational conformal field theories with a local gauge symmetry.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages, references and clarifying remarks adde

    Exact Effective Action and Spacetime Geometry in Gauged WZW Models

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    We present an effective quantum action for the gauged WZW model Gk/HkG_{-k}/H_{-k}. It is conjectured that it is valid to all orders of the central extension (k)(-k) on the basis that it reproduces the exact spacetime geometry of the zero modes that was previously derived in the algebraic Hamiltonian formalism. Besides the metric and dilaton, the new results that follow from this approach include the exact axion field and the solution of the geodesics in the exact geometry. It is found that the axion field is generally non-zero at higher orders of 1/k1/k even if it vanishes at large kk. We work out the details in two specific coset models, one non-abelian, i.e. SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)SO(2,2)/SO(2,1) and one abelian, i.e SL(2,\IR)\otimes SO(1,1)^{d-2}/SO(1,1). The simplest case SL(2,\IR)/\IR corresponds to a limit.Comment: 20 pages, harvmac, USC-93/HEP-B1, (The exact general expression for the dilaton is added in Sec.5

    Global Analysis of New Gravitational Singularities in String and Particle Theories

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    We present a global analysis of the geometries that arise in non-compact current algebra (or gauged WZW) coset models of strings and particles propagating in curved space-time. The simplest case is the 2d black hole. In higher dimensions these geometries describe new and much more complex singularities. For string and particle theories (defined in the text) we introduce general methods for identifying global coordinates and give the general exact solution for the geodesics for any gauged WZW model for any number of dimensions. We then specialize to the 3d geometries associated with SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)SO(2,2)/SO(2,1) (and also SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)) and discuss in detail the global space, geodesics, curvature singularities and duality properties of this space. The large-small (or mirror) type duality property is reformulated as an inversion in group parameter space. The 3d global space has two topologically distinct sectors, with patches of different sectors related by duality. The first sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``pinched double trousers". It can be pictured as the world sheet of two closed strings that join into a single closed string and then split into two closed strings, but with a pinch in each leg of the trousers. The second sector has a singularity surface with the topology of ``double saddle", pictured as the world sheets of two infinite open strings that come close but do not touch. We discuss the geodesicaly complete spaces on each side of these surfaces and interpret the motion of particles in physical terms. A cosmological interpretation is suggested and comments are mode on possible physical applications.Comment: 31 pages, plus 4 figure

    U*(1,1) Noncommutative Gauge Theory As The Foundation of 2T-Physics in Field Theory

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    A very simple field theory in noncommutative phase space X^{M},P^{M} in d+2 dimensions, with a gauge symmetry based on noncommutative u*(1,1), furnishes the foundation for the field theoretic formulation of Two-Time Physics. This leads to a remarkable unification of several gauge principles in d dimensions, including Maxwell, Einstein and high spin gauge principles, packaged together into one of the simplest fundamental gauge symmetries in noncommutative quantum phase space in d+2 dimensions. A gauge invariant action is constructed and its nonlinear equations of motion are analyzed. Besides elegantly reproducing the first quantized worldline theory with all background fields, the field theory prescribes unique interactions among the gauge fields. A matrix version of the theory, with a large N limit, is also outlinedComment: 24 pages, LaTe

    On possible generalization of the superstring action to eleven dimensions

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    We suggest a D=11 super Poincar\'e invariant action for the superstring which has free dynamics in the physical variables sector. Instead of the standard approach based on the searching for an action with local κ\kappa-symmetry (or, equivalently, with corresponding first class constraints), we propose a theory with fermionic constraints of second class only. Then the κ\kappa-symmetry and the well known Γ\Gamma-matrix identities are not necessary for the construction. Thus, at the classical level, the superstring action of the type described can exist in any spacetime dimensions and the known brane-scan can be revisited.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex file, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Summing Over Inequivalent Maps in the String Theory Interpretation of Two Dimensional QCD

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    Following some recent work by Gross, we consider the partition function for QCD on a two dimensional torus and study its stringiness. We present strong evidence that the free energy corresponds to a sum over branched surfaces with small handles mapped into the target space. The sum is modded out by all diffeomorphisms on the world-sheet. This leaves a sum over disconnected classes of maps. We prove that the free energy gives a consistent result for all smooth maps of the torus into the torus which cover the target space pp times, where pp is prime, and conjecture that this is true for all coverings. Each class can also contain integrations over the positions of branch points and small handles which act as ``moduli'' on the surface. We show that the free energy is consistent for any number of handles and that the first few leading terms are consistent with contributions from maps with branch points.Comment: 17 pages, 5 eps figures contained in a uuencoded file, UVA-HET-92-1

    Considerations on Super Poincare Algebras and their Extensions to Simple Superalgebras

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    We consider simple superalgebras which are a supersymmetric extension of \fspin(s,t) in the cases where the number of odd generators does not exceed 64. All of them contain a super Poincar\'e algebra as a contraction and another as a subalgebra. Because of the contraction property, some of these algebras can be interpreted as de Sitter or anti de Sitter superalgebras. However, the number of odd generators present in the contraction is not always minimal due to the different splitting properties of the spinor representations under a subalgebra. We consider the general case, with arbitrary dimension and signature, and examine in detail particular examples with physical implications in dimensions d=10d=10 and d=4d=4.Comment: 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX. Version to appear in the Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Fermionic Ghosts in Moyal String Field Theory

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    We complete the construction of the Moyal star formulation of bosonic open string field theory (MSFT) by providing a detailed study of the fermionic ghost sector. In particular, as in the case of the matter sector, (1) we construct a map from Witten's star product to the Moyal product, (2) we propose a regularization scheme which is consistent with the matter sector and (3) as a check of the formalism, we derive the ghost Neumann coefficients algebraically directly from the Moyal product. The latter satisfy the Gross-Jevicki nonlinear relations even in the presence of the regulator, and when the regulator is removed they coincide numerically with the expression derived from conformal field theory. After this basic construction, we derive a regularized action of string field theory in the Siegel gauge and define the Feynman rules. We give explicitly the analytic expression of the off-shell four point function for tachyons, including the ghost contribution. Some of the results in this paper have already been used in our previous publications. This paper provides the technical details of the computations which were omitted there.Comment: 65 pages, typos correcte

    Lie Superalgebras and the Multiplet Structure of the Genetic Code II: Branching Schemes

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    Continuing our attempt to explain the degeneracy of the genetic code using basic classical Lie superalgebras, we present the branching schemes for the typical codon representations (typical 64-dimensional irreducible representations) of basic classical Lie superalgebras and find three schemes that do reproduce the degeneracies of the standard code, based on the orthosymplectic algebra osp(5|2) and differing only in details of the symmetry breaking pattern during the last step.Comment: 34 pages, 9 tables, LaTe