437 research outputs found

    La sexualité à l’ère numérique : les adolescents et le sexting

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    Bien que la recherche commence à s’intéresser au sexting par rapport aux taux de prévalence et que des campagnes de prévention aient été créées pour cette problématique, des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires afin de comprendre tous les enjeux entourant la pratique chez les jeunes, particulièrement lorsqu’elle entraine des conséquences négatives. Nos questions de recherche sont les suivantes : Quelles sont les différents éléments qui définissent le sexting du point de vue des jeunes, des parents et des enseignants ? Quelle est la définition du sexting ? Quelles sont les raisons qui peuvent motiver une personne à pratiquer le sexting (en termes d’envoi et de réception) mais aussi à transférer le contenu à d’autres personnes ? Quels sont les risques, conséquences et réactions possibles, notamment en termes de jugement ? Est-ce que la prévention relative au sexting est utile ? Que pourrait-on faire pour prévenir


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    The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at SLAC will be the brightest X-ray laser in the world when it comes on line. In order to achieve the brightness a 200fS length electron bunch is passed through an undulator. To create the 200fS, 3kA bunch, a 10pS electron bunch, created from a photo cathode in an RF gun, is run off crest on the RF to set up a position to energy correlation. The bunch is then compressed by chicanes. The stability of the RF system is critical in setting up the position to energy correlation. Specifications derived from simulations require the RF system to be stable to below 200fS in several critical injector stations and the last kilometer of linac. The SLAC linac RF system is being upgraded to meet these requirements. used to accelerate the beam to 4.3GeV before entering BC2. Linac 3, klystron stations 25-1 to 30-8, accelerates the beam to 13.6GeV

    La sexualité à l’ère numérique : les adolescents et le sexting 2.0, 2ème phase

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    Le sexting a d’abord été rendu public par des cas dramatiques relayés par la presse dans lesquels des jeunes filles avaient été harcelées à la suite de la publication et du partage d’une de leurs photos intimes. Pourtant, depuis, cette pratique a également été appréhendée de manière plus positive ou moins alarmiste, pouvant raisonnablement faire partie du développement et des expérimentations des jeunes. En 2016, nous avons mené une première recherche qualitative qui avait pour but d’explorer la pratique du sexting chez les jeunes en menant des groupes focus avec des jeunes âgés de 16 à 21 ans, des parents et des enseignants d’enfants et d’élèves âgés d’au moins 11 ans. Dans le cadre de cette première étude, certains résultats nous ont amené à élaborer une étape exploratoire supplémentaire. Ainsi, nous avons souhaité continuer notre approche exploratoire de la pratique du sexting en incluant les opinions et interprétations des jeunes âgés de 12 à 15 ans ou en tout cas encore dans le système d’école obligatoire. Ajouter les opinions et interprétations des 12-15 ans nous offrira une vision complète de la problématique du sexting et permettra assurément d’adapter les messages de prévention au plus près de la pratique en établissant les différents facteurs de risque et de protection quant à la pratique du sexting. Cette recherche peut être considérée comme la suite de la première recherche menée en 2016 auprès des jeunes âgées de 16 à 21 ans, des enseignants et des parents. Ainsi, les objectifs et les méthodes sont très similaires

    Responses to plant extracts of neonatal codling moth larvae Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)

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    A bioassay was designed to test behavioral responses of neonatal codling moth larvae to chloroform and methanol extracts of 25 plant species. Chloroform extractable materials from absinthe wormwood, Artemisia absinthium (L.), rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas), and tansy, Zanacetum vulgare (L..) showed promise as possible feeding  deterrents to neonatal codling moth larvae

    Use of a corrugated beam pipe as a passive deflector for bunch length measurements

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    We report the experimental demonstration of bunch length measurements using a corrugated metallic beam pipe as a passive deflector. The corrugated beam pipe has been adopted for reducing longitudinal chirping after the bunch compressors in several XFEL facilities worldwide. In the meantime, there have been attempts to measure the electron bunch's longitudinal current profile using the dipole wakefields generated in the corrugated pipe. Nevertheless, the bunch shape reconstructed from the nonlinearly deflected beam suffers from significant distortion, particularly near the head of the bunch. In this paper, we introduce an iterative process to improve the resolution of the bunch shape reconstruction. The ASTRA and ELEGANT simulations have been performed for pencil beam and cigar beam cases, in order to verify the effectiveness of the reconstruction process. To overcome the undesirable effects of transverse beam spreads, a measurement scheme involving both the corrugated beam pipe and the spectrometer magnet has been employed, both of which do not require a dedicated (and likely very expensive) rf system. A proof-of-principle experiment was carried out at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) Injector Test Facility (ITF), and its results are discussed together with a comparison with the rf deflector measurement

    Achieving conservation through cattle ranching: The case of the Brazilian Pantanal

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    Cattle ranching in the ~140,000 km2 Brazilian Pantanal is considered one of the most important cases of sustainable use of natural resources in the global south. The region has had a successful history of balancing environmental protection with the production of >3.8 million cattle. However, global change, infrastructure projects, and deforestation, threaten the sustainable use of the Pantanal. Here, using Ostrom's design principles as a framework, we interviewed 49 local stakeholders and conducted a review of secondary information aiming to evaluate the sustainability of cattle ranching practices across the region and the threats to it. We show that well-defined property boundaries, congruence between appropriation and provision rules through low-intensity cattle ranching, and co-management of resources, are all key components for achieving sustainability in the Pantanal. However, we documented shortcomings in satisfying critical aspects of Orstrom's design principles. Specifically, we argue that the Pantanal needs better biodiversity and behavior monitoring, the creation of platforms or mechanisms to solve local conflicts around resource access and use, recognition by governments and international bodies of the local efforts to promote local sustainability, and the creation of networks effectively connecting existing sustainability initiatives

    Foraging niche separation of social wasps in an invaded area: Implications for their management

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    Foraging niche separation may be a mechanism to promote coexistence of two competing species by concentrating intraspecific competition relative to interspecific competition. The present study investigated foraging behaviour and microhabitat use of two coexisting species of invasive social wasps, Vespula germanica and Vespula vulgaris, when foraging for two different food resources. Also, we tested the attractiveness of traps baited with a synthetic lure for those two species. We found that V. germanica wasps prefer to forage at ground level regardless of the resource, while V. vulgaris prefers protein resources at the shrubland level given a choice between a protein bait at ground or at shrubland level. However, when baited with the synthetic lure, the species caught was not affected by the height at which traps were placed. That is, in a no choice scenario, the traps were sufficiently attractive to lure both species of wasps to both microhabitats (ground and shrubland levels). Thus, our results support the existence of spatial niche differentiation at least in protein foraging and suggest that the synthetic lure evaluated could be used to trap both species of Vespula wasps present in Argentina. These results could help to improve management strategies of these social wasps in an invaded area.Estación Experimental Agropecuaria BarilocheFil: Masciocchi, Maite. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Instituo de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche. Grupo de Ecología de Poblaciones de Insectos; ArgentinaFil: Unelius, Carl Rikard. Linnaeus University. Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; SueciaFil: Buteler, Micaela. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medio Ambiente; Argentin

    Achieving conservation through cattle ranching: the case of the Brazilian Pantanal.

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    Cattle ranching in the 140,000 km 2 Brazilian Pantanal is considered one of the most important cases of sustainable use of natural resources in the global south. The region has had a successful history of balancing environmental protection with the production of >3.8 million cattle. However, global change, infrastructure projects, and deforestation, threaten the sustainable use of the Pantanal. Here, using Ostrom's design principles as a framework, we interviewed 49 local stakeholders and conducted a review of secondary information aiming to evaluate the sustainability of cattle ranching practices across the region and the threats to it. We show that well-defined property boundaries, congruence between appropriation and provision rules through low-intensity cattle ranching, and co-management of resources, are all key components for achieving sustainability in the Pantanal. However, we documented shortcomings in satisfying critical aspects of Orstrom's design principles. Specifically, we argue that the Pantanal needs better biodiversity and behavior monitoring, the creation of platforms or mechanisms to solve local conflicts around resource access and use, recognition by governments and international bodies of the local efforts to promote local sustainability, and the creation of networks effectively connecting existing sustainability initiatives.Online First