16 research outputs found

    Scaling similarities of multiple fracturing of solid materials

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    It has recently reported that electromagnetic flashes of low-energy <IMG WIDTH='12' HEIGHT='29' ALIGN='MIDDLE' BORDER='0' src='http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/11/137/2004/npg-11-137-img1.gif' ALT='gammagamma'>-rays emitted during multi-fracturing on a neutron star, and electromagnetic pulses emitted in the laboratory by a disordered material subjected to an increasing external load, share distinctive statistical properties with earthquakes, such as power-law energy distributions (Cheng et al., 1996; Kossobokov et al., 2000; Rabinovitch et al., 2001; Sornette and Helmstetter, 2002). The neutron starquakes may release strain energies up to <IMG WIDTH='32' HEIGHT='16' ALIGN='BOTTOM' BORDER='0' src='http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/11/137/2004/npg-11-137-img2.gif' ALT='104610^{46}'>erg, while, the fractures in laboratory samples release strain energies approximately a fraction of an erg. An earthquake fault region can build up strain energy up to approximately <IMG WIDTH='32' HEIGHT='16' ALIGN='BOTTOM' BORDER='0' src='http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/11/137/2004/npg-11-137-img3.gif' ALT='102610^{26}'>erg for the strongest earthquakes. Clear sequences of kilohertz-megahertz electromagnetic avalanches have been detected from a few days up to a few hours prior to recent destructive earthquakes in Greece. A question that arises effortlessly is if the pre-seismic electromagnetic fluctuations also share the same statistical properties. Our study justifies a positive answer. Our analysis also reveals 'symptoms' of a transition to the main rupture common with earthquake sequences and acoustic emission pulses observed during laboratory experiments (Maes et al., 1998)

    Unified approach to catastrophic events: from the normal state to geological or biological shock in terms of spectral fractal and nonlinear analysis

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    An important question in geophysics is whether earthquakes (EQs) can be anticipated prior to their occurrence. Pre-seismic electromagnetic (EM) emissions provide a promising window through which the dynamics of EQ preparation can be investigated. However, the existence of precursory features in pre-seismic EM emissions is still debatable: in principle, it is difficult to prove associations between events separated in time, such as EQs and their EM precursors. The scope of this paper is the investigation of the pre-seismic EM activity in terms of complexity. A basic reason for our interest in complexity is the striking similarity in behavior close to irreversible phase transitions among systems that are otherwise quite different in nature. Interestingly, theoretical studies (Hopfield, 1994; Herz and Hopfield 1995; Rundle et al., 1995; Corral et al., 1997) suggest that the EQ dynamics at the final stage and neural seizure dynamics should have many similar features and can be analyzed within similar mathematical frameworks. Motivated by this hypothesis, we evaluate the capability of linear and non-linear techniques to extract common features from brain electrical activities and pre-seismic EM emissions predictive of epileptic seizures and EQs respectively. The results suggest that a unified theory may exist for the ways in which firing neurons and opening cracks organize themselves to produce a large crisis, while the preparation of an epileptic shock or a large EQ can be studied in terms of ''Intermittent Criticality''

    Experience of short term earthquake precursors with VLF?VHF electromagnetic emissions

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    International audienceElectromagnetic anomalies (EMA) covering a wide range of frequencies from ULF, VLF up to VHF have been observed before recent destructive earthquakes in continental Greece. We show that the features of these signals are possibly correlated with the fault model characteristics of the associated earthquake and with the degree of geotectonic heterogeneity within the focal zone. The time evolution of these electromagnetic sequences reveals striking similarities to that observed in laboratory acoustic and electromagnetic emissions during different stages of failure preparation process in rocks. If we consider that the same dynamics governs the large-scale earthquakes and the microscopic scale sample rheological structure, the results of this analysis suggest that the recorded EMA might reflect the nucleation phase of the associated impending earthquake. We focus on the rise of the statistical view of earthquakes. We find electro-magnetic fingerprints of an underlying critical mechanism. Finally, we conclude that it is useful to combine ULF and VLF-VHF field measurements in an attempt to enhance the understanding of the physics behind these observations and thus to improve the quality of earthquake prediction. Further, the identification of an EMA as a seismogenic one supports the characterization of a sequence of shocks as foreshocks at the time they occur, further helping the earthquake prediction effort

    Extracting preseismic electromagnetic signatures in terms of symbolic dynamics

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    When a heterogeneous material is strained, its evolution toward breaking is characterized by the nucleation and the coalescence of micro-cracks before the final break-up. Electromagnetic (EM) emission in a wide frequency spectrum ranging from very low frequencies (VLF) to very high frequencies (VHF) is produced by micro-cracks, which can be considered as the so-called precursors of general fracture. Herein we consider earthquakes (EQs) as large-scale fracture phenomena. We study the capability of nonlinear time series analysis to extract features from pre-seismic electromagnetic (EM) activity possibly indicating the nucleation of the impending EQ. In particular, we want to quantify and to visualize temporal changes of the complexity into consecutive time-windows of the time series. In this direction the original continuous time EM data is projected to a linguistic symbolic sequence and then we calculate the block entropies of the optimal partition. This analysis reveals a significant reduction of complexity of the underlying fracto-electromagnetic mechanism as the catastrophic events is approaching. We verify this result in terms of correlation dimension analysis. We point out that these findings are compatible with results from an independent linear method which uses a wavelet based approach for the estimation of fractal spectral characteristics. Field and laboratory experiments associate the epoch of low complexity in the tail of the precursory emission with the nucleation phase of the impending earthquake. © 2005 Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License

    Extracting preseismic electromagnetic signatures in terms of symbolic dynamics

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    International audienceWhen a heterogeneous material is strained, its evolution toward breaking is characterized by the nucleation and the coalescence of micro-cracks before the final break-up. Electromagnetic (EM) emission in a wide frequency spectrum ranging from very low frequencies (VLF) to very high frequencies (VHF) is produced by micro-cracks, which can be considered as the so-called precursors of general fracture. Herein we consider earthquakes (EQs) as large-scale fracture phenomena. We study the capability of nonlinear time series analysis to extract features from pre-seismic electromagnetic (EM) activity possibly indicating the nucleation of the impending EQ. In particular, we want to quantify and to visualize temporal changes of the complexity into consecutive time-windows of the time series. In this direction the original continuous time EM data is projected to a linguistic symbolic sequence and then we calculate the block entropies of the optimal partition. This analysis reveals a significant reduction of complexity of the underlying fracto-electromagnetic mechanism as the catastrophic events is approaching. We verify this result in terms of correlation dimension analysis. We point out that these findings are compatible with results from an independent linear method which uses a wavelet based approach for the estimation of fractal spectral characteristics. Field and laboratory experiments associate the epoch of low complexity in the tail of the precursory emission with the nucleation phase of the impending earthquake

    Experience of short term earthquake precursors with VLF-VHF electromagnetic emissions

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    Electromagnetic anomalies (EMA) covering a wide range of frequencies from ULF, VLF up to VHF have been observed before recent destructive earthquakes in continental Greece. We show that the features of these signals are possibly correlated with the fault model characteristics of the associated earthquake and with the degree of geotectonic heterogeneity within the focal zone. The time evolution of these electromagnetic sequences reveals striking similarities to that observed in laboratory acoustic and electromagnetic emissions during different stages of failure preparation process in rocks. If we consider that the same dynamics governs the large-scale earthquakes and the microscopic scale sample rheological structure, the results of this analysis suggest that the recorded EMA might reflect the nucleation phase of the associated impending earthquake. We focus on the rise of the statistical view of earthquakes. We find electromagnetic fingerprints of an underlying critical mechanism. Finally, we conclude that it is useful to combine ULF and VLF-VHF field measurements in an attempt to enhance the understanding of the physics behind these observations and thus to improve the quality of earthquake prediction. Further, the identification of an EMA as a seismogenic one supports the characterization of a sequence of shocks as foreshocks at the time they occur, further helping the earthquake prediction effort. © European Geosciences Union 2003

    Distinguished seismological and electromagnetic features of the impending global failure: Did the 7/9/1999 M5.9 Athens earthquake come with a warning?

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    Clear VLF electromagnetic (EM) anomalies were detected prior to the Athens earthquake (EQ). We attempt to establish the hypothesis that these emissions were launched from the pre-focal area during micro-fracturing process. The spectral analysis in terms of fractal dynamics reveals that distinquished alterations in the associated scaling parameters emerge as the EQ is approached. These alterations suggests that the evolution of the Earth&apos;s crust towards the ‘ critical point‘ takes place not only in the seismological sense but also in the pre-fracture EM sense. VAN-signals and space-time TIR-signals were also detected prior to the Athens EQ. These anomalies, as well as the fault modeling of the Athens EQ obtained by interferometric combinations of ERS2 SAR images bring further support for the confidence in the reliability of our conclusions. © 2005, The Seismological Society of Japan, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. All rights reserved

    Review and a model of pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions in terms of fractal electrodynamics

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    We introduce a new model of the generation of pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions, which explains the observed phenomenology in terms of its geometry and fractal electrodynamics. Accumulated evidence indicates that an earthquake can be viewed as a critical phenomenon culminating in a large event that corresponds to a type of critical point. The principle feature of criticality is the fractal organization in both space and time. Earthquakes display a complex spatio-temporal behavior: in addition to the regularity in the rate of occurrence (e.g. Gutenberg-Richter law, Omori law), the spatial distribution of epicenters is fractal and earthquakes occur on a fractal structure of faults. Thus, the hypothesis that the fault develops as a fractal is reasonable. A mounting body of laboratory evidence suggests that micro-fracturing of rocks are associated with the appearance of spontaneous charge production and transient electromagnetic emissions (EME). The emitting, diffusing and recombination charge accompanying the micro-fracturing, can act as current generated during the crack opening. In this view, an active crack or rupture, can be simulated by a &quot;radiating element.&quot; The idea is that a fractal geoantenna (FGA) can be formed as an array of line elements having a fractal distribution on the ground surface as the critical point is approached. We test this idea in terms of fractal electrodynamics: we argue that the precursory VLF-VHF EM signals associated with recent earthquakes in Greece are governed by characteristics (e.g. scaling laws, temporal evolution of the spectrum content, broad band spectrum region and accelerating emission rate) predicted by fractal electrodynamics

    Signature of pending earthquake from electromagnetic anomalies

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    Two electromagnetic (EM) anomalies have been detected in the VLF frequency band before the Athens earthquake (EQ) (Mw = 5.9, Sept. 7, 1999) with the following characteristics: (i) The first and second anomaly lasted for 12 and 17 hours respectively with a cessation of 12 hours; (ii) The second anomaly ceased at about 9 hours before the EQ; (iii) The larger anomaly, the second one, contains approximately 80% of the total EM energy received; (iv) No EM disturbance has been recorded in the VHF frequency band unlike with other cases, e.g., the Kozani Grevena and Egion-Eratini earthquakes. The fault modeling of the Athens EQ, based on information obtained by radar interferometry, predicts two faults. The main fault segment is responsible for 80% of the total energy released, while the secondary fault segment for the remaining 20%. Moreover, a recent seismic data analysis supports the hypothesis that a two-event solution for the Athens EQ, is more likely than a single event solution. In addition, the absence of surface rupture explains the absence of EM detection in the VHF frequency band. The present analysis reveals that the properties of the preseismic electromagnetic anomalies might be considered as signatures of a pending earthquake