7,951 research outputs found

    Magnetic field enhanced structural instability in EuTiO_{3}

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    EuTiO_{3} undergoes a structural phase transition from cubic to tetragonal at T_S = 282 K which is not accompanied by any long range magnetic order. However, it is related to the oxygen ocathedra rotation driven by a zone boundary acoustic mode softening. Here we show that this displacive second order structural phase transition can be shifted to higher temperatures by the application of an external magnetic field (increased by 4 K for mu_{0}H = 9 T). This observed field dependence is in agreement with theoretical predictions based on a coupled spin-anharmonic-phonon interaction model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Rapid changes in ice core gas records Part 2: Understanding the rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 at the onset of the Bølling/Allerød

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    During the last glacial/interglacial transition the Earth's climate underwent rapid changes around 14.6 kyr ago. Temperature proxies from ice cores revealed the onset of the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) warm period in the north and the start of the Antarctic Cold Reversal in the south. Furthermore, the B/A is accompanied by a rapid sea level rise of about 20 m during meltwater pulse (MWP) 1A, whose exact timing is matter of current debate. In situ measured CO<sub>2</sub> in the EPICA Dome C (EDC) ice core also revealed a remarkable jump of 10&plusmn;1 ppmv in 230 yr at the same time. Allowing for the age distribution of CO<sub>2</sub> in firn we here show, that atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> rose by 20–35 ppmv in less than 200 yr, which is a factor of 2–3.5 larger than the CO<sub>2</sub> signal recorded in situ in EDC. Based on the estimated airborne fraction of 0.17 of CO<sub>2</sub> we infer that 125 Pg of carbon need to be released to the atmosphere to produce such a peak. Most of the carbon might have been activated as consequence of continental shelf flooding during MWP-1A. This impact of rapid sea level rise on atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> distinguishes the B/A from other Dansgaard/Oeschger events of the last 60 kyr, potentially defining the point of no return during the last deglaciation

    Hybrid paramagnon phonon modes at elevated temperatures in EuTiO3

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    EuTiO3 (ETO) has recently experienced an enormous revival of interest because of its possible multiferroic properties which are currently in the focus of research. Unfortunately ETO is an unlikely candidate for enlarged multifunctionality since the mode softening - typical for ferroelectrics - remains incomplete, and the antiferromagnetic properties appear at 5.5K only. However, a strong coupling between lattice and Eu spins exists and leads to the appearance of a magnon-phonon-hybrid mode at elevated temperatures as evidenced by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), muon spin rotation ({\mu}SR) experiments and model predictions based on a coupled spin-polarizability Hamiltonian. This novel finding supports the notion of strong magneto-dielectric (MD) effects being realized in ETO and opens new strategies in material design and technological applications.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    HerschelHerschel SPIRE-FTS observations of RCW 120

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    The expansion of Galactic HII regions can trigger the formation of a new generation of stars. However, little is know about the physical conditions that prevail in these regions. We study the physical conditions that prevail in specific zones towards expanding HII regions that trace representative media such as the photodissociation region, the ionized region, and condensations with and without ongoing star formation. We use the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) on board HerschelHerschel to observe the HII region RCW 120. Continuum and lines are observed in the 190670μ190-670\,\mum range. Line intensities and line ratios are obtained and used as physical diagnostics of the gas. We used the Meudon PDR code and the RADEX code to derive the gas density and the radiation field at nine distinct positions including the PDR surface and regions with and without star-formation activity. For the different regions we detect the atomic lines [NII] at 205μ205\,\mum and [CI] at 370370 and 609μ609\,\mum, the 12CO^{12}{\rm CO} ladder between the J=4J=4 and J=13J=13 levels and the 13CO^{13}{\rm CO} ladder between the J=5J=5 and J=14J=14 levels, as well as CH+ ^{+} in absorption. We find gas temperatures in the range 4525045-250\,K for densities of 104106cm310^4-10^6\,{\rm cm}^{-3}, and a high column density on the order of NH1022cm2N_{{\rm H}}\sim10^{22}\,{\rm cm}^{-2} that is in agreement with dust analysis. The ubiquitousness of the atomic and CH+ ^{+} emission suggests the presence of a low-density PDR throughout RCW 120. High-excitation lines of CO indicate the presence of irradiated dense structures or small dense clumps containing young stellar objects, while we also find a less dense medium (NH1020cm2N_{{\rm H}}\sim10^{20}\,{\rm cm}^{-2}) with high temperatures (8020080-200\,K).Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Lattice and polarizability mediated spin activity in EuTiO_3

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    EuTiO_3 is shown to exhibit novel strong spin-charge-lattice coupling deep in the paramagnetic phase. Its existence is evidenced by an, until now, unknown response of the paramagnetic susceptibility at temperatures exceeding the structural phase transition temperature T_S = 282K. The "extra" features in the susceptibility follow the rotational soft zone boundary mode temperature dependence above and below T_S. The theoretical modeling consistently reproduces this behavior and provides reasoning for the stabilization of the soft optic mode other than quantum fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Potential of the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor for the monitoring of terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence

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    Global monitoring of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) is improving our knowledge about the photosynthetic functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. The feasibility of SIF retrievals from spaceborne atmospheric spectrometers has been demonstrated by a number of studies in the last years. In this work, we investigate the potential of the upcoming TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite mission for SIF retrieval. TROPOMI will sample the 675–775 nm spectral window with a spectral resolution of 0.5 nm and a pixel size of 7 km × 7 km. We use an extensive set of simulated TROPOMI data in order to assess the uncertainty of single SIF retrievals and subsequent spatio-temporal composites. Our results illustrate the enormous improvement in SIF monitoring achievable with TROPOMI with respect to comparable spectrometers currently in-flight, such as the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) instrument. We find that TROPOMI can reduce global uncertainties in SIF mapping by more than a factor of 2 with respect to GOME-2, which comes together with an approximately 5-fold improvement in spatial sampling. Finally, we discuss the potential of TROPOMI to map other important vegetation parameters at a global scale with moderate spatial resolution and short revisit time. Those include leaf photosynthetic pigments and proxies for canopy structure, which will complement SIF retrievals for a self-contained description of vegetation condition and functioning

    Restoring betatron phase coherence in a beam-loaded laser-wakefield accelerator

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    Matched beam loading in laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), characterizing the state of flattening of the acceleration electric field along the bunch, leads to the minimization of energy spread at high bunch charges. Here, we demonstrate by independently controlling injected charge and acceleration gradients, using the self-truncated ionization injection scheme, that minimal energy spread coincides with a reduction of the normalized beam divergence. With the simultaneous confirmation of a constant beam radius at the plasma exit, deduced from betatron radiation spectroscopy, we attribute this effect to the reduction of chromatic betatron decoherence. Thus, beam loaded LWFA enables highest longitudinal and transverse phase space densities

    Full counting statistics of heteronuclear molecules from Feshbach-assisted photo association

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    We study the effects of quantum statistics on the counting statistics of ultracold heteronuclear molecules formed by Feshbach-assisted photoassociation [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 140405 (2004)]. Exploiting the formal similarities with sum frequency generation and using quantum optics methods we consider the cases where the molecules are formed from atoms out of two Bose-Einstein condensates, out of a Bose-Einstein condensate and a gas of degenerate fermions, and out of two degenerate Fermi gases with and without superfluidity. Bosons are treated in a single mode approximation and fermions in a degenerate model. In these approximations we can numerically solve the master equations describing the system's dynamics and thus we find the full counting statistics of the molecular modes. The full quantum dynamics calculations are complemented by mean field calculations and short time perturbative expansions. While the molecule production rates are very similar in all three cases at this level of approximation, differences show up in the counting statistics of the molecular fields. The intermediate field of closed-channel molecules is for short times second-order coherent if the molecules are formed from two Bose-Einstein condensates or a Bose-Fermi mixture. They show counting statistics similar to a thermal field if formed from two normal Fermi gases. The coherence properties of molecule formation in two superfluid Fermi gases are intermediate between the two previous cases. In all cases the final field of deeply-bound molecules is found to be twice as noisy as that of the intermediate state. This is a consequence of its coupling to the lossy optical cavity in our model, which acts as an input port for quantum noise, much like the situation in an optical beam splitter.Comment: replacement of earlier manuscript cond-mat/0508080 ''Feshbach-assisted photoassociation of ultracold heteronuclear molecules'' with minor revision