9,723 research outputs found

    An assembly to provide a time reference for the JPL Network Operations Control Center, Real-Time

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    A device is described which provides the value of date coordinated universal time (date UTC) to the JPL Network Operations Control Center, Real Time (NOCC-RT) facility. The NOCC-RT is the real time portion of the NOCC upgrade task. The time scale is generated in the NOCC-RT clock processor; however, there is a continuous reference to UTC, as realized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and transmitted by Earth orbiting satellites. An important functional design requirement is the 99.9 pct. availability

    Nuclear gas dynamics in Arp 220 - sub-kiloparsec scale atomic hydrogen disks

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    We present new, high angular resolution (~0.22") MERLIN observations of neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption and 21-cm radio continuum emission across the central ~900 parsecs of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy, Arp220. Spatially resolved HI absorption is detected against the morphologically complex and extended 21-cm radio continuum emission, consistent with two counterrotating disks of neutral hydrogen, with a small bridge of gas connecting the two. We propose a merger model in which the two nuclei represent the galaxy cores which have survived the initial encounter and are now in the final stages of merging, similar to conclusions drawn from previous CO studies (Sakamoto, Scoville & Yun 1999). However, we suggest that instead of being coplanar with the main CO disk (in which the eastern nucleus is embedded), the western nucleus lies above it and, as suggested by bridge of HI connecting the two nuclei, will soon complete its final merger with the main disk. We suggest that the collection of radio supernovae (RSN) detected in VLBA studies in the more compact western nucleus represent the second burst of star formation associated with this final merger stage and that free-free absorption due to ionised gas in the bulge-like component can account for the observed RSN distribution. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages including 8 figures and 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap

    Stable Kalman filters for processing clock measurement data

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    Kalman filters have been used for some time to process clock measurement data. Due to instabilities in the standard Kalman filter algorithms, the results have been unreliable and difficult to obtain. During the past several years, stable forms of the Kalman filter have been developed, implemented, and used in many diverse applications. These algorithms, while algebraically equivalent to the standard Kalman filter, exhibit excellent numerical properties. Two of these stable algorithms, the Upper triangular-Diagonal (UD) filter and the Square Root Information Filter (SRIF), have been implemented to replace the standard Kalman filter used to process data from the Deep Space Network (DSN) hydrogen maser clocks. The data are time offsets between the clocks in the DSN, the timescale at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and two geographically intermediate clocks. The measurements are made by using the GPS navigation satellites in mutual view between clocks. The filter programs allow the user to easily modify the clock models, the GPS satellite dependent biases, and the random noise levels in order to compare different modeling assumptions. The results of this study show the usefulness of such software for processing clock data. The UD filter is indeed a stable, efficient, and flexible method for obtaining optimal estimates of clock offsets, offset rates, and drift rates. A brief overview of the UD filter is also given

    Early Aspects at ICSE 2007: Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design

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    The “Early Aspects @ ICSE’07” is the 11th workshop in the series of Early Aspects workshops [1] which focuses on aspect identification during the requirements engineering and architecture derivation activities. The specific aim of the present workshop is twofold: (a) to initiate creation of an Early Aspects application demonstration and comparisons benchmark; and (b) to solicit submission of new research

    Lentiviral manipulation of gene expression in human adult and embryonic stem cells

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    Human stem cells could revolutionize the field of medicine by providing a diverse range of cell types for tissue replacement therapies and drug discovery. To achieve this goal, genetic tools need to be optimized and developed for controlling and manipulating stem cells ex vivo. Here we describe a lentiviral delivery system capable of high infection rates in human mesenchymal and embryonic stem cells. The lentiviral backbone was modified to express mono- and bi-cistronic transgenes and was also used to deliver short hairpin ribonucleic acid for specific silencing of gene expression in human stem cells. We show that lentiviral transduction can be used to alter gene expression without altering the genes' ability to differentiate in vitro. These vectors will enable rapid analysis of gene function in stem cells and permit the generation of knock-in / knock-out models of human disease in the rapidly developing field of gene therapy

    Diffusion Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional liquid 4^4He

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    The ground-state properties of two-dimensional liquid 4^4He at zero temperature are studied by means of a quadratic diffusion Monte Carlo method. As interatomic potential we use a revised version of the HFDHE2 Aziz potential which is expected to give a better description of the interaction between helium atoms. The equation of state is determined with great accuracy over a wide range of densities in the liquid phase from the spinodal point up to the freezing density. The spinodal decomposition density is estimated and other properties of the liquid, such as radial distribution function, static form factor, momentum distribution and density dependence of the condensate fraction are all presented.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex 3.0, 7 figures available upon reques

    Starburst and AGN activity in ultraluminous infrared galaxies

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    (Abridged) We examine the power source of 41 local Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies using archival infrared and optical photometry. We fit the observed Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) with starburst and AGN components; each component being drawn from a family of templates. We find all of the sample require a starburst, whereas only half require an AGN. In 90% of the sample the starburst provides over half the IR emission, with a mean fractional luminosity of 82%. When combined with other galaxy samples we find that starburst and AGN luminosities correlate over 6 decades in IR luminosity suggesting that a common factor governs both luminosities, plausibly the gas masses in the nuclear regions. We find that the mid-IR 7.7 micron line-continuum ratio is no indication of the starburst luminosity, or the fractional AGN luminosity, and therefore that this ratio is not a reliable diagnostic of the power source in ULIRGs. We propose that the scatter in the radio-IR correlation in ULIRGs is due to a skewed starburst IMF and/or relic relativistic electrons from a previous starburst, rather than contamination from an obscured AGN. We show that most ULIRGs undergo multiple starbursts during their lifetime, and by inference that mergers between more than two galaxies may be common amongst ULIRGs. Our results support the evolutionary model for ULIRGs proposed by Farrah et al 2001, where they can follow many different evolutionary paths of starburst and AGN activity in transforming merging spiral galaxies into elliptical galaxies, but that most do not go through an optical QSO phase. The lower level of AGN activity in our local sample than in z~1 HLIRGs implies that the two samples are distinct populations. We postulate that different galaxy formation processes at high-z are responsible for this difference.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Ultraluminous infrared galaxies: mergers of sub-L* galaxies?

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    A sample of 27 low-redshift, mostly cool, ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) has been imaged at 1.6 μm with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS). The majority (67%) of the sample's galaxies are multiple-nucleus galaxies with projected separations of up to 17 kpc, and the rest of the sample (33%) are single-nucleus galaxies, as determined by the NICMOS angular resolution limit. The average observed, integrated (host+nucleus) H magnitude of our HST H sample ULIRGs is -24.3, slightly above that of an L* galaxy (MH = -24.2), and 52% of the sample's galaxies have sub-L* luminosities. The ULIRGs in the HST H sample are not generated as a result of the merging of two luminous (i.e., ≥L*) spiral galaxies. Instead, the interactions and mergers occur in general between two, or in some cases more, less massive sub-L* (0.3-0.5L*) galaxies. Only one out of the 49 nuclei identified in the entire HST H sample has the properties of a bright quasar-like nucleus. On average, the brightest nuclei in the HST H sample galaxies (i.e., cool ULIRGs) are 1.2 mag fainter than warm ULIRGs and low-luminosity Bright Quasar Survey quasars (BQS QSOs) and 2.6 mag fainter than high-luminosity BQS QSOs. Since the progenitor galaxies involved in the merger are sub-L* galaxies, the mass of the central black hole in these ULIRGs would be only about (1-2) × 107 M☉, if the bulge-to-black hole mass ratio of nearby galaxies holds for ULIRGs. The estimated mass of the central black hole is similar to that of nearby Seyfert 2 galaxies but at least 1 order of magnitude lower than the massive black holes thought to be located at the center of high-luminosity QSOs. Massive nuclear starbursts with constant star formation rates of 10-40 M☉ yr-1 could contribute significantly to the nuclear H-band flux and are consistent with the observed nuclear H-band magnitudes of the ULIRGs in the HST H sample. An evolutionary merging scenario is proposed for the generation of the different types of ULIRGs and QSOs on the basis of the masses of the progenitors involved in the merging process. According to this scenario, cool ULIRGs would be the end product of the merging of two or more low-mass (0.3L*-0.5L*) disk galaxies. Warm ULIRGs and low-luminosity QSOs would be generated by a merger involving intermediate-mass (0.5 L*) disk galaxies. Under this scenario, warm ULIRGs could still be the dust-enshrouded phases of UV-bright low-luminosity QSOs, but cool ULIRGs, which are most ULIRGs, would not evolve into QSOs