797 research outputs found

    Le Mans – 11bis rue de la Barillerie

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    Préalablement aux travaux d’extension de l’école primaire Dulac, une fouille de sauvetage a été financée par la Ville du Mans. La parcelle concernée s’implante à mi-pente du flanc sud de la vallée du ruisseau d’Isaac (affluent de la Sarthe), aujourd’hui totalement remblayée. Face au site Dulac, au flanc nord de la vallée, un édifice thermal public construit vers la moitié du ier s. apr. J.‑C. (thermes Claude Chappe) a été fouillé entre 1980 et 1989. Dans l’axe même, une occupation datant du H..

    Alien Registration- Bisson, Napoleon J. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Bisson, Napoleon J. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    La machine Bolex : les horizons amateurs du cinéma

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    Collection : Encyclopédie raisonnée des techniques du cinémaLes machines produites sous le sigle Bolex par l’entreprise suisse Paillard ont leur histoire propre, qui les place dans un héritage local riche et complexe : celui de la mécanique de précision, de l’industrie horlogère et musicale. Une caméra en particulier fut l’emblème de la marque et est, encore aujourd’hui, l’un des appareils les plus célèbres de l’histoire du cinéma : la Bolex H16, destinée à l’amateur exigeant. Il s’agira ici d’interroger la caméra selon trois axes principaux : sa mécanique interne, replacée dans le contexte industriel de sa conception et de sa fabrication; la gestuelle particulière que la forme de la machine engage chez la personne qui l'opère; et enfin, la façon dont ces éléments se répercutent sur la diversité des usages sociaux.The machines produced under the abbreviation Bolex by the Swiss company Paillard have their own history, placing them in an abundant and complex local heritage: that of precision mechanics and the clock-making and musical instrument industry. One camera in particular was the brand’s emblem and is, still today, one of the most famous pieces of equipment in film history: the Bolex H16, aimed at the demanding amateur. The task will be here to interrogate the camera along three main lines: its internal mechanics, in the industrial context of its design and manufacture; the particular gestures that the machine gives rise to in the person operating it; and finally, the way these elements affected the diversity of the Bolex H16’s social uses.Introduction = Introduction / Benoît Turquety ; Avant paillard = Before paillard / Nicolas Dulac, Stéphane Tralongo ; Précision = Precision / Nicolas Dulac ; Filmer en Bolex H = Filming with the Bolex H 26 / Benoît Turquety ; Le système Bolex = The Bolex System / Nicolas Dulac, Vincent Sorrel, Stéphane Tralongo ; Usages = Uses / Nicolas Dulac, Vincent Sorre

    Fond du Lac Indians. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appropriation, submitted by the Secretary of the Interior, for the Fond du Lac Indians in the State of Minnesota.

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    Fond duLac Band of Chippewas. 4 Jan. HED 55, 53-2, v26, 3p. [3223] Timber depredations on their lands in Minnesota

    On the Problems with Background Independence in String Theory

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    The problems with background independence are discussed in the example of open string theory. Based on the recent proposal by Witten I calculate the String Field Theory action in conformal perturbation theory to second order and demonstrate that the proper treatment of contact terms leads to nontrivial equations of motion. I conjecture the form of the field theory action to all orders.Comment: 15p., Preprint IASSNS-HEP-93/6

    Alien Registration- Dulac, Lucille (Augusta, Kennebec County)

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    A System Equivalence Related to Dulac\u27s Extension of Bendixson\u27s Negative Theorem for Planar Dynamical Systems

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    Bendixson\u27s Theorem [H. Ricardo, A Modem Introduction to Differential Equations, Houghton-Mifflin, New York, Boston, 2003] is useful in proving the non-existence of periodic orbits for planar systems dx/dt = F(x, y), dy/dt = G (x, y) in a simply connected domain D, where F, G are continuously differentiable. From the work of Dulac [M. Kot, Elements of Mathematical Ecology, 2nd printing, University Press, Cambridge, 2003] one suspects that system (1) has periodic solutions if and only if the more general system dx/d tau = B(x, y)F(x, y), dy/d tau = B(x, y)G(x, y) does, which makes the subcase (1) more tractable, when suitable non-zero B (x, y) which are C1(D) can be found. Thus, Bendixson\u27s Theorem can be applied to system (2), where otherwise it is unfruitful in establishing the non-existence of periodic solutions for system (1). The object of this note is to give a simple proof justifying this Dulac-related postulate of the equivalence of systems (1) and (2). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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