21,437 research outputs found

    Custom, Normative Practice, and the Law

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    Legally binding custom is conventionally analyzed in terms of two independent elements: regularities of behavior (usus) and convictions of actors engaging in the behavior that it is legally required (opinio juris). This additive conception of custom is deeply flawed. This Essay argues that we must abandon the additive conception and replace it with an account of custom that understands legally relevant customs as norms that arise from discursive normative practices embedded in rich contexts of social interaction characterized by intermeshing anticipations and interconnected conduct. The hallmark of legally binding customs, it is argued, is not the addition of belief or conviction to behavior, but rather the integration of meaningful conduct into a web of legally recognized reasons and arguments

    Justice for All, Including Adjuncts

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    Sociological Implications of Rhythm Method Practice

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    Risk of the Common Communion Cup

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    Custom, Normative Practice, and the Law

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    Legally binding custom is conventionally analyzed in terms of two independent elements: regularities of behavior (usus) and convictions of actors engaging in the behavior that it is legally required (opinio juris). This additive conception of custom is deeply flawed. This Essay argues that we must abandon the additive conception and replace it with an account of custom that understands legally relevant customs as norms that arise from discursive normative practices embedded in rich contexts of social interaction characterized by intermeshing anticipations and interconnected conduct. The hallmark of legally binding customs, it is argued, is not the addition of belief or conviction to behavior, but rather the integration of meaningful conduct into a web of legally recognized reasons and arguments

    In Defense of Truth: Skepticism, Morality, and The Matrix

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    The Matrix exposes us to the uncomfortable worries of philosophical skepticism in an especially compelling way. However, with a bit more reflection, we can see why we need not share the skeptic’s doubts about the existence of the world. Such doubts are appropriate only in the very special context of the philosophical seminar. When we return to normal life we see immediately that they are groundless. Furthermore, we see also the drastic mistake that Cypher commits in turning his back upon reality and re-entering the matrix. Not only does reason compel us to admit the existence of the external world, it also requires us to face this world, to build for ourselves meaningful lives within it, and to engage, as adults, in the serious business of living

    Magnetic Bubbles and Extramixing in Stars

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    The possible role of magnetic flux tubes in transporting matter from near the H shell through the radiative zone and into the convective envelope is explored. It is shown that the required rates of mass transport necessary to provide nuclear processed material to the envelope can be achieved if large magnetic fields are present just above the H shell in AGB and RGB stars. The required fields in this zone reach 5 MG for the AGB case and 0.5-0.05 MG for the RGB case. It may thus be possible that magnetic bouyancy play a major role in providing the extra mixing needed for these stars

    Modeling of Transient Trapping of Fatty Acid Tails in Phospholipids

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    We present the derivation of a new model to describe neutron spin echo spectroscopy and quasi-elastic neutron scattering data on liposomes. We compare the new model with existing approaches and benchmark it with experimental data. The analysis indicates the importance of including all major contributions into modeling of the intermediate scattering function. Simultaneous analysis of the experimental data on lipids with full contrast and tail contrast matched samples, reveals highly confined lipid tail motion. A comparison of their dynamics demonstrates the statistical independ-ence of tail-motion and height-height correlation of the membrane. A more detailed analysis indi-cates that lipid tails are subject to relaxations in a potential with cylindrical symmetry, in addition to the undulation and diffusive motion of the liposome. Despite substantial differences in the chemis-try of the fatty acid tails, the observation indicates a universal behavior. The analysis of partially deuterated systems confirms the strong contribution of the lipid tail to the intermediate scattering function. Within the time range from 5 to 100 ns, the intermediate scattering function can be de-scribed by the height-height correlation function. The existence of the fast-localized tail motion and the contribution of slow translational diffusion of liposomes determines the intermediate scattering function for t 100 ns, respectively. Taking into account the limited time window lowers the bending moduli by a factor of 1.3 (DOPC) to 2 (DMPC) compared to the full range.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, published in Soft Matte
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