2,609 research outputs found

    Numerical study of radiative corrections in the low Q2Q^2 region at HERA

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    A detailed numerical study of radiative corrections in the low Q2Q^2 region at the HERA epep collider was performed. The specific case of the total photoproduction cross section measurement was taken as an example. Two different programs, TERAD91 and HERACLES4.2, were used to get an estimation of the size of radiative effects. It was found that radiative corrections can be quite large in some points of the space of leptonic (x,y)(x,y) variables. However, after imposing experimentally feasible cuts on the radiated photon and the hadronic final state one gets corrections at the level of a few per cent.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures (not included), Deutsches Electronen Synchrotron preprint DESY 92-173, LaTex, hardcopy of the figures available upon request to [email protected]

    Development of Heterogeneous Photosensitized Transition Metal Oxide Water-Splitting Catalysts on Silica Support

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    The research presented in this manuscript describes the development of photosensitized inexpensive catalysts based on readily available materials. The investigation covers synthesis and characterization of photosensitizers based on porphyrins, mechanical and thermal coating of solid support with semiconducting transition metal oxides, photosensitization of the semiconducting layer, and characterization of the photoelectrochemical properties displayed by the new materials. The process of water oxidation is of primary interest here, with little emphasis put on reduction of protons to gaseous hydrogen. Photoelectrochemically produced protons serve as a probe of effectiveness of the catalysts. Several systems are described, and two catalysts are identified as the most efficient

    Food Insecurity in Broome County and its Effect on Adolescent Academic Performance

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    Food insecurity is a growing concern among children within the U.S., as the number of households who are food insecure has grown in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Food insecurity in children can lead to a multitude of cognitive complications. My research investigates the relationship between food insecurity and academic performance in elementary schools in Broome County. To uncover how food insecurity and academic performance are linked, interviews were conducted with school staff (teachers, administrators, a food service manager), the area\u27s socioeconomic status was analyzed, standardized testing scores were compiled, and the food offerings in the area were explored. The results indicate that a place with higher food insecurity and higher poverty could result in lower academic performance, as observed through test scores and observations of the school staff. The results could also highlight that an area with lower food insecurity results in higher academic performance. This demonstrates the need to provide supplementary food and expanded free meals for children in schools to maximize their ability to succeed academically. Free meals for students through the National School Lunch Program should be provided into the future and supplementary programs should be accessible to all, not just those in areas with high food insecurity, to ensure schools give their students the resources they need to succeed

    Podatek bankowy w Polsce - wady i zalety

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    The article analyses bank levy both from the economic as well as legal perspective. Due to the fact that this tax solution has been applicable from 1 February 2016, its origin and previous projects are also presented, which illustrates the development of taxation of the banking sector in Poland that has been happening over the past dozen or more years. The bank levy is applicable in many European Union Member States and thus this paper contains a comprehensive comparative analysis of relevant solutions adopted in various states, which allows to see the similarities and differences between them. The paper is also concerned with the consequences that the bank levy has brought about in Poland. Analysis of its flaws makes it possible to propose changes as well, which would make the provisions of the law more precise. The bank levy applicable in Poland has also undergone analysis through the prism of tax avoidance. Mechanisms that might encourage tax avoidance, which might certainly impair the effectiveness of this tax, have been delineated.W artykule podjęta jest analiza podatku bankowego, zarówno z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, jak i prawnego. W związku z tym, że podatek ten jest rozwiązaniem obowiązującym od 1 lutego 2016 roku, przedstawiona została również geneza tego podatku, jak również projekty go poprzedzające. Daje to obraz kształtowania się w ostatnich kilkunastu latach koncepcji opodatkowania sektora bankowego w Polsce. Konstrukcja podatku bankowego obowiązuje w wielu państwach Unii Europejskich, dlatego w niniejszym opracowaniu dokonana jest kompleksowa analiza porównawcza rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych zastosowanych w różnych państwach, co pozwala dostrzec różnice i podobieństwa. Opracowanie poświęcone jest również skutkom jakie wywiera podatek bankowy w Polsce. Analiza wad konstrukcyjnych pozwala również na przedstawienie propozycji zmian, które pozwoliłyby doprecyzować przepisy. Podatek bankowy obowiązujący w Polsce został również przeanalizowany przez pryzmat zjawiska unikania opodatkowania. Zaprezentowane zostały konstrukcje, które mogą sprzyjać unikaniu opodatkowania, co niewątpliwie może wpływać na skuteczność tego podatku

    Native American Weight Loss Movement: Pilot Test of a Culturally Tailored Weight Loss Program for American Indians

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    American Indians (AIs) have higher rates of obesity than other racial/ethnic groups, placing them at heightened risk for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers. Culturally appropriate weight loss interventions may be the key to reducing risk. The most successful program used in AI communities has been the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), which limits enrollment to individuals with a clinical diagnosis of pre-diabetes. The purpose of this pilot project was to modify and culturally tailor a weight loss intervention to AI communities in Kansas to improve weight loss related behaviors among those who do not qualify for the DPP. The Native American Weight Loss Movement (NAWLM) was developed from 2012-2014 using an iterative process with 4 sequential modifications to the program. Group 1 received a slightly modified version of the DPP that was originally tailored to African Americans. Each group received an improved program based on modifications from the previous group. Our analysis shows 36.1% (95% CI: 25.7, 47.5) of all participants (n=72) lost weight; a majority (63.9%, 95% CI: 52.8-75.0) maintained weight, gained weight, or dropped out. Among individuals who completed the program (n=34), 76.5% lost weight (95% CI: 61.4, 91.5). These individuals lost an average of 2.98% body weight (95% CI: 1.58, 4.37), with 6 participants losing \u3e7% body weight. While most participants who completed the program lost weight, more research is needed to determine factors that discourage drop-out and promote behavioral changes. NAWLM shows promise as a weight loss program for AIs who do not qualify for the DPP


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    INTRODUCTION A countermovement (a preparatory movement in the direction opposite to that of the goal) increases performance in explosive movements such as the CMJ. The height of jump and the maximal power relative to body weight have been reported to be significantly correlated. Our previous observations has suggested the take-off technique (the countermovement depth) to affect power rather than height of jump. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of the height of jump, of the countermovement depth and of body mass on the maximal mechanical power developed during the positive take-off phase. METHODS Untrained students (56 female and 38 male) volunteered to take part in the CMJ jumping test consisting of 3 jumps performed with one-minute intervals on the computerized Kistler force plate. The subjects were requested to jump on the maximal height possible. Results of the highest jump were selected for each subject for further processing. The following variables were included into statistical analysis: the maximal mechanical power (PmaJ developed during the take-off, the height of jump (H), lowering of the body mass center before the take-off (L). and body mass (mb)' The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to examine the distributions of the tested variables. Pearson's correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis were employed to identity the parameters of the Pmax statistical model. Dolittle's method was used to estimate the contribution of the selected jump variables to the Pmax. RESULTS In both female and male groups the multiple regression procedure (the forward stepwise method) employed all the independent variables studied to construct the regressions equations. both of them proving very highly significant (

    Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa – propozycja konsolidacji aparatu skarbowego a uszczelnienie systemu podatkowego

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    The article analyses bank levy both from the economic as well as legal perspective. Due to the fact that this tax solution has been applicable from 1 February 2016, its origin and previous projects are also presented, which illustrates the development of taxation of the banking sector in Poland that has been happening over the past dozen or more years. The bank levy is applicable in many European Union Member States and thus this paper contains a comprehensive comparative analysis of relevant solutions adopted in various states, which allows to see the similarities and differences between them. The paper is also concerned with the consequences that the bank levy has brought about in Poland. Analysis of its flaws makes it possible to propose changes as well, which would make the provisions of the law more precise. The bank levy applicable in Poland has also undergone analysis through the prism of tax avoidance. Mechanisms that might encourage tax avoidance, which might certainly impair the effectiveness of this tax, have been delineated.Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie koncepcji reformy administracji skarbowej, zawartej w poselskim projekcie ustawy o Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej (druk nr 826). Została ona dokonana w odniesieniu do zasadniczych problemów, które – moim zdaniem - dotykają polski aparat skarbowy, a więc: powierzenie temu samemu organowi kierownictwa w zakresie kształtowania systemu podatkowego oraz wykonywania publicznej działalności państwa w zakresie prawa podatkowego, ukształtowanie aparatu wykonawczego według kryterium rodzaju podatku, nie zaś realizowanych funkcji, nałożenie na administrację skarbową szeregu zadań nie związanych z podatkami, brak ustawowo określonych zasad finansowania administracji skarbowej oraz powiązania wydatków z realizowanymi przez nią zadaniami, brak polityki pracowniczej


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    The goal of the study was to determine a strength profile in young female athletes practising different sports and to use allometry to evaluate muscular strength with respect to body mass. The study included 42 women who practised taekwondo (n = 10), weightlifting (n = 10), canoeing (n = 14) and speed skating (n = 8). Measurements of maximal muscle torques under static conditions in 10 groups of flexors and extensors of the elbow, shoulder, hip, knee and trunk were carried out. The MANCOVA procedure was employed to compare means between the groups. A logarithm of body mass was adopted as a covariate. Relationships between body mass and muscle torques in each muscle group were determined using a procedure of linear regression. The analysis of residuals was employed for the evaluation of maximal muscle torques. Mean values of logarithms of maximal muscle torques were significantly different for the representatives of individual sports and they depended on the logarithm of body mass. It was proposed to use a mean of residuals normalized for individual muscle groups as a synthetic strength index (mean of the strength profile). The women practising canoeing were characterized by the highest strength index. Its lowest values were obtained by weightlifting and taekwondo athletes. Differences in strength profiles in the tested athletes were attributed to the specific nature of their sports. It is suggested to use an allometric relationship scaled by body mass for strength assessment

    Application of Leg, Vertical, and Joint Stiffness in Running Performance: A Literature Overview

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    Stiffness, the resistance to deformation due to force, has been used to model the way in which the lower body responds to landing during cyclic motions such as running and jumping. Vertical, leg, and joint stiffness provide a useful model for investigating the store and release of potential elastic energy via the musculotendinous unit in the stretch-shortening cycle and may provide insight into sport performance. This review is aimed at assessing the effect of vertical, leg, and joint stiffness on running performance as such an investigation may provide greater insight into performance during this common form of locomotion. PubMed and SPORTDiscus databases were searched resulting in 92 publications on vertical, leg, and joint stiffness and running performance. Vertical stiffness increases with running velocity and stride frequency. Higher vertical stiffness differentiated elite runners from lower-performing athletes and was also associated with a lower oxygen cost. In contrast, leg stiffness remains relatively constant with increasing velocity and is not strongly related to the aerobic demand and fatigue. Hip and knee joint stiffness are reported to increase with velocity, and a lower ankle and higher knee joint stiffness are linked to a lower oxygen cost of running; however, no relationship with performance has yet been investigated. Theoretically, there is a desired “leg-spring” stiffness value at which potential elastic energy return is maximised and this is specific to the individual. It appears that higher “leg-spring” stiffness is desirable for running performance; however, more research is needed to investigate the relationship of all three lower limb joint springs as the hip joint is often neglected. There is still no clear answer how training could affect mechanical stiffness during running. Studies including muscle activation and separate analyses of local tissues (tendons) are needed to investigate mechanical stiffness as a global variable associated with sports performance