1,517 research outputs found

    Ferroelectricity from spin supercurrents in LiCuVO4

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    We have studied the magnetic structure of the ferroelectric frustrated spin-1/2 chain material LiCuVO4 in applied electric and magnetic fields using polarized neutrons. A symmetry and mean-field analysis of the data rules out the presence of static Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, while exchange striction is shown to be negligible by our specific-heat measurements. The experimentally observed magnetoelectric coupling is in excellent agreement with the predictions of a purely electronic mechanism based on spin supercurrents.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Fractional spinon excitations in the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain

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    Assemblies of interacting quantum particles often surprise us with properties that are difficult to predict. One of the simplest quantum many-body systems is the spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain, a linear array of interacting magnetic moments. Its exact ground state is a macroscopic singlet entangling all spins in the chain. Its elementary excitations, called spinons, are fractional spin 1/2 quasiparticles; they are created and detected in pairs by neutron scattering. Theoretical predictions show that two-spinon states exhaust only 71% of the spectral weight while higher-order spinon states, yet to be experimentally located, are predicted to participate in the remaining. Here, by accurate absolute normalization of our inelastic neutron scattering data on a compound realizing the model, we account for the full spectral weight to within 99(8)%. Our data thus establish and quantify the existence of higher-order spinon states. The observation that within error bars, the entire weight is confined within the boundaries of the two-spinon continuum, and that the lineshape resembles a rescaled two-spinon one, allow us to develop a simple physical picture for understanding multi-spinon excitations.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary material

    Quenched chirality in RbNiCl3_3

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    The critical behaviour of stacked-triangular antiferromagnets has been intensely studied since Kawamura predicted new universality classes for triangular and helical antiferromagnets. The new universality classes are linked to an additional discrete degree of freedom, chirality, which is not present on rectangular lattices, nor in ferromagnets. However, the theoretical as well as experimental situation is discussed controversially, and generic scaling without universality has been proposed as an alternative scenario. Here we present a careful investigation of the zero-field critical behaviour of RbNiCl3_3, a stacked-triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet with very small Ising anisotropy. From linear birefringence experiments we determine the specific heat exponent α\alpha as well as the critical amplitude ratio A+/AA^+/A^-. Our high-resolution measurements point to a single second order phase transition with standard Heisenberg critical behaviour, contrary to all theoretical predictions. From a supplementary neutron diffraction study we can exclude a structural phase transition at TN_N. We discuss our results in the context of other available experimental results on RbNiCl3_3 and related compounds. We arrive at a simple intuitive explanation which may be relevant for other discrepancies observed in the critical behaviour of stacked-triangular antiferromagnets. In RbNiCl3_3 the ordering of the chirality is suppressed by strong spin fluctuations, yielding to a different phase diagram, as compared to e.g.\@ CsNiCl3_3, where the Ising anisotropy prevents these fluctuations

    Haydeeite: a spin-1/2 kagome ferromagnet

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    The mineral haydeeite, alpha-MgCu3(OD)6Cl2, is a S=1/2 kagome ferromagnet that displays long-range magnetic order below TC=4.2 K with a strongly reduced moment. Our inelastic neutron scattering data show clear spin-wave excitations that are well described by a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1=-38 K and antiferromagnetic exchange Jd=+11 K across the hexagons of the kagome lattice. These values place haydeeite very close to the quantum phase transition between ferromagnetic order and non-coplanar twelve-sublattice cuboc2 antiferromagnetic order. Diffuse dynamic short-range ferromagnetic correlations observed above TC persist well into the ferromagnetically ordered phase with a behavior distinct from critical scattering

    The food safety impact of salt and sodium reduction initiatives

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    Excessive or high salt or sodium intake is known to cause hypertension and other diseases. Within the United Kingdom voluntary targets for salt reduction have been set and laid out in the Secretary of State responsibility deal. This review considers the options available to food manufacturers to enable them to reduce salt and the potential food safety risks associated with those options. Gaps in research and knowledge within the areas of information supplied to food manufacturers, alternative solutions for salt replacement and the food safety impact of salt reduction are discussed

    Low dimensional ordering and fluctuations in methanol-β\beta-hydroquinone-clathrate studied by X-ray and neutron diffraction

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    Methanol-β\beta-hydroquinone-clathrate has been established as a model system for dielectric ordering and fluctuations and is conceptually close to magnetic spin systems. In X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments, we investigated the ordered structure, the one-dimensional (1D) and the three-dimensional (3D) critical scattering in the paraelectric phase, and the temperature dependence of the lattice constants. Our results can be explained by microscopic models of the methanol pseudospin in the hydroquinone cage network, in consistency with previous dielectric investigations

    Evidence of a bond-nematic phase in LiCuVO4

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    Polarized and unpolarized neutron scattering experiments on the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain LiCuVO4 show that the phase transition at HQ of 8 Tesla is driven by quadrupolar fluctuations and that dipolar correlations are short-range with moments parallel to the applied magnetic field in the high-field phase. Heat-capacity measurements evidence a phase transition into this high-field phase, with an anomaly clearly different from that at low magnetic fields. Our experimental data are consistent with a picture where the ground state above HQ has a next-nearest neighbour bond-nematic order along the chains with a fluid-like coherence between weakly coupled chains.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let