17,573 research outputs found

    Electron states of mono- and bilayer graphene on SiC probed by STM

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    We present a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of a gently-graphitized 6H-SiC(0001) surface in ultra high vacuum. From an analysis of atomic scale images, we identify two different kinds of terraces, which we unambiguously attribute to mono- and bilayer graphene capping a C-rich interface. At low temperature, both terraces show (3×3)(\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3}) quantum interferences generated by static impurities. Such interferences are a fingerprint of π\pi-like states close to the Fermi level. We conclude that the metallic states of the first graphene layer are almost unperturbed by the underlying interface, in agreement with recent photoemission experiments (A. Bostwick et al., Nature Physics 3, 36 (2007))Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures submitte

    Constraining K0^{0} production channels in proton-proton collisions for transport models

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    Kaon in-medium potential probed in proton-nucleus reactions

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    A New Constraint on the Escape Fraction in Distant Galaxies Using Gamma-ray Burst Afterglow Spectroscopy

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    We describe a new method to measure the escape fraction fesc of ionizing radiation from distant star-forming galaxies using the afterglow spectra of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Optical spectra of GRB afterglows allow us to evaluate the optical depth of the host ISM, according to the neutral hydrogen column density N(HI) observed along the sightlines toward the star-forming regions where the GRBs are found. Different from previous effort in searching for faint, transmitted Lyman continuum photons, our method is not subject to background subtraction uncertainties and does not require prior knowledge of either the spectral shape of the host galaxy population or the IGM Lya forest absorption along these GRB sightlines. Because most GRBs occur in sub-L_* galaxies, our study also offers the first constraint on fesc for distant low-mass galaxies that dominate the cosmic luminosity density. We have compiled a sample of 27 GRBs at redshift z>2 for which the underlying N(HI) in the host ISM are known. These GRBs together offer a statistical sampling of the integrated optical depth to ionizing photons along random sightlines from star-forming regions in the host galaxies, and allow us to estimate the mean escape fraction averaged over different viewing angles. We find =0.02\pm 0.02 and place a 95% c.l. upper limit <= 0.075 for these hosts. We discuss possible biases of our approach and implications of the result. Finally, we propose to extend this technique for measuring at z~0.2 using spectra of core-collapse supernovae.Comment: Five journal pages, including one figure; ApJL in pres

    Field dependence of magnetization reversal by spin transfer

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    We analyse the effect of the applied field (Happl) on the current-driven magnetization reversal in pillar-shaped Co/Cu/Co trilayers, where we observe two different types of transition between the parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) magnetic configurations of the Co layers. If Happl is weaker than a rather small threshold value, the transitions between P and AP are irreversible and relatively sharp. For Happl exceding the threshold value, the same transitions are progressive and reversible. We show that the criteria for the stability of the P and AP states and the experimentally observed behavior can be precisely accounted for by introducing the current-induced torque of the spin transfer models in a Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation. This approach also provides a good description for the field dependence of the critical currents

    Magnetoplasmons in quasi-neutral epitaxial graphene nanoribbons

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    We present infrared transmission spectroscopy study of the inter-Landau-level excitations in quasi-neutral epitaxial graphene nanoribbon arrays. We observed a substantial deviation in energy of the L0(−1)L_{0(-1)}→\toL1(0)L_{1(0)} transition from the characteristic square root magnetic-field dependence of two-dimensional graphene. This deviation arises from the formation of upper-hybrid mode between the Landau level transition and the plasmon resonance. In the quantum regime the hybrid mode exhibits a distinct dispersion relation, markedly different from that expected for conventional two-dimensional systems and highly doped graphene

    GRBs as Cosmological Probes - Cosmic Chemical Evolution

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    Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are associated with the death of metal-poor massive stars. Even though they are highly transient events very hard to localize, they are so bright that they can be detected in the most difficult environments. GRB observations are unveiling a surprising view of the chemical state of the distant universe (redshifts z > 2). Contrary to what is expected for a high-z metal-poor star, the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) around GRBs is not metal poor (metallicities vary from ~1/10 solar at z = 6.3 to about solar at z = 2) and is enriched with dust (90-99% of iron is in solid form). If these metallicities are combined with those measured in the warm ISM of GRB host galaxies at z < 1, a redshift evolution is observed. Such an evolution predicts that the stellar masses of the hosts are in the range M* = 10^(8.6-9.8) Msun. This prediction makes use of the mass-metallicity relation (and its redshift evolution) observed in normal star-forming galaxies. Independent measurements coming from the optical-NIR photometry of GRB hosts indicate the same range of stellar masses, with a typical value similar to that of the Large Magellanic Cloud. This newly detected population of intermediate-mass galaxies is very hard to find at high redshift using conventional astronomy. However, it offers a compelling and relatively inexpensive opportunity to explore galaxy formation and cosmic chemical evolution beyond known borders, from the primordial universe to the present.Comment: Review article to be published in New Journal of Physics (http://www.njp.org), Focus Issue on Gamma Ray Burst

    The Role of Final State Interactions in Quasielastic 56^{56}Fe(e,e′)(e,e') Reactions at large ∣q⃗∣|\vec q|

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    A relativistic finite nucleus calculation using a Dirac optical potential is used to investigate the importance of final state interactions [FSI] at large momentum transfers in inclusive quasielastic electronuclear reactions. The optical potential is derived from first-order multiple scattering theory and then is used to calculate the FSI in a nonspectral Green's function doorway approach. At intermediate momentum transfers excellent predictions of the quasielastic 56^{56}Fe(e,e′)(e,e') experimental data for the longitudinal response function are obtained. In comparisons with recent measurements at ∣q⃗∣=1.14|{\vec q|}=1.14~GeV/c the theoretical calculations of RLR_L give good agreement for the quasielastic peak shape and amplitude, but place the position of the peak at an energy transfer of about 4040~MeV higher than the data.Comment: 13 pages typeset using revtex 3.0 with 6 postscript figures in accompanying uuencoded file; submitted to Phys. Rev.
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