4,935 research outputs found

    Scottish appeals and the proposed Supreme Court

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    Microscopic model of diffusion limited aggregation and electrodeposition in the presence of levelling molecules

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    A microscopic model of the effect of unbinding in diffusion limited aggregation based on a cellular automata approach is presented. The geometry resembles electrochemical deposition - ``ions'' diffuse at random from the top of a container until encountering a cluster in contact with the bottom, to which they stick. The model exhibits dendritic (fractal) growth in the diffusion limited case. The addition of a field eliminates the fractal nature but the density remains low. The addition of molecules which unbind atoms from the aggregate transforms the deposit to a 100% dense one (in 3D). The molecules are remarkably adept at avoiding being trapped. This mimics the effect of so-called ``leveller'' molecules which are used in electrochemical deposition

    Studies of discharge mechanisms in high pressure gases-applications to high efficiency high power lasers

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    By measuring the absorption and emission cantinua of various states in the cesium/xenon molecule, the collisional rates critical in populating the alkali/rare gas excimer levels have been estimated. Cs atomic states that are weakly optically connected to ground have been shown to form excimer levels that are attractive as potential dissociation lasers. In particular, the (Cs/7 2S/Xe) excited molecule appears promising as a source of high energy laser radiation due to its large dissociation energy, stimulated emission cross section, and small population inversion densities. Monitoring of the optically pumped Cs2 molecular absorption profile in the presence of xenon shows a drastic change with increasing xenon pressure for the Cs2C band. Dominant absorption at large xenon densities is centered around approximately 6380 A as opposed to 6300 A for lower perturber pressure

    A unified approach to linking experimental, statistical and computational analysis of spike train data

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    A fundamental issue in neuroscience is how to identify the multiple biophysical mechanisms through which neurons generate observed patterns of spiking activity. In previous work, we proposed a method for linking observed patterns of spiking activity to specific biophysical mechanisms based on a state space modeling framework and a sequential Monte Carlo, or particle filter, estimation algorithm. We have shown, in simulation, that this approach is able to identify a space of simple biophysical models that were consistent with observed spiking data (and included the model that generated the data), but have yet to demonstrate the application of the method to identify realistic currents from real spike train data. Here, we apply the particle filter to spiking data recorded from rat layer V cortical neurons, and correctly identify the dynamics of an slow, intrinsic current. The underlying intrinsic current is successfully identified in four distinct neurons, even though the cells exhibit two distinct classes of spiking activity: regular spiking and bursting. This approach – linking statistical, computational, and experimental neuroscience – provides an effective technique to constrain detailed biophysical models to specific mechanisms consistent with observed spike train data.Published versio

    Diffusion and spectral dimension on Eden tree

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    We calculate the eigenspectrum of random walks on the Eden tree in two and three dimensions. From this, we calculate the spectral dimension dsd_s and the walk dimension dwd_w and test the scaling relation ds=2df/dwd_s = 2d_f/d_w (=2d/dw=2d/d_w for an Eden tree). Finite-size induced crossovers are observed, whereby the system crosses over from a short-time regime where this relation is violated (particularly in two dimensions) to a long-time regime where the behavior appears to be complicated and dependent on dimension even qualitatively.Comment: 11 pages, Plain TeX with J-Phys.sty style, HLRZ 93/9

    Nonlinear field theories during homogeneous spatial dilation

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    The effect of a uniform dilation of space on stochastically driven nonlinear field theories is examined. This theoretical question serves as a model problem for examining the properties of nonlinear field theories embedded in expanding Euclidean Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker metrics in the context of cosmology, as well as different systems in the disciplines of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. Field theories are characterized by the speed at which they propagate correlations within themselves. We show that for linear field theories correlations stop propagating if and only if the speed at which the space dilates is higher than the speed at which correlations propagate. The situation is in general different for nonlinear field theories. In this case correlations might stop propagating even if the velocity at which space dilates is lower than the velocity at which correlations propagate. In particular, these results imply that it is not possible to characterize the dynamics of a nonlinear field theory during homogeneous spatial dilation {\it a priori}. We illustrate our findings with the nonlinear Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

    Anomalous Dimensions from a Spinning D5-Brane

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    We consider the anomalous dimension of a certain twist two operator in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. At strong coupling and large-N it is captured by the classical dynamics of a spinning D5-brane. The present calculation generalizes the result of Gubser, Klebanov and Polyakov (hep-th/0204051): in order to calculate the anomalous dimension of a bound state of k coincident strings, the spinning closed string is replaced by a spinning D5 brane that wraps an S4 inside the S5 part of the AdS5 times S5 metric.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex. v2: figure added. minor changes. To appear in JHE

    Dissociative multi-photon ionization of isolated uracil and uracil-adenine complexes

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    Recent multi-photon ionization (MPI) experiments on uracil revealed a fragment ion at m/z 84 that was proposed as a potential marker for ring opening in the electronically excited neutral molecule. The present MPI measurements on deuterated uracil identify the fragment as C3H4N2O+ (uracil+ less CO), a plausible dissociative ionization product from the theoretically predicted open-ring isomer. Equivalent measurements on thymine do not reveal an analogous CO loss channel, suggesting greater stability of the excited DNA base. MPI and electron impact ionization experiments have been carried out on uracil-adenine clusters in order to better understand the radiation response of uracil within RNA. Evidence for C3H4N2O+ production from multi-photon-ionized uracil-adenine clusters is tentatively attributed to a significant population of π-stacked configurations in the neutral beam

    Negotiation in strategy making teams : group support systems and the process of cognitive change

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    This paper reports on the use of a Group Support System (GSS) to explore at a micro level some of the processes manifested when a group is negotiating strategy-processes of social and psychological negotiation. It is based on data from a series of interventions with senior management teams of three operating companies comprising a multi-national organization, and with a joint meeting subsequently involving all of the previous participants. The meetings were concerned with negotiating a new strategy for the global organization. The research involved the analysis of detailed time series data logs that exist as a result of using a GSS that is a reflection of cognitive theory