62,855 research outputs found

    Change-point model on nonhomogeneous Poisson processes with application in copy number profiling by next-generation DNA sequencing

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    We propose a flexible change-point model for inhomogeneous Poisson Processes, which arise naturally from next-generation DNA sequencing, and derive score and generalized likelihood statistics for shifts in intensity functions. We construct a modified Bayesian information criterion (mBIC) to guide model selection, and point-wise approximate Bayesian confidence intervals for assessing the confidence in the segmentation. The model is applied to DNA Copy Number profiling with sequencing data and evaluated on simulated spike-in and real data sets.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS517 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Effect of stoichiometry on oxygen incorporation in MgB2 thin films

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    The amount of oxygen incorporated into MgB2 thin films upon exposure to atmospheric gasses is found to depend strongly on the material's stoichiometry. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy was used to monitor changes in oxygen incorporation resulting from exposure to: (a) ambient atmosphere, (b) humid atmospheres, (c) anneals in air and (d) anneals in oxygen. The study investigated thin-film samples with compositions that were systematically varied from Mg0.9B2 to Mg1.1B2. A significant surface oxygen contamination was observed in all of these films. The oxygen content in the bulk of the film, on the other hand, increased significantly only in Mg rich films and in films exposed to humid atmospheres.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    User's Guide for ERB 7 Matrix. Volume 1: Experiment Description and Quality Control Report for Year 1

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    The Nimbus 7 ERB MATRIX Tape is a computer program in which radiances and irradiances are converted into fluxes which are used to compute the basic scientific output parameters, emitted flux, albedo, and net radiation. They are spatially averaged and presented as time averages over one-day, six-day, and monthly periods. MATRIX data for the period November 16, 1978 through October 31, 1979 are presented. Described are the Earth Radiation Budget experiment, the Science Quality Control Report, Items checked by the MATRIX Science Quality Control Program, and Science Quality Control Data Analysis Report. Additional material from the detailed scientific quality control of the tapes which may be very useful to a user of the MATRIX tapes is included. Known errors and data problems and some suggestions on how to use the data for further climatologic and atmospheric physics studies are also discussed

    Event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation with packet dropouts through sensor networks

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    This study is concerned with the event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic non-linear systems with packet dropouts in a sensor network. An event-triggered communication mechanism is adopted over the sensor network with hope to reduce the communication burden and the energy consumption, where the measurements on each sensor are transmitted only when a certain triggering condition is violated. Furthermore, a novel distributed state estimator is designed where the available innovations are not only from the individual sensor, but also from its neighbouring ones according to the given topology. The purpose of the problem under consideration is to design a set of distributed state estimators such that the dynamics of estimation errors is exponentially mean-square stable and also the prespecified H∞ disturbance rejection attenuation level is guaranteed. By utilising the property of the Kronecker product and the stochastic analysis approaches, sufficient conditions are established under which the addressed state estimation problem is recast as a convex optimisation one that can be easily solved via available software packages. Finally, a simulation example is utilised to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed design scheme of event-triggered distributed state estimators.This work was supported in part by Royal Society of the UK, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61203139, 61473076, 61374127 and 61422301, the Shanghai Rising-Star Program of China under Grant 13QA1400100, the ShuGuang project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation under Grant 13SG34, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, DHU Distinguished Young Professor Program, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Anti-correlation and subsector structure in financial systems

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    With the random matrix theory, we study the spatial structure of the Chinese stock market, American stock market and global market indices. After taking into account the signs of the components in the eigenvectors of the cross-correlation matrix, we detect the subsector structure of the financial systems. The positive and negative subsectors are anti-correlated each other in the corresponding eigenmode. The subsector structure is strong in the Chinese stock market, while somewhat weaker in the American stock market and global market indices. Characteristics of the subsector structures in different markets are revealed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Wigner-Moyal description of free variable mass Klein-Gordon fields

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    A system of coupled kinetic transport equations for the Wigner distributions of a free variable mass Klein-Gordon field is derived. This set of equations is formally equivalent to the full wave equation for electromagnetic waves in nonlinear dispersive media, thus allowing for the description of broadband radiation-matter interactions and the associated instabilities. The standard results for the classical wave action are recovered in the short wavelength limit of the generalized Wigner-Moyal formalism for the wave equation.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Self-induced charge currents in electromagnetic materials, photon effective rest mass and some related topics

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    The contribution of self-induced charge currents of metamaterial media to photon effective rest mass is discussed in detail in the present paper. We concern ourselves with two kinds of photon effective rest mass, i.e., the frequency-dependent and frequency-independent effective rest mass. Based on these two definitions, we calculate the photon effective rest mass in the left-handed medium and the 2TDLM media, the latter of which is described by the so-called two time derivative Lorentz material (2TDLM) model. Additionally, we concentrate primarily on the torque, which is caused by the interaction between self-induced charge currents in dilute plasma (e.g., the secondary cosmic rays) and interstellar magnetic fields (ambient cosmic magnetic vector potentials), acting on the torsion balance of the rotating torsion balance experiment.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Development of a contact lens quality monitoring system

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    The quality of contact lens samples depends strongly on their free volume fractions. It is expected that the free volume fraction of the test samples will also impact their attenuation coefficients for soft x rays. Samples with larger free volume fractions should have lower linear attenuation coefficients. Linear attenuation coefficients for Cd-109/Ag-109 x rays have been measured in five contact lens samples. It has been shown that the difference in the linear attenuation coefficients of discs from any given sample are entirely due to the difference in their respective volume fractions. It is therefore concluded that an x ray attenuation measurement system can serve as a quality monitor for contact lens polymers

    Intermediate-statistics quantum bracket, coherent state, oscillator, and representation of angular momentum (su(2)) algebra

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    In this paper, we first discuss the general properties of an intermediate-statistics quantum bracket, [u,v]n=uvei2π/(n+1)vu[ u,v]_{n}=uv-e^{i2\pi /(n+1)}vu, which corresponds to intermediate statistics in which the maximum occupation number of one quantum state is an arbitrary integer, nn. A further study of the operator realization of intermediate statistics is given. We construct the intermediate-statistics coherent state. An intermediate-statistics oscillator is constructed, which returns to bosonic and fermionic oscillators respectively when nn\to \infty and n=1n=1. The energy spectrum of such an intermediate-statistics oscillator is calculated. Finally, we discuss the intermediate-statistics representation of angular momentum (su(2)su(2)) algebra. Moreover, a further study of the operator realization of intermediate statistics is given in the Appendix.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. Revte