13 research outputs found

    Contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault : expérience et modélisation pour la conception et l'optimisation de capteurs

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    For inspecting tubular steel subsea structures, the conventional non destructive testing techniques require the removal of the marine fouling and corrosion protection coatings. These costly cleaning operations down to bare metal can be avoided with a new contactless technique which has been developed by the “Institut Français de Recherche et d'Exploitation de la Mer”. This technique consists in inducing a strong alternative electric current flow at several frequencies in the material. Corresponding localized perturbations of this current flow caused by defects such as inclusions or cracks are then detected. The current perturbation is sensed with a small non contacting probe to detect the associated magnetic flux signal at the surface of the structure. Exploratory experiments allow us to conclude that this technique is very promising. The improvements in sensitivity and in characterization of the defects need a better quantitative understanding of the way in which slots in conducting materials interact with electric currents. We propose a numerical model, using our software : the Trifou code. This code solves tridimensionnal electromagnetic problems, by computing the current density in massive conductors under the effect of a known and time varying electromagnetic excitation. By taking advantage of our experience in modelling the eddy current testing of the french nuclear power plants, we have reproduced one of the experiments. Numerical results are presented and make the deflection of current lines at slot edges visible. The electric activity of the modeled slot has been pointed out and we suggest that the flaw may be interpreted as a back electromotive force source which creates divergence free local currents. Then, we have established a numerical method based on a local approach, to obtain the defect signal with a low computing cost. Numerical results fit the shape of the experimental results. In particular, we can determine the position of the crack. A more accurate comparison, for example on the crack depth, is difficult because of the uncertainty on the physical properties of the materials.Dans le cadre d'un projet industiel de conception et d'optimisation de capteurs pour la recherche de fissures par courants de Foucault sur les plate-formes de forage, on présente les études menées pour la modélisation du système. La simulation des phénomènes implique à priori une modélisation tridimensionnelle, certes précise, mais difficile et coûteuse. On cherche à en limiter le coût en combinant une modélisation bidimensionnelle en l'absence de défaut, et une modélisation tridimensionnelle locale en présence d'une fissure. Après avoir présenté le projet et l'étude expérimentale qui en découle, on décrit les techniques de modélisation qui ont été employées

    Nitsche’s Method for Defective Boundary Value Problems in Incompressibile Fluid-dynamics

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    In this work we present a unified formulation for the prescription of defective boundary conditions in fluid-dynamics, by means of the Nitsche’s method. We study the well-posedness of the discrete problem and the convergence of the numerical solution. Finally, we present several numerical results, focusing on the validation of the proposed method, on a comparison with a pre-existing strategy for the prescription of the flow rate, and on the application to the fluid-structure interaction case