2,933 research outputs found

    Earth-like sand fluxes on Mars

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    Strong and sustained winds on Mars have been considered rare, on the basis of surface meteorology measurements and global circulation models, raising the question of whether the abundant dunes and evidence for wind erosion seen on the planet are a current process. Recent studies showed sand activity, but could not determine whether entire dunes were moving—implying large sand fluxes—or whether more localized and surficial changes had occurred. Here we present measurements of the migration rate of sand ripples and dune lee fronts at the Nili Patera dune field. We show that the dunes are near steady state, with their entire volumes composed of mobile sand. The dunes have unexpectedly high sand fluxes, similar, for example, to those in Victoria Valley, Antarctica, implying that rates of landscape modification on Mars and Earth are similar

    Characterization of three vasopressin receptor 2 variants: an apparent polymorphism (V266A) and two loss-of-function mutations (R181C and M311V).

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    Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is released from the posterior pituitary and controls water homeostasis. AVP binding to vasopressin V2 receptors (V2Rs) located on kidney collecting duct epithelial cells triggers activation of Gs proteins, leading to increased cAMP levels, trafficking of aquaporin-2 water channels, and consequent increased water permeability and antidiuresis. Typically, loss-of-function V2R mutations cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI), whereas gain-of-function mutations cause nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD). Here we provide further characterization of two mutant V2Rs, R181C and M311V, reported to cause complete and partial NDI respectively, together with a V266A variant, in a patient diagnosed with NSIAD. Our data in HEK293FT cells revealed that for cAMP accumulation, AVP was about 500- or 30-fold less potent at the R181C and M311V mutants than at the wild-type receptor respectively (and about 4000- and 60-fold in COS7 cells respectively). However, in contrast to wild type V2R, the R181C mutant failed to increase inositol phosphate production, while with the M311V mutant, AVP exhibited only partial agonism in addition to a 37-fold potency decrease. Similar responses were detected in a BRET assay for β-arrestin recruitment, with the R181C receptor unresponsive to AVP, and partial agonism with a 23-fold decrease in potency observed with M311V in both HEK293FT and COS7 cells. Notably, the V266A V2R appeared functionally identical to the wild-type receptor in all assays tested, including cAMP and inositol phosphate accumulation, β-arrestin interaction, and in a BRET assay of receptor ubiquitination. Each receptor was expressed at comparable levels. Hence, the M311V V2R retains greater activity than the R181C mutant, consistent with the milder phenotype of NDI associated with this mutant. Notably, the R181C mutant appears to be a Gs protein-biased receptor incapable of signaling to inositol phosphate or recruiting β-arrestin. The etiology of NSIAD in the patient with V266A V2R remains unknown

    Availability Evaluation of Service Function Chains Under Different Protection Schemes

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) calls for a new resource management approach where virtualized network functions (VNFs) replace traditional network hardware appliances. Thanks to NFV, operators are given a much greater flexibility, as these VNFs can be deployed as virtual nodes and chained together to form Service Function Chains (SFCs). An SFC represents a set of dedicated virtualized resources deployed to provide a certain service to the consumer. One of its most important performance requirements is availability. In this paper, the availability achieved by SFCs is evaluated analytically, by modelling several protection schemes and given different availability values for the network components. The cost of each protection scheme, based on its network resource consumption, is also taken into account. Extensive numerical results are reported, considering various SFC characteristics, such as availability requirements, number of NFV nodes and availability values of network components. The lowest-cost protection strategy, in terms of number of occupied network components, which meets availability requirement, is identified. Our analysis demonstrates that, in most cases, resource-greedy protection schemes, such as end-to-end protection, can be replaced by less aggressive schemes, even when availability requirements are in the order of five or six nines, depending on the number of elements in the service function chain

    Tubulin response to intense nanosecond-scale electric field in molecular dynamics simulation

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    Intense pulsed electric fields are known to act at the cell membrane level and are already being exploited in biomedical and biotechnological applications. However, it is not clear if electric pulses within biomedically-attainable parameters could directly influence intra-cellular components such as cytoskeletal proteins. If so, a molecular mechanism of action could be uncovered for therapeutic applications of such electric fields. To help clarify this question, we first identified that a tubulin heterodimer is a natural biological target for intense electric fields due to its exceptional electric properties and crucial roles played in cell division. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we then demonstrated that an intense - yet experimentally attainable - electric field of nanosecond duration can affect the bβ-tubulin’s C-terminus conformations and also influence local electrostatic properties at the GTPase as well as the binding sites of major tubulin drugs site. Our results suggest that intense nanosecond electric pulses could be used for physical modulation of microtubule dynamics. Since a nanosecond pulsed electric field can penetrate the tissues and cellular membranes due to its broadband spectrum, our results are also potentially significant for the development of new therapeutic protocols

    Towards Assurance for Plug & Play Medical Systems

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    Traditional safety-critical systems are designed and integrated by a systems integrator. The system integrator can asses the safety of the completed system before it is deployed. In medicine, there is a desire to transition from the traditional approach to a new model wherein a user can combine various devices post-hoc to create a new composite system that addresses a specific clinical scenario. Ensuring the safety of these systems is challenging: Safety is a property of systems that arises from the interaction of system components and it’s not possible to asses overall system safety by assessing a single component in isolation. It is unlikely that end-users will have the engineering expertise or resources to perform safety assessments each time they create a new composite system. In this paper we describe a platform-oriented approach to providing assurance for plug & play medical systems as well as an associated assurance argument pattern

    Airborne radar imaging of subaqueous channel evolution in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA

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    Shallow coastal regions are among the fastest evolving landscapes but are notoriously difficult to measure with high spatiotemporal resolution. Using Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) data, we demonstrate that high signal‐to‐noise L band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can reveal subaqueous channel networks at the distal ends of river deltas. Using 27 UAVSAR images collected between 2009 and 2015 from the Wax Lake Delta in coastal Louisiana, USA, we show that under normal tidal conditions, planform geometry of the distributary channel network is frequently resolved in the UAVSAR images, including ~700 m of seaward network extension over 5 years for one channel. UAVSAR also reveals regions of subaerial and subaqueous vegetation, streaklines of biogenic surfactants, and what appear to be small distributary channels aliased by the survey grid, all illustrating the value of fine resolution, low noise, L band SAR for mapping the nearshore subaqueous delta channel network

    Characterizing the historical role of parenteral antischistosomal therapy in hepatitis C virus transmission in Egypt.

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    BACKGROUND: Egypt is the nation most affected by hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, following an epidemic of historic proportions. We aimed to characterize the epidemic's historical evolution and to delineate the role of parenteral antischistosomal therapy (PAT) campaigns in transmission. METHODS: A mathematical model was constructed and analysed in order to understand HCV-transmission dynamics. The model was fitted to Egypt's Demographic and Health Survey data and to a systematic database of HCV-prevalence data. RESULTS: The incidence rate peaked in 1966 at 15.7 infections per 1000 person-years-a period of time that coincides with the PAT campaigns-and rapidly declined thereafter, beginning the mid-1990s. The annual number of new infections peaked in 1993 at 581 200 (with rapid demographic growth), leading to a high-incidence-cohort effect, and declined to 67 800 by 2018. The number of individuals ever infected (1950-2018) was 16.4 million, with HCV prevalence peaking in 1979. The number of individuals ever exposed to PAT was 8.3 million; however, of these individuals, 7.3 million were alive in 1980 and only 3.5 million alive in 2018. The number of individuals ever infected due to PAT exposure was 963 900, with 850 200 individuals alive in 1980 and only 389 800 alive in 2018. The proportion of PAT-attributed prevalent infections peaked at 19.9% in 1972, declining to 5.5% by 2018. CONCLUSIONS: PAT campaigns played an important role in HCV transmission, yet explain only 6% of infections-they appear to be a manifestation, rather than a cause, of the epidemic. A possible driver of the epidemic could be the mass expansion of inadequate-quality healthcare during PAT campaigns and subsequent decades. Despite a historic toll, the epidemic has been rapidly diminishing since the mid-1990s
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