158 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a driven probe molecule in a liquid monolayer

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    We study dynamics of a probe molecule, driven by an external constant force in a liquid monolayer on top of solid surface. In terms of a microscopic, mean-field-type approach, we calculate the terminal velocity of the probe molecule. This allows us to establish the analog of the Stokes formula, in which the friction coefficient is interpreted in terms of the microscopic parameters characterizing the system. We also determine the distribution of the monolayer particles as seen from the stationary moving probe molecule and estimate the self-diffusion coefficient for diffusion in a liquid monolayer.Comment: Latex, 7 pages, 1 figur

    Molecular Weight Dependence of Spreading Rates of Ultrathin Polymeric Films

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    We study experimentally the molecular weight MM dependence of spreading rates of molecularly thin precursor films, growing at the bottom of droplets of polymer liquids. In accord with previous observations, we find that the radial extension R(t) of the film grows with time as R(t) = (D_{exp} t)^{1/2}. Our data substantiate the M-dependence of D_{exp}; we show that it follows D_{exp} \sim M^{-\gamma}, where the exponent \gamma is dependent on the chemical composition of the solid surface, determining its frictional properties with respect to the molecular transport. In the specific case of hydrophilic substrates, the frictional properties can be modified by the change of the relative humidity (RH). We find that \gamma \approx 1 at low RH and tends to zero when RH gets progressively increased. We propose simple theoretical arguments which explain the observed behavior in the limits of low and high RH.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in PR

    The effects of transurethral resection and cystoprostatectomy on dissemination of epithelial cells in the circulation of patients with bladder cancer

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    This study was undertaken to evaluate the risk of haematogenous dissemination of epithelial cells induced by endoscopic resection and/or cystoprostatectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. Thirty-three patients were studied. Thirty-one had different stages and grades of bladder cancer and two patients had benign bladder conditions. Twenty-five cancer patients required transurethral resection of their bladder tumour. Of those, 20 had superficial disease (pTaG1–G2: n = 19; pT1G2: n = 1) and five had muscle invasive tumours (pT2G3: n = 2; pT3aG3: n = 1; pT4G3: n = 2). Five patients underwent radical cystoprostatectomy for muscle invasive cancers (pT2G3: n = 3; pT3bG3: n = 1; pT4G3: n = 1) and one man received chemotherapy for metastatic disease. Venous blood (10 ml) was obtained from the antecubital fossa in each patient, before and 1–2 h after completion of surgery, and prior to treatment in the metastatic patient. An indirect immunocytochemical technique was used to detect circulating epithelial cells after centrifugation on Ficoll gradient and fixation of mononuclear cells on slides, using a monoclonal antibody directed against three cytokeratins: CK8, CK18 and CK19. Circulating epithelial cells were detected only in the patient with metastatic disease. None of the other patients had evidence of epithelial circulating cells before or after surgery. The results suggest that irrespective of disease stage and grade, neither endoscopic nor open bladder surgery leads to detectable dissemination of urothelial cells in the peripheral circulation. These procedures are therefore unlikely to increase the risk of progression and metastasis in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Theoretical and experimental activities on opacities for a good interpretation of seismic stellar probes

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    Opacity calculations are basic ingredients of stellar modelling. They play a crucial role in the interpretation of acoustic modes detected by SoHO, COROT and KEPLER. In this review we present our activities on both theoretical and experimental sides. We show new calculations of opacity spectra and comparisons between eight groups who produce opacity spectra calculations in the domain where experiments are scheduled. Real differences are noticed with real astrophysical consequences when one extends helioseismology to cluster studies of different compositions. Two cases are considered presently: (1) the solar radiative zone and (2) the beta Cephei envelops. We describe how our experiments are performed and new preliminary results on nickel obtained in the campaign 2010 at LULI 2000 at Polytechnique.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, invited talk at SOHO2

    Radiative properties of stellar plasmas and open challenges

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    The lifetime of solar-like stars, the envelope structure of more massive stars, and stellar acoustic frequencies largely depend on the radiative properties of the stellar plasma. Up to now, these complex quantities have been estimated only theoretically. The development of the powerful tools of helio- and astero- seismology has made it possible to gain insights on the interiors of stars. Consequently, increased emphasis is now placed on knowledge of the monochromatic opacity coefficients. Here we review how these radiative properties play a role, and where they are most important. We then concentrate specifically on the envelopes of β\beta Cephei variable stars. We discuss the dispersion of eight different theoretical estimates of the monochromatic opacity spectrum and the challenges we need to face to check these calculations experimentally.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, in press (conference HEDLA 2010