25,722 research outputs found

    Dichroism for orbital angular momentum using parametric amplification

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    We theoretically analyze parametric amplification as a means to produce dichroism based on the orbital angular momentum (OAM) of an incident signal field. The nonlinear interaction is shown to provide differential gain between signal states of differing OAM, the peak gain occurring at half the OAM of the pump field

    Fitting Pulsar Wind Tori. II. Error Analysis and Applications

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    We have applied the torus fitting procedure described in Ng & Romani (2004) to PWNe observations in the Chandra data archive. This study provides quantitative measurement of the PWN geometry and we characterize the uncertainties in the fits, with statistical errors coming from the fit uncertainties and systematic errors estimated by varying the assumed fitting model. The symmetry axis Κ\Psi of the PWN are generally well determined, and highly model-independent. We often derive a robust value for the spin inclination ζ\zeta. We briefly discuss the utility of these results in comparison with new radio and high energy pulse measurementsComment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ApJ in pres

    Ages of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics, western North Island, New Zealand, and some geological implications

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    The Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics are the two southernmost of the Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic fields of western and northern North Island, New Zealand, northwest of Taupo Volcanic Zone TVZ. The Ngatutura Basalts are an alkalic basaltic field comprising monogenetic volcanoes. The Alexandra Volcanics consist of three basaltic magma series: an alkalic (Okete Volcanics), calcalkalic (Karioi, Pirongia, Kakepuku, and Te Kawa Volcanics), and a minor potassic series. Twenty new K-Arages are presented for the Alexandra Volcanics and 9 new ages for the Ngatutura Basalts. Ages of the Alexandra Volcanics range from 2.74 to 1 .60 Ma, and the ages of all three magma series overlap. Ages of the Ngatutura Basalts range from 1 .83 to 1.54 Ma. Each basaltic field has a restricted time range and there is a progressive younging in age of the basaltic fields of western North Island from the Alexandra Volcanics in the south, to Ngatutura, to South Auckland, and then to the Auckland field in the north. Neither of the Alexandra nor Ngatutura Volcanics shows any younging direction of their volcanic centres or any age pattern within their fields, and there is no systematic variation in age with rock composition. Any correlation of age with degree of erosion of volcanic cones is invalid for these basaltic fields; instead, the degree of erosion may be controlled by the lithology of the cones and possibly by the extent of preservation offered by the thick cover deposits of the Kauroa, Hamilton, and younger tephra beds. Stratigraphic relations have enabled the earliest member of the Kauroa Ash Formation to be dated at 2.3 Ma. This formation represents a series of widespread rhyolitic plinian and ignimbrite eruptions probably derived from TVZ and initiated during the Late Pliocene

    A Convergent Method for Calculating the Properties of Many Interacting Electrons

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    A method is presented for calculating binding energies and other properties of extended interacting systems using the projected density of transitions (PDoT) which is the probability distribution for transitions of different energies induced by a given localized operator, the operator on which the transitions are projected. It is shown that the transition contributing to the PDoT at each energy is the one which disturbs the system least, and so, by projecting on appropriate operators, the binding energies of equilibrium electronic states and the energies of their elementary excitations can be calculated. The PDoT may be expanded as a continued fraction by the recursion method, and as in other cases the continued fraction converges exponentially with the number of arithmetic operations, independent of the size of the system, in contrast to other numerical methods for which the number of operations increases with system size to maintain a given accuracy. These properties are illustrated with a calculation of the binding energies and zone-boundary spin- wave energies for an infinite spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain, which is compared with analytic results for this system and extrapolations from finite rings of spins.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, corrected pd

    A Return of the Threshing Ring? Motivations, Benefits and Challenges of Machinery and Labor Sharing Arrangements

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    Cooperative approaches provide an alternative for small- and medium-sized producers to obtain the efficiencies of large farming operations and remain competitive in an increasingly concentrated agricultural industry. This article examines the motivation and effectiveness of equipment and labor sharing arrangements in the Midwestern US. Case study evidence shows that in addition to cost savings, access to skilled, seasonal labor is an important motivation for farm-level cooperation. Key factors identified for successful cooperative agreements include compatibility of operations and members' willingness to communicate and adapt. Sharing resources is found to improve farm profitability, efficiency and farmers' quality of life.machinery sharing; skilled farm labor; productivity; farm-level cooperations

    Seasonal reproduction in a fluctuating energy environment: Insolation-driven synchronized broadcast spawning in corals

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    *Background/Question/Methods:* Colonies of spawning corals reproduce in mass-spawning events, in which polyps within each colony release sperm and eggs for fertilization in the water column, with fertilization occurring only between gametes from different colonies. Participating colonies synchronize their gamete release to a window of a few hours once a year (for the species Acropora digitifera we study experimentally). This remarkable synchrony is essential for successful coral reproduction and thus, maintenance of the coral reef ecosystem that is currently under threat from local and global environmental effects such as pollution, global warming and ocean acidification. The mechanisms determining this tight synchrony in reproduction are not well understood, although several influences have been hypothesized and studied including lunar phase, solar insolation, and influences of temperature and tides. Moreover, most corals are in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae (Symbiodinium spp.) that live within the host tissue. Experiments supported by detailed bioenergetic modeling of the coral-algae symbiosis have shown that corals receive >90% of their energy needs from these symbionts. We develop a bioenergetic integrate-and-fire model in order to investigate whether annual insolation rhythms can entrain the gametogenetic cycles that produce mature gametes to the appropriate spawning season, since photosynthate is their primary source of energy. We solve the integrate-and-fire bioenergetic model numerically using the Fokker-Planck equation and use analytical tools such as rotation number to study entrainment.

*Results/Conclusions:* In the presence of short-term fluctuations in the energy input, our model shows that a feedback regulatory mechanism is required to achieve coherence of spawning times to within one lunar cycle, in order for subsequent cues such as lunar and diurnal light cycles to unambiguously determine the “correct” night of spawning. Entrainment to the annual insolation cycle is by itself not sufficient to produce the observed coherence in spawning. The feedback mechanism can also provide robustness against population heterogeneity due to genetic and environmental effects. We also discuss how such bioenergetic, stochastic, integrate-and-fire models are also more generally applicable: for example to aquatic insect emergence, synchrony in cell division and masting in trees

    Management zone delineation using a modified watershed algorithm

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    Le zonage intra-parcellaire est une méthode couramment utilisée pour gérer la variabilité intra-parcellaire. Ce concept consiste à partitionner une parcelle en zones de management selon une ou plusieurs caractéristiques du sol et/ou du couvert végétal de cette parcelle. Cet article propose une méthode de zonage originale, basée sur l'utilisation d'une méthode de segmentation d'image puissante et rapide : l'algorithme de ligne de partage des eaux. Cet algorithme d'analyse d'image a été adapté aux spécificités de l'agriculture de précision. Les performances de notre méthodes ont été testées sur des cartes biophysiques haute résolution de plusieurs champs de blé situés en Bourgogne. / Site-specific management (SSM) is a common way to manage within-field variability. This concept divides fields into site-specific management zones (SSMZ) according to one or several soil or crop characteristics. This paper proposes an original methodology for SSMZ delineation which is able to manage different kinds of crop and/or soil images using a powerful segmentation tool: the watershed algorithm. This image analysis algorithm was adapted to the specific constraints of precision agriculture. The algorithm was tested on high-resolution bio-physical images of a set of fields in France.ZONAGE;PARCELLE;TELEDETECTION;BLE;SEGMENTATION D'IMAGE;AGRICULTURE DE PRECISION;FRANCE;BOURGOGNE;PRECISION AGRICULTURE;MANAGEMENT ZONES;REMOTE SENSING;IMAGE ANALYSIS;WATERSHED SEGMENTATION

    Spurious symptom reduction in fault monitoring

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    Previous work accomplished on NASA's Faultfinder concept suggested that the concept was jeopardized by spurious symptoms generated in the monitoring phase. The purpose of the present research was to investigate methods of reducing the generation of spurious symptoms during in-flight engine monitoring. Two approaches for reducing spurious symptoms were investigated. A knowledge base of rules was constructed to filter known spurious symptoms and a neural net was developed to improve the expectation values used in the monitoring process. Both approaches were effective in reducing spurious symptoms individually. However, the best results were obtained using a hybrid system combining the neural net capability to improve expectation values with the rule-based logic filter
