452 research outputs found


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    An individual-plant growth simulation model for quantifying competition between spring barley and wild oat has been previously described (price, Shafii, and Thill, 1994). Individual plants within a population were modeled independently and competition between plants was determined by resource demand within plant specific areas-of-influence. Calibration of the model to spring barley and wild oat biomass data was performed and shown to have a high degree of accuracy under mono culture conditions. The work presented here applies the specified model to a larger scale simulation for the purpose of demonstrating seed dispersal in wild oat. This is accomplished by breaking the annual cycle of wild oat seeds into the three integrated phases: Growth and development, dissemination, and dormancy. The growth and development phase is handled using the individual-plant growth model. The subsequent dispersal of seeds is described using two-dimensional stochastic processes. Finally, a life table analysis, based on predetermined transition probabilities, is used to establish the makeup of populations in the following season. A sensitivity analysis which examines various biological, ecological, and mechanical components over a 10 year period is carried out and the potential use in weed science education is demonstrated


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    Plant competition models traditionally have used population or stand level parameters as a basis for modeling. While such models may be valid with regard to average responses, they fail to account for important factors such as within stand variability and spatial relationships. This translates to an assumption of uniformity in growth characteristics among individual plant,S as well as an equidistant spacing arrangement which are unlikely in real populations. One alternative is to model the growth characteristics of individual plants separately which, when combined as a system, will inherently have popUlation attributes related to competition. Competition models of this type allow for various combinations of growth patterns and spatial arrangements. An individual-plant based simulation model is introduced and the relationships of model parameters with existing concepts in plant competition are discussed. Models are calibrated to wild oat (Avenafatua) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) using data from replicated field experiments in Northern Idaho


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    Seed germination is a complex biological process which is influenced by various environmental and genetic factors. The effects of temperature on plant development are the basis for models used to predict the timing of germination. Estimation of the cardinal temperatures, including base, optimum, and maximum, is essential because rate of development increases between base and optimum, decreases between optimum and maximum, and ceases above the maximum and below the base temperature. Nonlinear growth curves can be specified to model the time course of germination at various temperatures. Quantiles of such models are regressed on temperature to estimate cardinal quantities. Bootstrap simulation techniques may then be employed to assure the statistical accuracy of these estimates and to provide approximate nonparametric confidence intervals. A statistical approach to modelling germination is presented and application is demonstrated with reference to replicated experiments designed to determine the effect of temperature gradient on germination of three populations of an introduced weed species common crupina (Crupina vulgaris Pers.)


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    Remote sensing imagery is a popular accessment tool in agriculture, forestry, and rangeland management. Spectral classification of imagery provides a means of estimating production and identifYing potential problems, such as weed, insect, and disease infestations. Accuracy of classification is traditionally based on ground truthing and summary statistics such as Cohen\u27s Kappa. Variability assessment and comparison of these quantities have been limited to asymptotic procedures relying on large sample sizes and gaussian distributions. However, asymptotic methods fail to take into account the underlying distribution of the classified data and may produce invalid inferential results. Bayesian methodology is introduced to develop probability distributions for Cohen\u27s Conditional Kappa that can subsequently be used for image assessment and comparison. Techniques are demonstrated on a set of images used in identifYing a species of weed, yellow starthistle, at various spatial resolutions and flying times


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    Yellow starthistle is a noxious weed common in the semiarid climate of Central Idaho and other western states. Early detection of yellow starthistle and predicting its infestation potential have important scientific and managerial implications. Weed detection and delineation are often carried out by visual observation or survey techniques. However, such methods may be ineffective in detecting sparse infestations. The distribution of yellow starthistle over a large region may be affected by various exogenous variables such as elevation, slope and aspect. These landscape variables can be used to develop prediction models to estimate the potential invasion of yellow starthistle into new areas. A nonlinear prediction model has been developed based on a polar coordinate transformation to investigate the ability of landscape characteristics to predict the likelihood of yellow starthistle occurrence in North Central Idaho. The study region included the lower Snake river and parts of the Salmon and Clearwater basins encompassing various land use categories. The model provided accurate estimates of incidence of yellow starthistle within each specified land use category and performed well in subsequent statistical validations

    Numerical Study of Order in a Gauge Glass Model

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    The XY model with quenched random phase shifts is studied by a T=0 finite size defect energy scaling method in 2d and 3d. The defect energy is defined by a change in the boundary conditions from those compatible with the true ground state configuration for a given realization of disorder. A numerical technique, which is exact in principle, is used to evaluate this energy and to estimate the stiffness exponent θ\theta. This method gives θ=−0.36±0.013\theta = -0.36\pm0.013 in 2d and θ=+0.31±0.015\theta = +0.31\pm 0.015 in 3d, which are considerably larger than previous estimates, strongly suggesting that the lower critical dimension is less than three. Some arguments in favor of these new estimates are given.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum Spin Glasses

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    Ising spin glasses in a transverse field exhibit a zero temperature quantum phase transition, which is driven by quantum rather than thermal fluctuations. They constitute a universality class that is significantly different from the classical, thermal phase transitions. Most interestingly close to the transition in finite dimensions a quantum Griffiths phase leads to drastic consequences for various physical quantities: for instance diverging magnetic susceptibilities are observable over a whole range of transverse field values in the disordered phase.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX (Springer Lecture Notes style file included), 1 eps-figure; Review article for XIV Sitges Conference: Complex Behavior of Glassy System

    The metastate approach to thermodynamic chaos

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    In realistic disordered systems, such as the Edwards-Anderson (EA) spin glass, no order parameter, such as the Parisi overlap distribution, can be both translation-invariant and non-self-averaging. The standard mean-field picture of the EA spin glass phase can therefore not be valid in any dimension and at any temperature. Further analysis shows that, in general, when systems have many competing (pure) thermodynamic states, a single state which is a mixture of many of them (as in the standard mean-field picture) contains insufficient information to reveal the full thermodynamic structure. We propose a different approach, in which an appropriate thermodynamic description of such a system is instead based on a metastate, which is an ensemble of (possibly mixed) thermodynamic states. This approach, modelled on chaotic dynamical systems, is needed when chaotic size dependence (of finite volume correlations) is present. Here replicas arise in a natural way, when a metastate is specified by its (meta)correlations. The metastate approach explains, connects, and unifies such concepts as replica symmetry breaking, chaotic size dependence and replica non-independence. Furthermore, it replaces the older idea of non-self-averaging as dependence on the bulk couplings with the concept of dependence on the state within the metastate at fixed coupling realization. We use these ideas to classify possible metastates for the EA model, and discuss two scenarios introduced by us earlier --- a nonstandard mean-field picture and a picture intermediate between that and the usual scaling/droplet picture.Comment: LaTeX file, 49 page

    Time reparametrization group and the long time behaviour in quantum glassy systems

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    We study the long time dynamics of a quantum version of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Time reparametrizations of the dynamical equations have a parallel with renormalization group transformations, and within this language the long time behaviour of this model is controlled by a reparametrization group (Rp_pG) fixed point of the classical dynamics. The irrelevance of the quantum terms in the dynamical equations in the aging regime explains the classical nature of the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem.Comment: 4 page
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