16,059 research outputs found

    Towards an Ontology Metadata Standard

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    In this poster, we present (i) a proposal for a metadata standard, known as Ontology Metadata Vocabulary (OMV) which is based on discussions in the EU IST thematic network of excellence Knowledge Web1 and (ii) two complementary reference implementations which show the benefit of such a standard in decentralized and centralized scenarios, i.e. the Oyster P2P system and the Onthology metadata portal

    Four related benzazepine derivatives in a reaction pathway leading to a benzazepine carboxylic acid : hydrogen-bonded assembly in zero, one, two and three dimensions

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    The authors thank ‘Centro de Instrumentacion Cientıfico-Tecnica of Universidad de Jaen’ and the staff for data collection. AP, SAG and CMS thank Colciencias for financial support (grant No. 1102–521–28229). JC thanks the Consejerıa de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucıa, Spain) and the Universidad de Jaen for financial support.(2R*,4S*)-Methyl 2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1,4-ep­oxy-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carboxyl­ate, C12H13NO3, (I), and its reduction product (2R*,4S*)-methyl 4-hy­droxy-2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carboxyl­ate, C12H15NO3, (II), both crystallize as single enanti­omers in the space group P212121, while the hydrolysis product (2RS,4SR)-4-hy­droxy-2,3,4,5-tetra­hydro-1H-benz[b]azepine-2-carb­oxy­lic acid, C11H13NO3, (III), and the lactone (2RS,5SR)-8-(trifluoromethoxy)-5,6-dihydro-1H-2,5-methanobenz[e][1,4]oxazocin-3(2H)-one, C12H10F3NO3, (IV), both crystallize as racemic mixtures in the space group P21/c. The mol­ecules of compound (IV) are linked into centrosymmetric R22(10) dimers by N-HO hydrogen bonds, and those of compound (I) are linked into chains by C-H(arene) hydrogen bonds. A combination of O-HO and O-HN hydrogen bonds links the mol­ecules of com­pound (III) into sheets containing equal numbers of R44(14) and R44(26) rings, and a combination of C-H(arene) hydrogen bonds and three-centre O-H(N,O) hydrogen bonds links the mol­ecules of compound (II) into a three-dimensional frame­work structure. Comparisons are made with some related compounds.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Maximum power, ecological function and efficiency of an irreversible Carnot cycle. A cost and effectiveness optimization

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    In this work we include, for the Carnot cycle, irreversibilities of linear finite rate of heat transferences between the heat engine and its reservoirs, heat leak between the reservoirs and internal dissipations of the working fluid. A first optimization of the power output, the efficiency and ecological function of an irreversible Carnot cycle, with respect to: internal temperature ratio, time ratio for the heat exchange and the allocation ratio of the heat exchangers; is performed. For the second and third optimizations, the optimum values for the time ratio and internal temperature ratio are substituted into the equation of power and, then, the optimizations with respect to the cost and effectiveness ratio of the heat exchangers are performed. Finally, a criterion of partial optimization for the class of irreversible Carnot engines is herein presented.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Energy Convers. Manag

    Promoting a local brand: Assessing the Economic Benefits of the Texas SuperstarÂź and Earth-KindÂź Promotion on Place (POP) Program

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    This paper aims to evaluate consumer’s awareness and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two ornamental brands in Texas: Texas Superstar¼ and Earth-Kind¼, after a Promotion on Place (POP) Program was developed by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). Consumer’s characteristics that are more likely to influence brand awareness and WTP are identified.Brand recognition, Willingness to pay, Consumer preferences, Ornamentals, Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing,

    Repeat Buying Behavior for Ornamental Plants: A Consumer Profile

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    The main objective of this research was to study what stimulates repeat buying behavior for ornamental plants by segmenting consumer demographics and other important variables in the purchasing decision for ornamental plants. Specifically, we looked at the number of transactions per month as a function of the purpose of the purchase. Consumer’s behavioral and socio-demographic characteristics that are more likely to influence the number of ornamental transactions were also identified.Green Industry, flower demand, consumer preferences, Consumer/Household Economics, Marketing, M31, R22,

    Physical activity programs for balance and fall prevention in elderly: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Due to demographic changes the world's population is progressively ageing. The physiological decay of the elderly adult may lead to a reduction in the ability to balance and an increased risk of falls becoming an important issue among the elderly. In order to counteract the decay in the ability to balance, physical activity has been proven to be effective. The aim of this study is to systematically review the scientific literature in order to identify physical activity programs able to increase balance in the elderly. METHODS: This review is based on the data from Medline-NLM, Pubmed, ScienceDirect, and SPORTDiscuss and includes randomized control trials that have analyzed balance and physical activity in healthy elderly over 65 years of age during the last decade. A final number of 8 manuscripts were included in the qualitative synthesis, which comprised 200 elderly with a mean age of 75.1 ± 4.4 years. The sample size of the studies varied from 9 to 61 and the intervention periods from 8 to 32 weeks. RESULTS: Eight articles were considered eligible and included in the quantitative synthesis. The articles investigated the effects of resistance and aerobic exercise, balance training, T-bow© and wobble board training, aerobic step and stability ball training, adapted physical activity and Wii Fit training on balance outcomes. Balance measures of the studies showed improvements between 16% and 42% compared to baseline assessments. CONCLUSIONS: Balance is a multifactorial quality that can be effectively increased by different exercise training means. It is fundamental to promote physical activity in the aging adult, being that a negative effect on balance performance has been seen in the no-intervention control groups

    Influence of electromagnetic interferences on the gravimetric sensitivity of surface acoustic waveguides

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    Surface acoustic waveguides are increasing in interest for (bio)chemical detection. The surface mass modification leads to measurable changes in the propagation properties of the waveguide. Among a wide variety of waveguides, Love mode has been investigated because of its high gravimetric sensitivity. The acoustic signal launched and detected in the waveguide by electrical transducers is accompanied by an electromagnetic wave; the interaction of the two signals, easily enhanced by the open structure of the sensor, creates interference patterns in the transfer function of the sensor. The influence of these interferences on the gravimetric sensitivity is presented, whereby the structure of the entire sensor is modelled. We show that electromagnetic interferences generate an error in the experimental value of the sensitivity. This error is different for the open and the closed loop configurations of the sensor. The theoretical approach is completed by the experimentation of an actual Love mode sensor operated under liquid in open loop configuration. The experiment indicates that the interaction depends on the frequency and the mass modifications.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    CCD Washington photometry of four poorly studied open clusters in the two inner quadrants of the galactic plane

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    Complementing our Washington photometric studies on Galactic open clusters (OCs), we now focus on four poorly studied OCs located in the first and fourth Galactic quadrants, namely BH 84, NGC 5381, BH 211 and Czernik 37. We have obtained CCD photometry in the Washington system CC and T1T_1 passbands down to T1T_1 ∌\sim 18.5 magnitudes for these four clusters. Their positions and sizes were determined using the stellar density radial profiles. We derived reddening, distance, age and metallicity of the clusters from extracted (C−T1,T1)(C-T_1,T_1) color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), using theoretical isochrones computed for the Washington system. There are no previous photometric data in the optical band for BH 84, NGC 5381 and BH 211. The CMDs of the observed clusters show relatively well defined main sequences, except for Czernik 37, wherein significant differential reddening seems to be present. The red giant clump is clearly seen only in BH 211. For this cluster, we estimated the age in (1000−200+260^{+260}_{-200}) Myr, assuming a metallicity of ZZ = 0.019. BH 84 was found to be much older than it was previously believed, while NGC 5381 happened to be much younger than previously reported. The heliocentric distances to these clusters are found to range between 1.4 and 3.4 kpc. BH 84 appears to be located at the solar galactocentric distance, while NGC 5381, BH 211 and Czernik 37 are situated inside the solar ring.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 10 table

    Observable geometric phase induced by a cyclically evolving dissipative process

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    In a prevous paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 150403 (2006)) we have proposed a new way to generate an observable geometric phase on a quantum system by means of a completely incoherent phenomenon. The basic idea was to force the ground state of the system to evolve ciclically by "adiabatically" manipulating the environment with which it interacts. The specific scheme we have previously analyzed, consisting of a multilevel atom interacting with a broad-band squeezed vacuum bosonic bath whose squeezing parameters are smoothly changed in time along a closed loop, is here solved in a more direct way. This new solution emphasizes how the geometric phase on the ground state of the system is indeed due to a purely incoherent dynamicsComment: 6 pages, 1 figur
