14 research outputs found

    Inshore, turbid coral reefs from northwest Borneo exhibiting low diversity, but high cover show evidence of resilience to various environmental stressors

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    For reefs in South East Asia the synergistic effects of rapid land development, insufficient environmental policies and a lack of enforcement has led to poor water quality and compromised coral health from increased sediment and pollution. Those inshore turbid coral reefs, subject to significant sediment inputs, may also inherit some resilience to the effects of thermal stress and coral bleaching. We studied the inshore turbid reefs near Miri, in northwest Borneo through a comprehensive assessment of coral cover and health in addition to quantifying sediment-related parameters. Although Miriā€™s Reefs had comparatively low coral species diversity, dominated by massive and encrusting forms of Diploastrea, Porites, Montipora, Favites, Dipsastrea and Pachyseris, they were characterized by a healthy cover ranging from 22 to 39%. We found a strong inshore to offshore gradient in hard coral cover, diversity and community composition as a direct result of spatial differences in sediment at distances Diploastrea and Pachyseris suffering partial bleaching in 2016 had fully (90ā€“100%) recovered the following year. There were, however, seasonal differences in bioerosion rates, which increased five-fold after the 2017 wet season. Differences in measures of coral physiology, like that of symbiont density and chlorophyll a for Montipora, Pachyseris and Acropora, were not detected among sites. We conclude that Miriā€™s reefs may be in a temporally stable state given minimal recently dead coral and a limited decline in coral cover over the last two decades. This study provides further evidence that turbid coral reefs exposed to seasonally elevated sediment loads can exhibit relatively high coral cover and be resilient to disease and elevated sea surface temperatures

    The West Pacific Gradient tracks ENSO and zonal Pacific sea surface temperature gradient during the last Millennium

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    Small changes in Pacific temperature gradients connected with the El NiƱo Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influence the Walker Circulation and are related to global climate anomalies. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to develop robust indices of their past behavior. Here, we reconstruct the difference in sea surface temperature between the west and central Pacific during ENSO, coined the West Pacific Gradient (WPG), based on the Last Millennium Paleo Hydrodynamics Data Assimilation. We show that the WPG tracks ENSO variability and strongly co-varies with the zonal gradient in Pacific sea surface temperature. We demonstrate that the WPG strength is related to significant atmospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies during historical El NiƱo and La NiƱa events by magnifying or weakening droughts and pluvials across the Indo-Pacific. We show that an extreme negative WPG coupled to a strong zonal Pacific temperature gradient is associated with enhanced megadroughts in North America between 1400 CE and the late sixteenth century. The twentieth century stands out in showing the most extreme swings between positive and negative WPG conditions over the past Millennium. We conclude that the WPG is a robust index together with ENSO indices to reveal past changes in Pacific zonal sea surface temperature gradient variability

    Differential response of corals to regional mass-warming events as evident from skeletal Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios

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    During the summer of 2010/2011, a regional marine heat wave resulted in coral bleaching of variable severity along much of the western coastline of Australia. At Ningaloo Reef, a 300 km long fringing reef system and World Heritage site, highly contrasting coral bleaching was observed between two morphologically distinct nearshore reef communities located on either side of the Ningaloo Peninsula: Tantabiddi (āˆ¼20% bleaching) and Bundegi (āˆ¼90% bleaching). For this study, we collected coral cores (Porites sp.) from Tantabiddi and Bundegi reef sites to assess the response of the Sr/Ca temperature proxy and Mg/Ca ratios to the variable levels of thermal stress imposed at these two sites during the 2010/2011 warming event. We found that there was an anomalous increase in Sr/Ca and decrease in Mg/Ca ratios in the Bundegi record that was coincident with the timing of severe coral bleaching at the site, while no significant changes were observed in the Tantabiddi record. We show that the change in the relationship of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios with temperature at Bundegi during the 2010/2011 event reflects changes in related coral ā€œvitalā€ processes during periods of environmental stress. These changes were found to be consistent with a reduction in active transport of Ca2+ to the site of calcification leading to a reduction in calcification rates and reduced Rayleigh fractionation of incorporated trace elements

    20th Century Ī“18O Seawater and Salinity Variations Reconstructed From Paired Ī“18O and Sr/Ca Measurements of a La Reunion Coral

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    Sea surface salinity (SSS) is an important variable in the global ocean circulation. However, decadal to interdecadal changes in SSS are not well understood due to the lack of instrumental data. Here we reconstruct SSS from a paired, bimonthly resolved coral Ī“18O and Sr/Ca record from La Reunion Island that extends from 1913 to 1995. Coral Sr/Ca correlates with regional sea surface temperature (SST) back to 1966, when instrumental coverage is good, while coral Ī“18O does not. The slope of the monthly (annual mean) coral Sr/Caā€SST regression is āˆ’0.040 mmol/mol per 1 Ā°C (āˆ’0.068 mmol/mol per 1 Ā°C) consistent with published estimates of the Sr/Caā€SST relationship. Coral Sr/Ca suggest a warming of 0.39 Ā°C since 1913. Ī“18O seawater is calculated by subtracting the temperature component from measured coral Ī“18O, using coral Sr/Ca as well as historical SST products. The derived Ī“18O seawater reconstructions are correlated (r > 0.6), and all show a significant shift in the midtwentieth century (āˆ’0.17ā€° to āˆ’0.19ā€°), indicating a freshening of SSS by 0.7 psu. However, the timing of this shift depends on the temperature component and varies from 1947 (Ī“18O seawater calculated with historical SST) to the late 1950s (Ī“18O seawater calculated with coral Sr/Ca). Coral Sr/Ca shows warm temperature anomalies in the midā€1950s, while historical SST products show warm anomalies from 1940 to 1945 followed by cooling in the 1950s, a pattern typical for the World War II bias. This suggests that historical SST may bias reconstructions of Ī“18O seawater and SSS from corals

    Multi-trace-element sea surface temperature coral reconstruction for the southern Mozambique Channel reveals teleconnections with the tropical Atlantic

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    Here we report seasonally resolved sea surface temperatures for the southern Mozambique Channel in the SW Indian Ocean based on multi-trace-element temperature proxy records preserved in two Porites sp. coral cores. Particularly, we assess the suitability of both separate and combined Srāˆ•Ca and Liāˆ•Mg proxies for improved multielement SST reconstructions. Overall, geochemical records from Europa Island Porites sp. highlight the potential of Srāˆ•Ca and Liāˆ•Mg ratios as high-resolution climate proxies but also show significant differences in their response at this Indian Ocean subtropical reef site. Our reconstruction from 1970 to 2013 using the Srāˆ•Ca SST proxy reveals a warming trend of 0.58Ā±0.1ā€‰āˆ˜C in close agreement with instrumental data (0.47Ā±0.07ā€‰āˆ˜C) over the last 42 years (1970ā€“2013). In contrast, the Liāˆ•Mg showed unrealistically large warming trends, most probably caused by uncertainties around different uptake mechanisms of the trace elements Li and Mg and uncertainties in their temperature calibration. In our study, Srāˆ•Ca is superior to Liāˆ•Mg to quantify absolute SST and relative changes in SST. However, spatial correlations between the combined detrended Srāˆ•Ca and Liāˆ•Mg proxies compared to instrumental SST at Europa revealed robust correlations with local climate variability in the Mozambique Channel and teleconnections to regions in the Indian Ocean and southeastern Pacific where surface wind variability appeared to dominate the underlying pattern of SST variability. The strongest correlation was found between our Europa SST reconstruction and instrumental SST records from the northern tropical Atlantic. Only a weak correlation was found with ENSO, with recent warm anomalies in the geochemical proxies coinciding with strong El NiƱo or La NiƱa. We identified the Pacificā€“North American (PNA) atmospheric pattern, which develops in the Pacific in response to ENSO, and the tropical North Atlantic SST as the most likely causes of the observed teleconnections with the Mozambique Channel SST at Europa

    Corals record long-term Leeuwin current variability including Ningaloo Nino/Nina since 1795

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    Variability of the Leeuwin current (LC) off Western Australia is a footprint of interannual and decadal climate variations in the tropical Indo-Pacific. La NiƱa events often result in a strengthened LC, high coastal sea levels and unusually warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs), termed Ningaloo NiƱo. The rarity of such extreme events and the response of the southeastern Indian Ocean to regional and remote climate forcing are poorly understood owing to the lack of long-term records. Here we use well-replicated coral SST records from within the path of the LC, together with a reconstruction of the El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation to hindcast historical SST and LC strength from 1795 to 2010. We show that interannual and decadal variations in SST and LC strength characterized the past 215 years and that the most extreme sea level and SST anomalies occurred post 1980. These recent events were unprecedented in severity and are likely aided by accelerated global ocean warming and sea-level rise

    Massive corals record deforestation in Malaysian Borneo through sediments in river discharge

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    Logging of tropical primary forests is a widely acknowledged global issue threatening biodiversity hotspots and indigenous communities leading to significant land erosion and decreased soil stability. The downstream effects of logging on human coastal communities include poor water quality and increased sedimentation. Quantifying the impacts of historical deforestation within a watershed requires accurate data from river discharge or satellite images, which are rarely available prior to the 1980s. In the absence of these in situ measurements, proxies have successfully produced accurate, long-range, historical records of temperature, hydrological balance, and sediment discharge in coastal and oceanic environments. We present a 30-year, monthly resolved Ā proxy record of sediment in river discharge as measured from the skeletal remains of massive corals Porites sp. from northern Malaysian Borneo. We make the comparison with local instrumental hydrology data, river discharge and rainfall, to test the reliability of the Ā proxy. Our results show that averaging five records into two composites results in significant positive annual correlations with river discharge (rā€‰=ā€‰0.5 and rā€‰=ā€‰0.59) as well as a difference in correlation strength coherent with distance from the river mouth, with the composite closer to the river mouth displaying a higher correlation. More importantly, Ā records from this region showed a very similar upward trend to that of river discharge on multi-decennial timescales. The lack of similar increase and overall stability in the precipitation record suggests that the river discharge's trend recorded by corals is linked to the increasing land use associated with ever-growing deforestation. We argue that massive corals in this region are therefore valuable archives of past hydrological conditions and accurately reflect changes in land use patterns.</p

    Mid-Holocene expansion of the Indian Ocean warm pool documented in coral Sr/Ca records from Kenya

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    Proxy reconstructions suggest that mid-Holocene East African temperatures were warmer than today between 8 and 5Ā ka BP, but climate models cannot replicate this warming. Precessional forcing caused a shift of maximum insolation from boreal spring to fall in the mid-Holocene, which may have favored intense warming at the start of the warm season. Here, we use three Porites corals from Kenya that represent time windows from 6.55 to 5.87Ā ka BP to reconstruct past sea surface temperature (SST) seasonality from coral Sr/Ca ratios in the western Indian Ocean during the mid-Holocene. Although the Indian monsoon was reportedly stronger in the mid-Holocene, which should have amplified the seasonal cycle of SST in the western Indian Ocean, the corals suggest reduced seasonality (mean 3.2Ā Ā°C) compared to the modern record (mean 4.3Ā Ā°C). Warming in austral spring is followed by a prolonged period of warm SSTs, suggesting that an upper limit of tropical SSTs under mid-Holocene conditions was reached at the start of the warm season, and SSTs then remained stable. Similar changes are seen at the Seychelles. Bootstrap estimates suggest a reduction in SST seasonality of 1.3 Ā± 0.22Ā Ā°C at Kenya and 1.7 Ā± 0.32Ā Ā°C at the Seychelles. SST seasonality at Kenya corresponds to present-day SST seasonality at 55Ā° Eā€“60Ā° E, while SST seasonality at the Seychelles corresponds to present day SST seasonality at ~ 65Ā° E. This implies a significant westward expansion of the Indian Ocean warm pool. Furthermore, the coral data suggests that SST seasonality deviates from seasonal changes in orbital insolation due to oceanā€“atmosphere interactions

    Diversification of refugia types needed to secure the future of coral reefs subject to climate change

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    Identifying locations of refugia from the thermal stresses of climate change for coral reefs and better managing them is one of the key recommendations for climate change adaptation. We review and summarize approximately 30 years of applied research focused on identifying climate refugia to prioritize the conservation actions for coral reefs under rapid climate change. We found that currently proposed climate refugia and the locations predicted to avoid future coral losses are highly reliant on Ā excess heat metrics, such as degree heating weeks. However, many existing alternative environmental, ecological, and life-history variables could be used to identify other types of refugia that lead to the desired diversified portfolio for coral reef conservation. To improve conservation priorities for coral reefs, there is a need to evaluate and validate the predictions of climate refugia with long-term field data on coral abundance, diversity, and functioning. There is also the need to identify and safeguard locations displaying resistance toprolonged exposure to heat waves and the ability to recover quickly after thermal exposure. We recommend using more metrics to identify a portfolio of potential refugia sites for coral reefs that can avoid, resist, and recover from exposure to high ocean temperatures and the consequences of climate change, thereby shifting past efforts focused on avoidance to a diversified risk-spreading portfolio that can be used to improve strategic coral reef conservation in a rapidly warming climate.</p

    The Anthropocene as an epoch is distinct from all other concepts known by this term: a reply to Swindles et al. (2023)

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    Swindles et al. (2023) correctly point out that there are manyconceptions of theā€˜Anthropoceneā€™in use, and they argue thatthis flexibility in terminology is desirable. We agree that themultiple uses of this term have stimulated much scholarlydebate, but we contend that precision in terminology is farmore desirable than vagueness, and promotes more productivecommunication. We also emphasise that an evidenceā€basedapproach in defining the Anthropocene strongly argues for itsformal definition as a geological epoch with an onset in themidā€20th century. As members of the Anthropocene WorkingGroup (AWG), the body charged with investigating theAnthropocene as a new unit of geological time, we offeralternative perspectives to key assertions made by Swindleset al. (2023).</p