406 research outputs found

    Structure of the hadron-quark mixed phase in protoneutron stars

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    We study the hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of hot protoneutron stars, combining the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach for hadronic matter with the MIT bag model or the Dyson-Schwinger model for quark matter. We examine the structure of the mixed phase constructed according to different prescriptions for the phase transition, and the resulting consequences for stellar properties. We find important effects for the internal composition, but only very small influence on the global stellar properties.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Petrology of Chondrule Rims in Yamato-791498 and Asuka-881828, the Least-Altered CR Chondrites in the Japanese NIPR Collection

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    CR chondrites are a group of car-bonaceous chondrites with well-preserved records of formation of their components in the solar nebula. The CR chondrites have undergone a wide range of aqueous alteration from nearly anhydrous (CR2.8 or CR3.0) to extensive recrystallization of primary minerals, including replacement of coarse-grained silicates in chondrules (CR2.0). At the same time, CRs have experienced only minor thermal metamorphism except for rare CR6 samples. Identifying minimally altered CR chondrites is a priority because they preserve (1) relatively pristine records of the solar nebula and (2) minerals and textures at the beginning stages of aqueous alteration. Here we report the petrologic characteristics of Y-791498 and A-881828 as the least aqueously altered CR chondrites in the Japanese NIPR meteorite collection. Previous studies have shown that fine-grained rims on chondrules are indicators of incipient alteration of primitive CR chondrites, there-fore we focus on rims around chondrules in the two meteorites

    Bandit Online Optimization Over the Permutahedron

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    The permutahedron is the convex polytope with vertex set consisting of the vectors (π(1),,π(n))(\pi(1),\dots, \pi(n)) for all permutations (bijections) π\pi over {1,,n}\{1,\dots, n\}. We study a bandit game in which, at each step tt, an adversary chooses a hidden weight weight vector sts_t, a player chooses a vertex πt\pi_t of the permutahedron and suffers an observed loss of i=1nπ(i)st(i)\sum_{i=1}^n \pi(i) s_t(i). A previous algorithm CombBand of Cesa-Bianchi et al (2009) guarantees a regret of O(nTlogn)O(n\sqrt{T \log n}) for a time horizon of TT. Unfortunately, CombBand requires at each step an nn-by-nn matrix permanent approximation to within improved accuracy as TT grows, resulting in a total running time that is super linear in TT, making it impractical for large time horizons. We provide an algorithm of regret O(n3/2T)O(n^{3/2}\sqrt{T}) with total time complexity O(n3T)O(n^3T). The ideas are a combination of CombBand and a recent algorithm by Ailon (2013) for online optimization over the permutahedron in the full information setting. The technical core is a bound on the variance of the Plackett-Luce noisy sorting process's "pseudo loss". The bound is obtained by establishing positive semi-definiteness of a family of 3-by-3 matrices generated from rational functions of exponentials of 3 parameters

    Advanced Technology Training System on Motor-Operated Valves

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    This paper describes how features from the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems are applied to the Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Advanced Technology Training System (ATTS). The MOV ATTS is a training system developed at Galaxy Scientific Corporation for the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry in Japan and the Electric Power Research Institute in the United States. The MOV ATTS combines traditional computer-based training approaches with system simulation, integrated expert systems, and student and expert modeling. The primary goal of the MOV ATTS is to reduce human errors that occur during MOV overhaul and repair. The MOV ATTS addresses this goal by providing basic operational information of the MOV, simulating MOV operation, providing troubleshooting practice of MOV failures, and tailoring this training to the needs of each individual student. The MOV ATTS integrates multiple expert models (functional and procedural) to provide advice and feedback to students. The integration also provides expert model validation support to developers. Student modeling is supported by two separate student models: one model registers and updates the student's current knowledge of basic MOV information, while another model logs the student's actions and errors during troubleshooting exercises. These two models are used to provide tailored feedback to the student during the MOV course

    Y-791498 and A-881828: The least-altered CR chondrites in NIPR Antarctic meteorite collection.

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [OA] Antarctic meteorites, Thur. 5 Dec. / 3F Multipurpose conference room, National Institute of Polar Researc

    Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates in Antarctic CR Chondrites: Petrologic Variations Among CR Chondrites

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    Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are important components of carbonaceous chondrites that are interpreted as solar nebula condensates, and can be used as sensitive indicators of metamorphic or alteration processes. We have been investigating a set of Antarctic CR chondrites from the Japanese-NIPR collection in order to study variations within the CRs in general and their AOAs in particular. Main goals are to identify variations in conditions of nebular condensation, parent body effects and terrestrial weathering

    R Raman Spectroscopy and Petrology of Antarctic CR Chondrites: Comparison with Other Carbonaceous Chondrites

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    In Renazzo-like carbonaceous (CR) chondrites, abundant original Fe,Ni-metal is preserved in chrondules, but the matrix is characterized by fine-grained magnetite with phyllosilicate. This combination of reduced Fe in chrodrules with oxidized Fe and phyllosilicate in the matrix has been attributed to aqueous alteration of matrix at relatively low temperatures

    Petrology of Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates in Antarctic CR Chondrites: Evidence for Aqueous Alteration and Shock Metamorphism

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    CR chondrites are the group of carbonaceous chondrites that preserve records of formation of their components in the solar nebula. Although they are affected by aqueous alteration, many chondrules and CAIs are well-preserved, suggesting they have experienced little thermal metamorphism. We have been investigating the petrologic variations among the CR chondrites in Japanese-NIPR Antarctic meteorite collection. Especially we focused on the petrology of amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in order to understand secondary alteration on CR chondrite parent body. AOAs are composed of fine-grained forsteritic olivine and refractory minerals formed by condensation from solar nebula, and can be used as sensitive indicators of secondary alteration processes

    Aqueous Alteration and Shock Metamorphism of Antarctic CR Chondrites

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    CR chondrites are the group of carbonaceous chondrites that best preserve records of formation of their components in the solar nebula. Although they are affected by aqueous alteration, many chondrules and CAIs are well-preserved, suggesting they have experienced little thermal metamorphism. We have been investigating the petrologic variations among the CR chondrites in the NIPR Antarctic meteorite collection. We focused particular attention on the petrology of amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in order to understand secondary alteration on the CR chondrite parent body. AOAs are composed of fine-grained forsteritic olivine and refractory minerals formed by condensation in the solar nebula, and can be used as sensitive indicators of secondary alteration processes