92 research outputs found

    Influence of the charge carrier tunneling processes on the recombination dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules

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    We report on the charge carrier dynamics in single lateral quantum dot molecules and the effect of an applied electric field on the molecular states. Controllable electron tunneling manifests itself in a deviation from the typical excitonic decay behavior which is strongly influenced by the tuning electric field and inter-molecular Coulomb energies. A rate equation model is developed to gain more insight into the charge transfer and tunneling mechanisms. Non-resonant (phonon-mediated) electron tunneling which changes the molecular exciton character from direct to indirect, and vice versa, is found to be the dominant tunable decay mechanism of excitons besides radiative recombination.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Stiffness Changes due to Static Loading of a Brick Arch

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    A brick arch was loaded under laboratory conditions in three successive loading steps. No cracks were observed but reduction of natural frequencies and stiffness of the arch was experimentally documented. The stiffness was evaluated in a non-destructive test using an impact hammer and only two accelerometers. The proposed identification technique based on known experimental modal analysis theory is tailored to stiffness evaluation of masonry vaults. The results and the applied method are extensively discussed

    Polarization fine-structure and enhanced single-photon emission of self-assembled lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules embedded in a planar micro-cavity

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    Single lateral InGaAs quantum dot molecules have been embedded in a planar micro-cavity in order to increase the luminescence extraction efficiency. Using a combination of metal-organic vapor phase and molecular beam epitaxy samples could be produced that exhibit a 30 times enhanced single-photon emission rate. We also show that the single-photon emission is fully switchable between two different molecular excitonic recombination energies by applying a lateral electric field. Furthermore, the presence of a polarization fine-structure splitting of the molecular neutral excitonic states is reported which leads to two polarization-split classically correlated biexciton exciton cascades. The fine-structure splitting is found to be on the order of 10 micro-eV.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; the following article has been submitted to Journal of Applied Physics (29th ICPS - invited paper); after it is published, it will be found at http://jap.aip.org

    Stabilization and Consolidation of Historical Multi-Leaf Masonry

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    Historical masonry structures with a greater thickness can often be made as so called multi-leaf masonry with outer leaves lined with the application of some of the masonry bonding methods and with the inner leave of the so-called cast core formed by fragments of stones of different sizes that are bonded with more mortar. The load capacity, stiffness and the failure mechanism of multi-leaf masonry are influenced by the interaction of individual leaves with different deformation and physico-mechanical properties and the nature of the mutual connection of individual leaves of masonry. The performed analyses showed a significant influence of especially the cast core masonry tensile strength and the contact joint strength between the core masonry and the outer leaves

    Science with a small two-band UV-photometry mission III: Active Galactic Nuclei and nuclear transients

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    In this review (the third in the series focused on a small two-band UV-photometry mission), we assess possibilities for a small UV two-band photometry mission in studying accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs; mass range 106\sim 10^6-1010M10^{10}\,M_{\odot}). We focus on the following observational concepts: (i) dedicated monitoring of selected type-I Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in order to measure the time delay between the far-UV, the near-UV, and other wavebands (X-ray and optical), (ii) nuclear transients including (partial) tidal disruption events and repetitive nuclear transients, and (iii) the study of peculiar sources, such as changing-look AGN, hollows and gaps in accretion disks, low-luminosity AGN, and candidates for Intermediate-Mass Black Holes (IMBHs; mass range 102\sim 10^2-105M10^5\,M_{\odot}) in galactic nuclei. For tidal disruption events (TDEs), high-cadence UV monitoring is crucial for distinguishing among different scenarios for the origin of the UV emission. The small two-band UV space telescope will also provide the information about the near- and far-UV continuum variability for rare transients, such as repetitive partial TDEs and jetted TDEs. We also discuss the possibilities to study and analyze sources with non-standard accretion flows, such as AGN with gappy disks, low-luminosity active galactic nuclei with intermittent accretion, and SMBH binaries potentially involving intermediate-mass black holes.Comment: Submitted to Space Science Review

    Conservation laws and evolution schemes in geodesic, hydrodynamic, and magnetohydrodynamic flows

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    Carter and Lichnerowicz have established that barotropic fluid flows are conformally geodesic and obey Hamilton's principle. This variational approach can accommodate neutral, or charged and poorly conducting, fluids. We show that, unlike what has been previously thought, this approach can also accommodate perfectly conducting magnetofluids, via the Bekenstein-Oron description of ideal magnetohydrodynamics. When Noether symmetries associated with Killing vectors or tensors are present in geodesic flows, they lead to constants of motion polynomial in the momenta. We generalize these concepts to hydrodynamic flows. Moreover, the Hamiltonian descriptions of ideal magnetohydrodynamics allow one to cast the evolution equations into a hyperbolic form useful for evolving rotating or binary compact objects with magnetic fields in numerical general relativity. Conserved circulation laws, such as those of Kelvin, Alfv\'en and Bekenstein-Oron, emerge simply as special cases of the Poincar\'e-Cartan integral invariant of Hamiltonian systems. We use this approach to obtain an extension of Kelvin's theorem to baroclinic (non-isentropic) fluids, based on a temperature-dependent time parameter. We further extend this result to perfectly or poorly conducting baroclinic magnetoflows. Finally, in the barotropic case, such magnetoflows are shown to also be geodesic, albeit in a Finsler (rather than Riemann) space.Comment: 23 page