35 research outputs found

    Intensified small-scale livestock systems in the Western Brazilian Amazon.

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    This chapter examines three basic questions regarding the use of more intensive livestock technologies by small-scale farmers in the western Brazilian Amazon

    Corporate Interests: How the News Media Portray the Economy

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    This study examines contradictory claims about the news media's coverage of the economy. After discussing various sociological perspectives on news media, I compare the objective performance of California's economy, as measured by statistical indicators, to accounts of the economy found in the state's largest newspaper—the Los Angeles Times. The data reveal that, despite growth patterns that overwhelmingly favored economic elites, the negative news about the economy disproportionately depicted events and problems affecting corporations and investors instead of the general workforce. When the Times did discuss problems affecting workers, the articles were relatively short, most often placed in the back sections of the newspaper, and rarely discussed policy alternatives to the status quo. Moreover, unlike the viewpoints of business leaders and government officials, the viewpoints of workers or their spokespersons were rarely used as sources of information. These findings provide qualified support for existing scholarship purporting that the news media, when reporting on the economy, privilege the interests of corporations and investors over the interests of the general workforce

    A review of low carbon fuel policies: Principles, program status and future directions

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    A low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) is a market-based policy that specifies declining standards for the average lifecycle fuel carbon intensity (AFCI) of transportation fuels sold in a region. This paper: (i) compares transportation fuel carbon policies in terms of their economic efficiency, fuel price impacts, greenhouse gas emission reductions, and incentives for innovation; (ii) discusses key regulatory design features of LCFS policies; and (iii) provides an update on the implementation status of LCFS policies in California, the European Union, British Columbia, and Oregon. The economics literature finds that an intensity standard implicitly taxes emissions and subsidizes output. The output subsidy results in an intensity standard being inferior to a carbon tax in a first-best world, although the inefficiency can be corrected with a properly designed consumption tax (or mitigated by a properly designed carbon tax or cap-and-trade program). In California, from 2011 to 2015 the share of alternative fuels in the regulated transportation fuels pool increased by 30%, and the reported AFCI of all alternative fuels declined 21%. LCFS credit prices have varied considerably, rising to above $100/credit in the first half of 2016. LCFS programs in other jurisdictions share many features with California\u27s, but have distinct provisions as well. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Socioeconomics issues linked to Best Bets - "Modeler's Workshop".

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    Questões e críticas sobre os impactos da agricultura no meio ambiente são cada vez mais frequentes. Entretanto, ainda não existe informação quantitativa que permita associar atividades agrossilvipastoris com mudanças no estoque de recursos naturais ou para comparar os retornos financeiros entre atividades alternativas. Assim, atualmente não é possível diferenciar as alternativas sob a ótica de retornos privados e sociais. Tal informação com enfoque social é crucial para a geração de políticas adequadas para a região. Para preencher esta lacuna de informação e metodologia, a Embrapa em parceria com o IFPRI e outros orgãos nacionais e internacionais, está desenvolvendo um programa de pesquisa visando a coleta de informação na área biofísica e socioeconômica, necessárias para avaliar os retornos privados e sociais de atividades de alternativas e organizar as informações de maneira prática para a formulação de políticas.bitstream/item/223160/1/cpafro-6999-doc35.pd