577 research outputs found

    Program Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Di SD Patemon 01 Dan SD Sekaran 01 Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    Learning Javanese language has been starting on since a long time, but still there are some problems found in the field. Problems when learning Javanese language that occur in SD Patemon 01 and SD Sekaran 01, District Gunungpati, Semarang are (1) low capacity of the teachers in creating computer-based learning media, (2) lack of language skills of the teachers in using Javanese language variety of manners, and (3) frequent occurrence of errors in the assessment of learning Javanese language. In connection with these conditions, devotee team tried to be facilitators to the problems faced by teachers in SD Patemon 01 and SD Sekaran 01 by conducting science and technology activities for the Community (IbM). IbM program implementation used workshop model with a variety of methods, such as lecturing, demonstrations, direct practice, frequently asked questions and assignments. The results of this IbM program are capacity building of teachers in making computers-based learning media for Javanese language, improving the competence of teachers in terms of manners of Javanese language skills, and increaseing understanding of Javanese language learning assessment. The increase was indicated from abilities' score of the teachers before and after the IbM program. The ability of teachers in terms of making computer-based instructional media increased significantly, ie 16.9%. Competence of teachers in terms of unggah-ungguh based on Javanese language, especially in speaking skills manners increased 6.3%. The ability of teachers in terms of understanding of the Java language learning assessment increased 9.7%

    Determinan Kinerja Akademik Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Unnes

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    The academic performance of an institution empirically is determined by six performance indicators, namely: infrastructure-educational facilities (tangibles); reliability faculty and staff (reliability), responsiveness of faculty and academic staff (responsibility); treatment of faculty and staff to students (assurance); understanding the students\u27 interests (empathy), and student satisfaction (satisfaction). The problems of this study are; (1) how is the students\u27 satisfaction toward academic service? (2) How is the performance of academic program? How high is academic performance? What factors affect the performance? The objectives of this research are (1) to describe students\u27 satisfaction toward academic service, (2) to describe the performance of academic program, to describe academic performance, and to describe the factors which affect academic performance at Post Graduate Programs in Semarang State University. The method of this research was description. The results of the study were; the six academic performance indicators are in good category, students\u27 satisfaction toward academic service both in the scope of study program and Post Graduate Programs are classified in good category, and the description of study programs\u27 academic performance result generally was in good category

    Penalaran Hukum dalam Proses Mengadili Perkara Pidana dalam Kerangka Kebebasan Hakim

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    Judge freedom clings on individual judge in running his/her functions brings a judge, basis bound judge freedom minimum verification and judge confidence, as base law reasonable deductive reasoning towards .fact, so that has legal formal. Legal reasoning has deductive - reasonable, produce formal justice, that is justice based on law. Judge freedom quality enhanced with fact induction reasoning normatif - science- religious, based on principle kontigensi creative law alive at society, legal reasoning in course of bring to justice has inductive that laid law live as premis fortunate, will produce justice enthusiasm substantive justice that is existing justice in society

    Analisis Kebijakan Kriminal terhadap Kejahatan dalam Rumah Tangga

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    The violarce crime in domestic family is crime, that cause dilemma in law enforcement, that is the filosofi to maintenance familyâs harmony, but tend to permissive crime, hor ever trictly to process to suspec will broke lement of familyâs harmony.Appearing of act number 23 , 2003 is fellort to safe victim of violances crime in domestic family, but teminology ofâviolancei n the act not specific , so can cause unfair in law interpretationt for victim violance domestic family

    Efektivitas Penggunaan Metode Think Pair Share Dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi Pokok Bahasan Pembentukan Harga Pasar Di SMP

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    The result of teaching-learning by using Think Pair Share method can improve the students’ activities. It can be seen from the steps to apply the Think Pair Share method that focused on student-centre. Think pair share learning has a simple structure, as a basic of the development ‘cooperative class’ which can help the learning process actively for students, thus it can improve the students’ study result. Students actively can show their ability to discuss and share and express the answer of questions in front of the class. Teachers in teaching- learning process by using think pair share method acted as mediator, facilitator and motivator. It is different with conventional teaching-learning process which focused on teacher-center. Students were passive in teaching-learning process. Students tended to be bored if the teacher was lack to give motivation for students to pay attention to the teacher. Thus, the using of think pair share would be more effective if we see on how the students interaction in learning process. Teacher can vary think pair share with conventional method or other method to improve the students’ activities in learning process, therefore the students’ result study will be increased.

    Orientasi Kepemimpinan Kepala SMU Dan SMK Dalam Perubahan Terencana

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    Seiring dengan era globalisasi yang mengakibatkan Perubahan di segala aspek kehidupan, seorang pemimpin masa depan harus berorientasi pada Perubahan terencana. Begitu pula bagi kepala sekolah baik di SMU maupun SMK. Sebagai pemimpin di sekolahnya Ă‚ harus memiliki orientasi yang luas dan ke depan disertai dengan kompetensi yang tinggi. Kepemimpinan masa depan juga harus efektif serta memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip kepemimpinan. Kepemimpinan masa depan agar dapat efektif harus memiliki visi yang jelas. Visi yang jelas akan sangat membantu dalam pencapaian tujuan organisasi sekolah. Rencana Perubahan yang akan dilakukan oleh pemimpin masa depan juga harus dirumuskan dengan jelas

    Pelaksanaan Remedial Teaching Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Di SMA Negeri Kabupaten Rembang

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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Bagaimana kemampuan guru dalam mendiagnosis kesulitan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi di SMAN Kabupaten Rembang?, (2) Bagaimanakah pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan remedial teaching pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi di SMAN Kabupaten Rembang?, (3) Bagaimanakah evaluasi dan tindak lanjut remedial teaching pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi di SMAN Kabupaten Rembang.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru mata pelajaran Akuntansi kelas XI SMAN se-Kabupaten Rembang yang berjumlah 12 orang. Peneliti juga mengambil 100 sampel siswa kelas XI SMAN se-Kabupaten Rembang untuk mendukung data sub variabel diagnosis kesulitan belajar siswa. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan remedial teaching yang terbagi menjadi beberapa sub variabel yaitu, diagnosis kesulitan belajar, pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan remedial , evaluasi dan tindak lanjut remedial teaching. Data diambil dengan teknik koesioner dan wawancara, dan dianalisis menggunakan deskriptif prosentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan remedial teaching pada mata pelajaran Akuntansi kelas XI di SMAN se-Kabupaten Rembang dalam kategori cukup baik. Berkaitan dengan metode dalam pembelajaran remedial, guru perlu menggunakan metode yang bervariasi yang sesuai untuk mata pelajaran Akuntansi. Sekolah perlu menambah fasilitas dan media belajar Akuntansi yang cukup sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Perlu juga penambahan jumlah buku Akuntansi di perpustakaan-perpustakaan SMAN Kabupaten Rembang, sehingga kebutuhan siswa akan buku pelajaran Akuntansi dapat terpenuhi. Selain itu guru secara rutin memberikan remedial teaching pada siswa yang nilainya belum mencapai standar kompetensi

    Materi Pokok Pasar Dan Pembentukan Harga Pasar Bagi Siswa Dalam Perspektif Pembelajaran Konstruktif

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    Pembelajaran konstruktif memandang bahwa pengetahuan sebagai hasil belajar merupakan konstruksi Kenyataan melalui kegiatan siswa sebagai subyek belajar. Hal ini berarti siswa dengan segala potensinya memiliki struktur kognitif dari hasil pengalaman dan pengetahuannya tentang pasar dan harga pasar. Struktur kognitif itulah yang kemudian melalui proses asimilasi, akomodasi, dan ekuilibrasi, setelah menerima materi baru dari guru tentang pasar dan harga pasar, akan menghasilkan struktur kognitif baru yang lebih sempurna dan kompleks. Posisi guru adalah sebagai fasilitator, mediator, dan dinamisator yang membantu siswa dalam mengkonstruksikan pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru selama belajar. Strategi relevansi sangat diperlukan agar materi pokok tentang pasar dan pembentukan harga pasar dapat terintegrasi ke dalam struktur kognitif siswa sehingga memberikan manfaat dan dapat diterima secara logis

    Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Transaksional Dan Trasformasional Di Smk Non Teknik

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    Globalisasi memberikan tantangan sekaligus peluang dalam dunia pendidikan. Tantangan dalam dunia pendidikan adalah peningkatan kualitas SDM. Untuk meningkatkan mutu SDM harus diawali dengan peningkatan mutu sekolah. Perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah sangat berpengaruh terhadap mutu sekolah. Gaya kepemimpinan kepala sekolah di SMK non teknik yang sangat konservatif selama ini menjadikan guru tidak aspiratif dan sangat menghambat bagi upaya peningkatan mutu sekolah. Tantangan peningkatan mutu sekolah menghendaki adanya Perubahan dalam perspektif manajerial yaitu bagaimana membangun sebuah pemikiran dan menerjemahkannya ke tingkat praktis gaya kepemimpinan pendidikan transaksional dan gaya kepemimpinan pendidikan transformasional.
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