1,300 research outputs found

    Completeness for a First-order Abstract Separation Logic

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    Existing work on theorem proving for the assertion language of separation logic (SL) either focuses on abstract semantics which are not readily available in most applications of program verification, or on concrete models for which completeness is not possible. An important element in concrete SL is the points-to predicate which denotes a singleton heap. SL with the points-to predicate has been shown to be non-recursively enumerable. In this paper, we develop a first-order SL, called FOASL, with an abstracted version of the points-to predicate. We prove that FOASL is sound and complete with respect to an abstract semantics, of which the standard SL semantics is an instance. We also show that some reasoning principles involving the points-to predicate can be approximated as FOASL theories, thus allowing our logic to be used for reasoning about concrete program verification problems. We give some example theories that are sound with respect to different variants of separation logics from the literature, including those that are incompatible with Reynolds's semantics. In the experiment we demonstrate our FOASL based theorem prover which is able to handle a large fragment of separation logic with heap semantics as well as non-standard semantics.Comment: This is an extended version of the APLAS 2016 paper with the same titl

    Suspension system for lightweight cryogenic tank

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    System is composed of three interwoven fiberglass bands that encircle tank surface in basketweave configuration. Fiberglass support is lightweight with low thermal conductivity

    Genetic parameters estimates and visual selection for leaves production in Ilex paraguariensis.

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    The selection of yerba mate superior genotypes, based on each plant leaf weight, is based on genetic parameters obtained from experimental plantations and it is practically impossible from the fourth year of age. Therefore, we estimate genetic parameters and check the feasibility of selection through notes and weight estimates of each tree at 18.5 years of age. The genetic material consists of a combined trial of provenances and progenies of half-sibs with 140 progenies from 7 provenances, installed in Ivaí, Paraná, Brazil, in a randomized block design with 10 repetitions. The genetic control of leaf production is of low magnitude (h2a = 0.175042 ± 0.0393) revealing high influence of the environment. The additive genetic correlations between the real weight of leaves × notes and real weight of leaves × visually estimated weight were of high magnitude (higher than 88%). Thus, the selection based on the leaves weight can be carried out without major losses in genetic gains by both methodologies when the purpose is the sexual selection, in which case the sort order has no importance. In the case of vegetative propagation, aiming clonal plantations, in which only the plants with the highest genotypic values should be selected, the selection by means of notes and leaves weight estimates proved to be inefficient

    Enraizamento de estacas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill.) provenientes de brotações rejuvenescidas.

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    A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hill.) é espécie nativa da América do Sul, de grande importância econômica devido a seu consumo na forma de chás e também vem sendo amplamente estudada nas áreas de farmacologia e biotecnologia. No entanto, tem baixo capacidade de propagação, seja ela sexuada ou assexuada. Um dos principais efeitos da maturação é a perda da capacidade de enraizamento, desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos observar a influência do rejuvenescimento e aplicação de ácido indol butírico (IBA) no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de erva-mate. Foram confeccionadas estacas a partir de brotações do ano de árvores de 13 anos, assim como de brotos rejuvenescidos, obtidos da decepa de árvores com 17 anos. As estacas foram tratadas com IBA em solução nas seguintes concentrações: 0, 1500, 3000, 4500 e 6000 mg L-1, resultando em 5 tratamentos para cada tipo de estaca. O plantio foi realizado em caixas plásticas preenchidas com vermiculita e casca-de-arroz carbonizada na proporção de 1:1 e após 90 dias em casa-de-vegetação, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, número de raízes/estaca, comprimento das 3 maiores raízes/estaca, porcentagem de estacas vivas, com calos e mortas. A análise estatística mostrou que o material rejuvenescido apresentou os melhores resultados quanto à porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, assim como de número e comprimento de raízes. Já a aplicação da auxina sintética não influenciou no enraizamento das estacas de nenhum dos dois tipos, de modo que os tratamentos com IBA não diferiram entre si estatisticamente

    Produção de mudas de guanandi.

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    Monitoramento da carteira de projetos de PD&I com sinalização de seu impacto e alinhamento ao PDU da Embrapa Florestas.

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