23 research outputs found

    How proteins squeeze through polymer networks: a Cartesian lattice study

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    In this paper a lattice model for the diffusional transport of particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. The dynamic behaviour of single chains on the lattice is investigated and Rouse scaling is verified. Dynamical dense networks are created by a combined version of the bond fluctuation method and a Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. Semidilute behaviour of the dense chain networks is shown. By comparing diffusion of particles in a static and a dynamical chain network, we demonstrate that chain diffusion does not alter the diffusion process of small particles. However, we prove that a dynamical network facilitates the transport of large particles. By weighting the mean square displacement trajectories of particles in the static chain network data from the dynamical network can be reconstructed. Additionally, it is shown that subdiffusive behaviour of particles on short time scales results from trapping processes in the crowded environment of the chain network. In the presented model a protein with 30 nm diameter has an effective diffusion coefficient of 1.24E-11 m^2/s in a chromatin fiber network.Comment: submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Anomalous diffusion in the presence of mobile obstacles

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    In this letter a lattice model for the diffusional transport of binding proteins in a dynamic chromatin fiber network is proposed. Dynamic dense networks are created by a combined version of the bond fluctuation method and a Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm. In the presence of binding affinities between protein and chromatin transient subdiffusion occurs for small particles. However, by comparing diffusion of binding particles in a static and a dynamic chain network, we demonstrate that binding properties do have a much stronger influence on particles in the static chain network than in the dynamic chain network: fluctuations of the chromatin fiber network weaken the effect of binding affinities on the diffusional transport of particles, i.e. in the presence of chromatin fluctuations the transport of small binding proteins is less anomalous. At the same time we show that dynamical fibers speed up the transport of binding proteins

    Modeling diffusional transport in the interphase cell nucleus

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    In this paper a lattice model for the diffusional transport of particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. Dense networks of chromatin fibers are created by three different methods: Randomly distributed, noninterconnected obstacles, a random walk chain model, and a self-avoiding random walk chain model with persistence length. By comparing a discrete and a continuous version of the random walk chain model, we demonstrate that lattice discretization does not alter particle diffusion. The influence of the three dimensional geometry of the fiber network on the particle diffusion is investigated in detail while varying the occupation volume, chain length, persistence length, and walker size. It is shown that adjacency of the monomers, the excluded volume effect incorporated in the self-avoiding random walk model, and, to a lesser extent, the persistence length affect particle diffusion. It is demonstrated how the introduction of the effective chain occupancy, which is a convolution of the geometric chain volume with the walker size, eliminates the conformational effects of the network on the diffusion, i.e., when plotting the diffusion coefficient as a function of the effective chain volume, the data fall onto a master curve. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics

    Scanning microscopy of magnetic domains using the Fe 3p3p core level transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of the vacuum ultraviolet analog to visible-light magneto-optical imaging of magnetic structures using the resonantly enhanced transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect at core level thresholds with incident p-polarized radiation. The advantages are element specificity and a variable information depth. We used the scanning x-ray microscope at HASYLAB capable of obtaining about 1 μm resolution by means of its focusing ellipsoidal ring mirror. The p-polarized component of the reflected light was selected using multilayer reflection at an additional plane mirror downstream to the sample. Micrographs of the optical reflectivity were taken in the vicinity of the Fe 3p3p core level threshold at 53.7 and 56.5 eV photon energy where the magneto-optical effect is of opposite sign. Magnetic domains are visible in the difference of both recorded images

    The role of chromatin conformations in diffusional transport of chromatin-binding proteins: Cartesian lattice simulations

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    In this paper, a lattice model for the diffusional transport of chromatin-binding particles in the interphase cell nucleus is proposed. Sliding effects are studied in dense networks of chromatin fibers created by three different methods: Randomly distributed, noninterconnected obstacles, a random walk chain model with an attractive step potential, and a self-avoiding random walk chain model with a hard repulsive core and attractive surroundings. By comparing a discrete and continuous version of the random walk chain model, we demonstrate that lattice discretization does not alter the diffusion of chromatin-binding particles. The influence of conformational properties of the fiber network on the particle sliding is investigated in detail while varying occupation volume, sliding probability, chain length, and persistence length. It is observed that adjacency of the monomers, the excluded volume effect incorporated in the self-avoiding random walk model, and the persistence length affect the chromatin-binding particle diffusion. It is demonstrated that sliding particles sense local chain structures. When plotting the diffusion coefficient as a function of the accessible volume for diffusing particles, the data fall onto master curves depending on the persistence length. However, once intersegment transfer is involved, chromatin-binding proteins no longer perceive local chain structures. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics