295 research outputs found

    Practices in timetabling in higher education institutions:A systematic review

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    The study of differences between timetabling research presented in conferences like PATAT or published in Annals of OR and commercial timetabling software used in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is essential for the discussion about innovation in both higher education and in commerce. In the field of planning and scheduling, a lot of developments are made and it is important to recognise that these developments are of influence on HEIs through their use of timetabling software. A main objective of the work presented here is to provide up-to-date information about timetabling in HEIs and see to what extent they adopt and implement timetabling developments. This is crucial because of budgets of institutions being strictly limited and remaining resources like rooms having to be shared more and more. Developments in HEIs have caused planning processes in higher education to deal with more limitations than ever, while at the same time the demand towards flexibility and availability is increasing. This paper gives the results of a systematic literature review in which differences and similarities in theory and practice of timetabling in higher education are described and discussed. We looked at state-of-the-art timetabling research for HEIs, at innovations in the field of timetabling and at changing requirements in Higher Education. The aim of this paper is to motivate the discussion about both the differences and similarities and bring timetabling application development closer to educational requirements

    Aanzuren van vleesvarkensmest met micro-organismen

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    Op het Varkensproefbedrijf 'Noord- en Oost-Nederland' te Raalte is onderzocht in hoeverre de ammoniakemissie uit vleesvarkensstallen kan worden verminderd door de mest biologisch aan te zuren

    A cognitive task analysis of the teacher skills and knowledge required for differentiated instruction in secondary education

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    Providing differentiated instruction (DI) is a complex teacher task that many secondary school teachers do not master well. In the current study, a cognitive task analysis of this teacher task was conducted by analyzing how expert teachers do this and why, resulting in an inventory of the necessary teacher skills and knowledge for providing DI, and a description of the factors that influence the complexity of DI. The results of this analysis show what providing DI in secondary education entails, which is valuable for designing teacher professional development programs for DI at that level.</p

    Public sector innovation and local leadership in the UK and the Netherlands

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    De fasentoets in het licht van Equivalenza en Messi

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    Ruim een jaar geleden deed het Hof van Justitie uitspraak in de zaak Equivalenza. Een half jaar na Equivalenza volgde de uitspraak in de zaak Massi/ Messi. Dit artikel gaat in op deze twee uitspraken en de impact ervan voor de praktijk van het merkenrecht

    Burgercooperaties: Speler of speelbal in de nieuwe verhoudingen tussen overheid, markt en samenleving

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    Burgers hebben in Nederland het afgelopen decennium in allerlei sectoren initiatieven ontwikkeld en coöperaties opgericht om zelf voorzieningen en diensten tot stand te brengen en te beheren. Kennelijk slagen overheid en markt er onvoldoende in om in bepaalde behoeften en daarmee samenhangende waarden van burgers leven te voorzien. Hoewel burgercoöperaties jonge organisaties zijn die zichzelf grotendeels nog moeten bewijzen, zijn de koplopers een bron van inspiratie, innovatie en navolging. Tegelijk kunnen we constateren dat er weinig kennis beschikbaar is over deze nieuwe organisatievorm. Het ontbreekt tot nu toe aan empirische sectorstudies en een systematische vergelijking. Dit themanummer inventariseert en vergelijkt the state of art van burgercoöperaties op het terrein van energie, zorg, breedband en wonen. Hoe effectief en duurzaam zijn burgercoöperaties en hoe verhouden ze zich tot overheden, marktpartijen en maatschappelijke organisaties? De vergelijkende analyse laat zien dat burgercoöperaties moeten leren om te gaan met de spanning tussen het streven naar zelfbeheer en de behoefte tot professionalisering. Ook moeten ze leren samen te werken met andere partijen in hun omgeving. Coöperaties moeten leren het spel mee te spelen zodat zij geen speelbal van andere partijen worden

    Reiniging van dunne meststromen door middel van elektrodialyse

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    Het Praktijkonderzoek Varkenshouderij onderzocht in samenwerking met Tauw Milieu bv in Deventer de mogelijkheden voor reiniging van dunne meststromen door middel van elektrodialyse. Reiniging tot de lozingsnormen voor het riool lijkt haalbaar. De kosten voor het proces op boerderijschaal zijn echter vooralsnog te hoog

    Is personality a determinant of patient satisfaction with hospital care?

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    Objective. We investigated to what extent personality is associated with patient satisfaction with hospital care. A sizeable association with personality would render patient satisfaction invalid as an indicator of hospital care quality. Design. Overall satisfaction and satisfaction with aspects of care were regressed on the Big Five dimensions of personality, controlled for patient characteristics as possible explanatory variables of observed associations. Participants. A total of 237 recently discharged inpatients aged 18-84 years (M = 50, SD = 17 years), 57% female, who were hospitalized for an average of 8 days. Instruments. The Satisfaction with Hospital Care Questionnaire addressing 12 aspects of care ranging from admission procedures to discharge and aftercare and the Five-Factor Personality Inventory assessing a person's standing on Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional stability, and Autonomy. Results. Agreeableness significantly predicted patient satisfaction in about half of the scales. After controlling for shared variance with age and educational level, the unique contribution of Agreeableness shrank to a maximum of 3-5% explained variance. When one outlier was dropped from the analysis, the contribution of Agreeableness was no longer statistically significant. Conclusion. Patient satisfaction seems only marginally associated with personality, at least at the level of the broad Big Five dimension