15 research outputs found

    Akutna oralna toksičnost organofosfornih insekticida i inhibicija kolinesteraza u pilića

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    Acute toxic effects of three commonly used insecticidal preparations of the organophosphates chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and dichlorvos were examined in mixed breed broiler chicks, and cholinesterase activity in plasma and brain were measured. The acute (24 h) oral median lethal doses (LD50) of chlorpyrifos, diazinon, and dichlorvos were 10.79 mg kg-1, 6.32 mg kg-1, and 6.30 mg kg-1, respectively, as determined by the up-and-down method in chicks. Signs of cholinergic toxicosis in the chicks appeared within two hours after dosing, and they included salivation, lacrimation, gasping, frequent defecation, drooping of wings, tremors, convulsions, and recumbency before death. Halving the oral LD50 of chlorpyrifos (5 mg kg-1), diazinon (3 mg kg-1), and dichlorvos (3 mg kg-1) caused immobility and wing drooping, but not the clinical signs of cholinergic toxicity. However, at full LD50 doses of these insecticides, chicks showed clinical signs of cholinergic toxicity similar to those seen in the LD50 experiments. Two out of six chicks died within two hours after treatment with LD50 doses of chlorpyrifos and dichlorvos, whereas LD50 dosing with diazinon caused death in three out of six chicks. Compared to control values, the insecticides reduced plasma and whole brain cholinesterase activities by 29 % to 84 % and 18 % to 77 %, respectively, depending on the dose. The decrease in plasma cholinesterase correlated well (r = 0.82) with that of the brain. These data suggest that organophosphate insecticides administered orally at LD50 doses induce clinical signs of cholinergic poisoning and concurrently reduce brain and plasma cholinesterase activities in chicks.Ispitano je akutno toksično djelovanje triju često rabljenih organofosfornih insekticida klorpirifosa, diazinona i diklorvosa u brojlera te je izmjerena aktivnost kolinesteraza u njihovoj plazmi i mozgu. Srednja letalna doza LD50 klorpirifosa iznosila je 10,79 mg kg-1, diazinona 6,32 mg kg-1 te diklorvosa 6,30 mg kg-1. Prvi su se znakovi kolinergičkoga sindroma u pilića javili unutar dva sata od oralne primjene, a obuhvaćali su slinjenje, suženje, teško disanje, učestalu defekaciju, obješena krila, drhtavicu, grčenje i nesposobnost stajanja uoči smrti. Oralna primjena polovice srednje letalne doze insekticida klorpirifosa (5 mg kg-1), diazinona (3 mg kg-1) i diklorvosa (3 mg kg-1) dovela je do nepokretnosti i obješenih krila, ali bez kliničkih znakova kolinergičke toksičnosti koji su uočeni kod pokusa radi utvrđivanja srednje letalne doze (LD50). Međutim, doze ovih insekticida koje su odgovarale LD50, dovele su do kliničkih znakova kolinergičke toksičnosti sličnih onima zamijećenim kod utvrđivanja LD50. Dva od šest pilića uginula su unutar dva sata od primjene bilo klorpirifosa bilo diklorvosa u dozama koje su odgovarale LD50, dok je diazinon u odgovarajućoj srednjoj letalnoj dozi uzrokovao smrt triju od šest pilića. U odnosu na kontrolne vrijednosti, insekticidi su doveli do smanjenja aktivnosti kolinesteraze koja je ovisila o dozi, a kretala se od 29 % do 84 % u plazmi te od 18 % do 77 % u mozgu. Pad aktivnosti kolinesteraze u plazmi dobro je korelirao s njezinim padom u mozgu (r=0,82). Ovi podaci upućuju na to da oralna primjena organofosfornih insekticida u dozama koje odgovaraju srednjoj letalnoj dozi dovode do znakova kolinergičkoga trovanja u pilića te do istodobnoga pada aktivnosti kolinesteraza u mozgu i plazmi

    Plasma and whole brain cholinesterase activities in three wild bird species in Mosul, IRAQ: In vitro inhibition by insecticides

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    Plasma and brain cholinesterase activities were determined in three wild bird species to assess their exposure to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides which are used in agriculture and public health. In the present study, we used an electrometric method for measurement of cholinesterase activities in the plasma and whole brain of three indigenous wild birds commonly found in northern Iraq. The birds used were apparently healthy adults of both sexes (8 birds/species, comprising 3–5 from each sex) of quail (Coturnix coturnix), collard dove (Streptopelia decaocto) and rock dove (Columba livia gaddi), which were captured in Mosul, Iraq. The mean respective cholinesterase activities (Δ pH/30 minutes) in the plasma and whole brain of the birds were as follows: quail (0.96 and 0.29), collard dove (0.97and 0.82) and rock dove (1.44 and 1.42). We examined the potential susceptibility of the plasma or whole brain cholinesterases to inhibition by selected insecticides. The technique of in vitro cholinesterase inhibition for 10 minutes by the organophosphate insecticides dichlorvos, malathion and monocrotophos (0.5 and 1.0 µM) and the carbamate insecticide carbaryl (5 and10 µM) in the enzyme reaction mixtures showed significant inhibition of plasma and whole brain cholinesterase activities to various extents. The data further support and add to the reported cholinesterase activities determined electrometrically in wild birds in northern Iraq. The plasma and whole brain cholinesterases of the birds are highly susceptible to inhibition by organophosphate and carbamate insecticides as determined by the described electrometric method, and the results further suggest the usefulness of the method in biomonitoring wild bird cholinesterases

    Coexposure to Mercury Increases Immunotoxicity of Trichloroethylene

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    We have shown previously that chronic (32 weeks) exposure to occupationally relevant concentrations of the environmental pollutant trichloroethylene (TCE) induced autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in autoimmune-prone MRL+/+ mice. In real-life, individuals are never exposed to only one chemical such as TCE. However, very little is known about the effects of chemical mixtures on the immune system. The current study examined whether coexposure to another known immunotoxicant, mercuric chloride (HgCl2), altered TCE-induced AIH. Female MRL+/+ mice were treated for only 8 weeks with TCE (9.9 or 186.9 mg/kg/day in drinking water) and/or HgCl2 (260 μg/kg/day, sc). Unlike mice exposed to either TCE or HgCl2 alone, mice exposed to both toxicants for 8 weeks developed significant liver pathology commensurate with early stages of AIH. Disease development in the coexposed mice was accompanied by a unique pattern of anti-liver and anti-brain antibodies that recognized, among others, a protein of approximately 90 kDa. Subsequent immunoblotting showed that sera from the coexposed mice contained antibodies specific for heat shock proteins, a chaperone protein targeted by antibodies in patients with AIH. Thus, although TCE can promote autoimmune disease following chronic exposure, a shorter exposure to a binary mixture of TCE and HgCl2 accelerated disease development. Coexposure to TCE and HgCl2 also generated a unique liver-specific antibody response not found in mice exposed to a single toxicant. This finding stresses the importance of including mixtures in assessments of chemical immunotoxicity